1. Overview
Jersey is an open source framework for developing RESTFul Web Services. It also has great inbuilt client capabilities.
Jersey是一个用于开发RESTFul Web服务的开源框架。它还具有强大的内置客户端功能。
In this quick tutorial, we will explore the creation of JAX-RS client using Jersey 2.
在这个快速教程中,我们将探讨使用Jersey 2创建JAX-RS客户端。
For a discussion on the creation of RESTful Web Services using Jersey, please refer to this article.
关于使用Jersey创建RESTful Web服务的讨论,请参考这篇文章。
2. Maven Dependencies
Let’s begin by adding the required dependencies (for Jersey JAX-RS client) in the pom.xml:
让我们首先在pom.xml中添加所需的依赖项(针对Jersey JAX-RS客户端)。
To use Jackson 2.x as JSON provider:
要使用Jackson 2.x作为JSON提供者。
The latest version of these dependencies can be found at jersey-client and jersey-media-json-jackson.
3. RESTFul Client in Jersey
We will develop a JAX-RS client to consume the JSON and XML REST APIs that we developed here (we need to make sure that the service is deployed and the URL is accessible).
我们将开发一个JAX-RS客户端来消费我们开发的这里的JSON和XML REST API(我们需要确保服务已经部署并且URL可以访问)。
3.1. Resource Representation Class
Let’s have a look at the resource representation class:
public class Employee {
private int id;
private String firstName;
// standard getters and setters
JAXB annotations like @XmlRootElement are required only if XML support is needed.
只有在需要 XML 支持时,才需要像 @XmlRootElement 这样的 JAXB 注解。
3.2. Creating an Instance of a Client
The first thing we need is an instance of a Client:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
3.3. Creating a WebTarget
Once we have the Client instance, we can create a WebTarget using the URI of the targeted web resource:
WebTarget webTarget
= client.target("http://localhost:8082/spring-jersey");
Using WebTarget, we can define a path to a specific resource:
WebTarget employeeWebTarget
= webTarget.path("resources/employees");
3.4. Building an HTTP Request Invocation
An invocation builder instance is created one of the WebTarget.request() methods:
Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder
= employeeWebTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
For XML format, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML can be used.
3.5. Invoking HTTP Requests
Invoking HTTP GET:
Response response
= invocationBuilder.get(Employee.class);
Invoking HTTP POST:
Response response
= invocationBuilder
.post(Entity.entity(employee, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
3.6. Sample REST Client
Let’s begin writing a simple REST client. The getJsonEmployee() method retrieves an Employee object based on the employee id. The JSON returned by the REST Web Service is deserialized to the Employee object before returning.
让我们开始编写一个简单的REST客户端。getJsonEmployee()方法根据雇员id检索一个Employee对象。由REST Web Service返回的JSON在返回之前被反序列化为Employee对象。
Using the JAX-RS API fluently to create web target, invocation builder and invoking a GET HTTP request:
流畅地使用JAX-RS API来创建网络目标、调用构建器和调用GET HTTP请求。
public class RestClient {
private static final String REST_URI
= "http://localhost:8082/spring-jersey/resources/employees";
private Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
public Employee getJsonEmployee(int id) {
return client
Let’s now add a method for POST HTTP request. The createJsonEmployee() method creates an Employee by invoking the REST Web Service for Employee creation. The client API internally serializes the Employee object to JSON before invoking the HTTP POST method:
现在让我们添加一个POST HTTP请求的方法。createJsonEmployee()方法通过调用REST Web Service来创建Employee,从而创建一个Employee。客户端API在内部将Employee对象序列化为JSON,然后调用HTTP POST方法。
public Response createJsonEmployee(Employee emp) {
return client
.post(Entity.entity(emp, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
4. Testing the Client
Let’s test our client with JUnit:
public class JerseyClientLiveTest {
public static final int HTTP_CREATED = 201;
private RestClient client = new RestClient();
public void givenCorrectObject_whenCorrectJsonRequest_thenResponseCodeCreated() {
Employee emp = new Employee(6, "Johny");
Response response = client.createJsonEmployee(emp);
assertEquals(response.getStatus(), HTTP_CREATED);
5. Conclusion
In this article, we have introduced JAX-RS client using Jersey 2 and developed a simple RESTFul Java client.
在这篇文章中,我们使用Jersey 2介绍了JAX-RS客户端,并开发了一个简单的RESTFul Java客户端。
As always, the full source code is available in this Github project.