Intro to OData with Olingo – 使用Olingo的OData介绍

最后修改: 2019年 5月 23日


1. Introduction


This tutorial is a follow-up to our OData Protocol Guide, where we’ve explored the basics of the OData protocol.


Now, we’ll see how to implement a simple OData service using the Apache Olingo library.

现在,我们将看到如何使用Apache Olingo库实现一个简单的OData服务

This library provides a framework to expose data using the OData protocol, thus allowing easy, standards-based access to information that would otherwise be locked away in internal databases.


2. What Is Olingo?


Olingo is one of the “featured” OData implementations available for the Java environment – the other being the SDL OData Framework. It is maintained by the Apache Foundation and is comprised of three main modules:

Olingo是适用于Java环境的 “特色 “OData实现之一 – 另一个是SDL OData框架。它由Apache基金会维护,由三个主要模块组成。

  • Java V2 – client and server libraries supporting OData V2
  • Java V4 – server libraries supporting OData V4
  • Javascript V4 – Javascript, client-only library supporting OData V4

In this article, we’ll cover only the server-side V2 Java libraries, which support direct integration with JPA. The resulting service supports CRUD operations and other OData protocol features, including ordering, paging and filtering.

在这篇文章中,我们将只涉及服务器端的V2 Java库,它支持与JPA直接集成。由此产生的服务支持CRUD操作和其他OData协议特性,包括排序、分页和过滤。

Olingo V4, on the other hand, only handles the lower-level aspects of the protocol, such as content-type negotiation and URL parsing. This means that it’ll be up to us, developers, to code all nitty-gritty details regarding things like metadata generation, generating back-end queries based on URL parameters, etc.

另一方面,Olingo V4只处理协议的低级方面,如内容类型协商和URL解析。这意味着,所有关于元数据生成、基于URL参数生成后端查询等方面的琐碎细节,都将由我们这些开发者来编码。

As for the JavaScript client library, we’re leaving it out for now because, since OData is an HTTP-based protocol, we can use any REST library to access it.


3. An Olingo Java V2 Service

3.一个Olingo Java V2服务

Let’s create a simple OData service with the two EntitySets that we’ve used in our brief introduction to the protocol itself. At its core, Olingo V2 is simply a set of JAX-RS resources and, as such, we need to provide the required infrastructure in order to use it. Namely, we need a JAX-RS implementation and a compatible servlet container.

让我们用我们在协议的简要介绍本身中使用的两个EntitySets创建一个简单的OData服务。Olingo V2 的核心是一组 JAX-RS 资源,因此,我们需要提供所需的基础设施,以便使用它。也就是说,我们需要一个JAX-RS实现和一个兼容的Servlet容器。

For this example, we’ve opted to use Spring Boot – as it provides a quick way to create a suitable environment to host our service. We’ll also use Olingo’s JPA adapter, which “talks” directly to a user-supplied EntityManager in order to gather all data needed to create the OData’s EntityDataModel.

在本例中,我们选择使用Spring Boot–因为它提供了一种快速创建合适环境来托管我们的服务的方法。我们还将使用 Olingo 的 JPA 适配器,它直接与用户提供的 EntityManager 进行 “对话”,以便收集创建 OData 的 EntityDataModel 所需的所有数据。

While not a strict requirement, including the JPA adapter greatly simplifies the task of creating our service.


Besides standard Spring Boot dependencies, we need to add a couple of Olingo’s jars:

除了标准的Spring Boot依赖,我们还需要添加一些Olingo的jars。


The latest version of those libraries is available at Maven’s Central repository:


We need those exclusions in this list because Olingo has dependencies on EclipseLink as its JPA provider and also uses a different JAX-RS version than Spring Boot.

