Java Weekly, Issue 339 – Java周刊》第339期

最后修改: 2020年 6月 26日


1. Spring and Java


>> AdoptOpenJDK to Become Eclipse Adoptium []

AdoptOpenJDK is finding a new home in Eclipse Foundation and also, going to have a new and more futuristic name: Eclipse Adoptium. 

AdoptOpenJDK在Eclipse Foundation中找到了一个新的家,同时,它将有一个新的、更有未来感的名字:Eclipse Adoptium。

>> On Project Loom, the Reactive model and coroutines []

A quick overview of the upcoming CSP concurrency model in Java: The Project Loom and Lightweight Threads.

对即将到来的Java中的CSP并发模型的快速概述:Project Loom和Lightweight Threads。

Along the way, it evaluates a few other concurrency models, from the dark ages of process per request to thread per request to modern reactive non-blocking architectures and Kotlin coroutines.

一路走来,它评估了其他一些并发模型,从每个请求的进程到每个请求的线程的黑暗时代到现代反应式非阻塞架构和Kotlin coroutines。

>> Simplifying Spring Boot GraalVM Native Image builds []

Making it easier to build GraalVM native images using the native-image-maven-plugin.


Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Getting started with Github Actions: Run JUnit 5 tests in a Java project with Maven []

A practical guide on configuring GitHub actions for JUnit 5, Java 14, and Maven.

关于为JUnit 5、Java 14和Maven配置GitHub动作的实用指南。

Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Seven Legacy Integration Patterns []

Integrating effectively with the legacy software: a collection of lesser-known integration patterns, useful when can’t use APIs or message queues.


Also worth reading:


4. Pick of the Week


If you’re already a podcast listener, the Tropical MBA is a fantastic one to add to your list:


>> Tropical MBA Podcast []

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