Java Weekly, Issue 297 – Java周刊,第297期

最后修改: 2019年 9月 4日


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Candidate JEPs: Records and Sealed Types []

Two related Java preview feature proposals that, when taken together, may be combined to form algebraic data types.


>> Quick Guide to Building a Spring Boot Starter []

Building your own starter can help with cross-cutting concerns and isn’t all that difficult.


>> Jabel – use Javac 12+ syntax when targeting Java 8 []

And an annotation processor that instruments the Java 12+ compiler to generate Java 8 bytecode, even when sources contain JVM 9+ language features such as switch statements and var declarations.

还有一个注解处理器,它可以使Java 12+编译器生成Java 8字节码,即使源码包含JVM 9+语言特性,如switch语句和var声明。

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

2. Technical and Musing


>> Modern applications at AWS []

Amazon’s journey from monolith to distributed architecture paved the way for the AWS we know today.


>> Don’t get locked up into avoiding lock-in []

And though lock-in can be costly, the up-front effort needed to avoid it may not be worth the investment in the long run.


Also worth reading:

3. Comics


>> The Inexperienced Employee []

>> Unconscious Bias []

>> Acquaintance Price Chart []

4. Pick of the Week


>> The Secret to Being a Top Developer Is Building Things! Here’s a List of Fun Apps to Build! []

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