A Guide to Maven Artifact Classifiers – Maven Artifact分类器指南

最后修改: 2022年 2月 26日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at the role of a Maven artifact classifier. Following that, we’ll take a look at the various scenarios where they might be useful. Before concluding, we’ll briefly discuss the Maven artifact type as well.


2. What Is a Maven Artifact Classifier?


A Maven artifact classifier is an optional and arbitrary string that gets appended to the generated artifact’s name just after its version number. It distinguishes the artifacts built from the same POM but differing in content.


Let’s consider the artifact definition:



For this, the Maven jar plugin generates maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.

为此,Maven jar插件生成了maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

2.1. Generating Artifacts With a Classifier


Let’s add a classifier configuration to the jar plugin:



As a result, the maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-arbitrary.jar along with the maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is generated.


2.2. Consuming Artifacts With a Classifier


We’re now able to generate an artifact with a custom suffix using a classifier. Let’s see how we can use a classifier to consume the same.


In order to consume the default artifact, we don’t have to do anything special:



But, to consume the artifact with the custom suffix “arbitrary”, we’ll need to use the classifier element within the dependency element:

但是,为了消费带有自定义后缀 “arbitrary “的工件,我们需要在dependency元素中使用classifier元素。


After all this, a good question is why we would want to use a classifier? So, let’s look at some practical use cases where a classifier would be useful.


3. Using the Sources Classifier


We might have noticed that each Maven artifact is often accompanied by a “-sources.jar” artifact. It contains the source code, i.e., the .java files for the main artifact. It’s useful for debugging purposes.


3.1. Generating Sources Artifact


Firstly, let’s generate a sources jar for the maven-classifier-example-provider module. We’ll use maven-source-plugin to do that:



Now, let’s run:


mvn clean install

As a result, the maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar artifact is generated.


3.2. Consuming Sources Artifact


Now, to consume the sources artifact, there are several ways. Let’s take a look at one of them. We can fetch sources jar for selective dependencies using a classifier element within the dependency definition:

现在,要使用Source工件,有几种方法。让我们来看看其中的一种。我们可以使用依赖性定义中的分类器元素来获取sources jar的选择性依赖性。


Now, let’s run:


mvn clean install

As a result, the sources jar for this particular dependency is fetched. Generally, we don’t do this since it’ll unnecessarily pollute the POM. Hence, we usually prefer to use the capability of IDEs to attach the sources jar on-demand. Alternatively, we can also selectively fetch them via the mvn CLI command:

因此,这个特定依赖的源码罐被取走了。一般来说,我们不会这样做,因为这将不必要地污染POM。因此,我们通常倾向于使用IDE的功能来按需附加源代码jar。另外,我们也可以通过mvn CLI命令选择性地获取它们。

mvn dependency:sources -DincludeArtifactIds=maven-classifier-example-provider

In short, the key takeaway here is that the sources jar is referred to by using a sources classifier.

简而言之,这里的关键收获是,通过使用sources classifier来引用sources jar。

4. Using the Javadoc Classifier


In the same vein as the sources jar use case, we’ve Javadoc. It contains the documentation for the main jar artifact.

与sources jar用例相同,我们有Javadoc。它包含了主要jar构件的文档。

4.1. Generating Javadoc Artifact


Let’s use the maven-javadoc-plugin to generate the Javadoc artifact:



With the plugin defined, let’s run:


mvn clean install

As a result, the maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar artifact is generated.

因此,生成了maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar artifact。

4.2. Consuming Javadoc Artifact


Let’s now download the generated Javadoc from a consumer perspective via mvn:


mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc -DincludeArtifactIds=maven-classifier-example-provider

We can notice the -Dclassifier=javadoc option which specifies the classifier as javadoc.


5. Using the Tests Classifier


Now, let’s look at a different use case that a classifier can serve. There might be various reasons we may want to get the tests jar of a module. For one, there could be certain test stubs that we might want to reuse. Let’s see how we can get the tests to jar independent of the main jar artifact via a classifier.

现在,让我们看一下分类器可以服务的不同用例。可能有各种原因,我们可能想得到一个模块的测试罐。首先,可能有一些测试存根,我们可能想重复使用。让我们看看我们如何通过分类器使测试独立于主jar artifact。

5.1. Generating Tests Jar


Firstly, let’s generate the tests jar for the maven-classifier-example-provider module. In order to do that, we’ll use the Maven jar plugin by specifying test-jar goal:


            <id>Test Jar</id>

Now, let’s run:


mvn clean install

As a result, the tests jar maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar is generated and installed.