我们在这个列表中需要这些排除法,因为Olingo依赖EclipseLink作为其JPA提供者,而且还使用了与Spring Boot不同的JAX-RS版本。

3.1. Domain Classes


The first step to implement a JPA-based OData service with Olingo is to create our domain entities. In this simple example, we’ll create just two classes – CarMaker and CarModel – with a single one-to-many relationship:


public class CarMaker {    
    @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)    
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy="maker",orphanRemoval = true,cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
    private List<CarModel> models;
    // ... getters, setters and hashcode omitted 

public class CarModel {
    @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Integer year;
    private String sku;
    @ManyToOne(optional=false,fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="maker_fk")
    private CarMaker maker;
    // ... getters, setters and hashcode omitted

3.2. ODataJPAServiceFactory Implementation


The key component we need to provide to Olingo in order to serve data from a JPA domain is a concrete implementation of an abstract class called ODataJPAServiceFactory. This class should extend ODataServiceFactory and works as an adapter between JPA and OData. We’ll name this factory CarsODataJPAServiceFactory, after the main topic for our domain:


public class CarsODataJPAServiceFactory extends ODataJPAServiceFactory {
    // other methods omitted...

    public ODataJPAContext initializeODataJPAContext() throws ODataJPARuntimeException {
        ODataJPAContext ctx = getODataJPAContext();
        ODataContext octx = ctx.getODataContext();
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) octx.getParameter(
        EntityManager em = (EntityManager) request
        return ctx;

Olingo calls the initializeJPAContext() method if this class to get a new ODataJPAContext  used to handle every OData request. Here, we use the getODataJPAContext() method from the base classe to get a “plain” instance which we then do some customization.

Olingo调用该类的initializeJPAContext()方法,以获得一个新的ODataJPAContext,用于处理每个OData请求。在这里,我们使用基类中的getODataJPAContext()方法来获得一个 “普通 “实例,然后进行一些定制。

This process is somewhat convoluted, so let’s draw a UML sequence to visualize how all this happens:


Olingo Request Processing

Note that we’re intentionally using setEntityManager() instead of setEntityManagerFactory(). We could get one from Spring but, if we pass it to Olingo, it’ll conflict with the way that Spring Boot handles its lifecycle – especially when dealing with transactions.

请注意,我们有意使用setEntityManager() ,而不是setEntityManagerFactory()。我们可以从Spring获得一个,但如果我们将其传递给Olingo,就会与Spring Boot处理其生命周期的方式相冲突–尤其是在处理事务时。

For this reason, we’ll resort to pass an already existing EntityManager instance and inform it that its lifecycle its externally managed. The injected EntityManager instance comes from an attribute available at the current request. We’ll later see how to set this attribute.


3.3. Jersey Resource Registration


The next step is to register our ServiceFactory with Olingo’s runtime and register Olingo’s entry point with the JAX-RS runtime. We’ll do it inside a ResourceConfig derived class, where we also define the OData path for our service to be /odata:


public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
    public JerseyConfig(CarsODataJPAServiceFactory serviceFactory, EntityManagerFactory emf) {        
        ODataApplication app = new ODataApplication();        
          .forEach( c -> {
              if ( !ODataRootLocator.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
        register(new CarsRootLocator(serviceFactory)); 
        register(new EntityManagerFilter(emf));
    // ... other methods omitted

Olingo’s provided ODataApplication is a regular JAX-RS Application class that registers a few providers using the standard callback getClasses()

Olingo 提供的 ODataApplication 是一个普通的 JAX-RS Application 类,它使用标准回调 getClasses() 注册了一些提供者。

We can use all but the ODataRootLocator class as-is. This particular one is responsible for instantiating our ODataJPAServiceFactory implementation using Java’s newInstance() method. But, since we want Spring to manage it for us, we need to replace it by a custom locator.

除了ODataRootLocator类,我们可以按原样使用所有的类。这个特别的类负责使用Java的ODataJPAServiceFactory实现newInstance() 方法来实例化我们的ODataJPAServiceFactory。但是,由于我们希望Spring为我们管理它,我们需要用一个自定义的定位器来代替它。

This locator is a very simple JAX-RS resource that extends Olingo’s stock ODataRootLocator and it returns our Spring-managed ServiceFactory when needed:


public class CarsRootLocator extends ODataRootLocator {
    private CarsODataJPAServiceFactory serviceFactory;
    public CarsRootLocator(CarsODataJPAServiceFactory serviceFactory) {
        this.serviceFactory = serviceFactory;

    public ODataServiceFactory getServiceFactory() {
       return this.serviceFactory;

3.4. EntityManager Filter

3.4 EntityManager 过滤器

The last remaining piece for our OData service the EntityManagerFilter. This filter injects an EntityManager in the current request, so it is available to the ServiceFactory. It’s a simple JAX-RS @Provider class that implements both ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter interfaces, so it can properly handle transactions:

我们的OData服务剩下的最后一块是EntityManagerFilter这个过滤器在当前请求中注入一个EntityManager,因此它对ServiceFactory可用。这是一个简单的 JAX-RS @Provider 类,它同时实现了 ContainerRequestFilterContainerResponseFilter 接口,因此它可以正确处理事务。

public static class EntityManagerFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, 
  ContainerResponseFilter {

    public static final String EM_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE = 
      EntityManagerFilter.class.getName() + "_ENTITY_MANAGER";
    private final EntityManagerFactory emf;

    private HttpServletRequest httpRequest;

    public EntityManagerFilter(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
        this.emf = emf;

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {
        EntityManager em = this.emf.createEntityManager();
        httpRequest.setAttribute(EM_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, em);
        if (!"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(ctx.getMethod())) {

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, 
      ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
        EntityManager em = (EntityManager) httpRequest.getAttribute(EM_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (!"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(requestContext.getMethod())) {
            EntityTransaction t = em.getTransaction();
            if (t.isActive() && !t.getRollbackOnly()) {

The first filter() method, called at the start of a resource request, uses the provided EntityManagerFactory to create a new EntityManager instance, which is then put under an attribute so it can later be recovered by the ServiceFactory. We also skip GET requests since should not have any side effects, and so we won’t need a transaction.


The second filter()  method is called after Olingo has finished processing the request. Here we also check the request method, too, and commit the transaction if required.

第二个filter() 方法在Olingo处理完请求后被调用。在这里,我们也会检查请求方法,如果需要的话,也会提交事务。

3.5. Testing

Let’s test our implementation using simple curl commands. The first this we can do is get the services $metadata document:


curl http://localhost:8080/odata/$metadata

As expected, the document contains two types – CarMaker and CarModel – and an association. Now, let’s play a bit more with our service, retrieving top-level collections and entities:


curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarMakers
curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarModels
curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarMakers(1)
curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarModels(1)
curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarModels(1)/CarMakerDetails

Now, let’s test a simple query returning all CarMakers where its name starts with ‘B’:


curl http://localhost:8080/odata/CarMakers?$filter=startswith(Name,'B')

A more complete list of example URLs is available at our OData Protocol Guide article.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve seen how to create a simple OData service backed by a JPA domain using Olingo V2.

在这篇文章中,我们已经看到了如何使用Olingo V2创建一个由JPA域支持的简单OData服务。

As of this writing, there is an open issue on Olingo’s JIRA tracking the works on a JPA module for V4, but the last comment dates back to 2016. There’s also a third-party open-source JPA adapter hosted at SAP’s GitHub repository which, although unreleased, seems to be more feature-complete at this point than Olingo’s one.

截至目前,在Olingo的JIRA上有一个开放问题,跟踪V4的JPA模块的工作,但最后的评论可以追溯到2016年。还有一个第三方开源 JPA 适配器托管在 SAP 的 GitHub 仓库,虽然尚未发布,但在这一点上似乎比 Olingo 的适配器功能更完整。

As usual, all code for this article is available over on GitHub.