因此,测试jar maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar被生成和安装。

5.2. Consuming Tests Jar


And now, let’s get the tests jar dependency into our consumer module maven-classifier-example-consumer. We do this using the tests classifier:



With that, we should be able to access the classes available in the test packages of maven-classifier-example-provider


6. Using Classifiers to Support Multiple Java Versions


Earlier, we had used an arbitrary classifier to build a second jar for our maven-classifier-example-provider module. Let’s now put that to more practical use.


Java is now releasing a newer version at a much faster cadence of 6 months. Consequently, it requires the module developers to be able to support multiple versions of Java. It might sound like a challenging task to build multiple jars for our modules compiled with different Java versions. That’s where the Maven classifier comes to the rescue. We can build multiple jars compiled with different Java versions using a single POM.


6.1. Compiling With Multiple Java Versions


Firstly, we’ll configure the Maven compiler plugin to generate compiled class files using both JDK 8 and JDK 11:

首先,我们将配置Maven编译器插件,以便使用JDK 8和JDK 11生成编译后的类文件。

            <id>JDK 8</id>
            <id>JDK 11</id>

We’re setting up two execution blocks, one for Java 8 and the other for Java 11.

我们正在设置两个执行块,一个用于Java 8,另一个用于Java 11。

Following this, we’ve configured the outputDirectory to be different for Java 11. On the other hand, Java 8 compilation will use the default outputDirectory.

在这之后,我们将outputDirectory配置为与Java 11不同。另一方面,Java 8的编译将使用默认的outputDirectory

Next comes the source and target Java version configuration. The source code is written using Java 8, so we keep the source version as 8 and modify the target version for Java 11 execution block as 11.

接下来是源和目标Java版本的配置。源代码是用Java 8编写的,所以我们保持源版本为8,并将Java 11执行块的目标版本修改为11。

We’ve also explicitly provided the executable path for Java 11’s compiler javac. For Java 8, Maven will use the default javac configured on the system which in this case is Java 8’s javac:

我们还明确提供了Java 11的编译器javac的可执行路径。对于Java 8,Maven将使用系统上配置的默认javac,本例中就是Java 8的javac

mvn clean compile

As a result, two folders will be generated within the target folder – classes and classes_jdk11.

因此,在目标文件夹中会产生两个文件夹 – classesclasses_jdk11

6.2. Generating Jar Artifacts for Multiple Java Versions


Secondly, we can proceed to package the module into two separate jars with the Maven jar plugin:

其次,我们可以用Maven jar插件将模块打包成两个独立的jar。


We can notice that the classifier is set to jdk11.


Now, let’s run:


mvn clean install

As a result, two jars are generated – maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jdk11.jar and maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. The first one was compiled using the Java 11 compiler and the second using the Java 8 compiler.

因此,生成了两个jar–maven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jdk11.jarmaven-classifier-example-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar。第一个是用Java 11编译器编译的,第二个是用Java 8编译器编译的。

6.3. Consuming Jar Artifact of a Specific Java Version

6.3.消耗特定 Java 版本的 Jar Artifact

And finally, the consumers of our module can choose which jar artifact is relevant for them, based on the Java version they are using. Let’s see how we can use these jars from a consumer’s perspective.

最后,我们模块的消费者可以根据他们使用的Java版本,选择与他们有关的jar artifact。让我们从消费者的角度看看我们如何使用这些jar。

If we’re working on a Java 8 project we wouldn’t have to do anything special. We’ll just add a vanilla dependency:

如果我们在一个Java 8项目上工作,我们就不必做任何特别的事情。我们只需添加一个vanilla的依赖关系。


However, if we’re working on a Java 11 project we’ve to explicitly ask for the jar compiled with Java 11 via a classifier:

然而,如果我们正在处理一个Java 11项目,我们必须通过一个分类器明确要求使用Java 11编译的jar。


7. Artifact Classifier vs. Artifact Type


Before we conclude this article, let’s have a brief look at artifact type. While artifact type and classifier are closely related, they are not interchangeable. An artifact type defines the packing format of an artifact e.g. POM or jar. It also translates to the file extension in most cases. It may also have a corresponding classifier too.


In other words, the artifact type deals with the packing of the artifact and may use a classifier to modify the name of the artifact generated.


The two use cases that we saw earlier with the Java Sources and the Javadoc are examples of artifact types that use sources and javadoc as classifiers.

我们之前看到的Java Sources和Javadoc的两个用例是使用sourcesjavadoc作为分类器的工件类型。

8. Conclusion


In this article, we saw how classifiers provide a way to generate multiple artifacts from a single POM file. Using a classifier, the consumers can pick and choose from the various artifacts of a particular module as needed.


As always, the code samples are available over on GitHub.

一如既往,代码样本可在GitHub上获得< data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?q=http://thelink.com/&source=gmail&ust=1640234878959000&usg=AOvVaw30romyOBJxqLz0Fo0Ry2P-” href=”https://github.com/eugenp/tutorials/tree/master/maven-modules/maven-classifier” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>over on Git。