1. Overview
Redisson is a Redis client for Java. In this article, we’ll explore some of its features, and demonstrate how it could facilitate building distributed business applications.
Redisson constitutes an in-memory data grid that offers distributed Java objects and services backed by Redis. Its distributed in-memory data model allows sharing of domain objects and services across applications and servers.
In this article we’ll see hot to setup Redisson, understand how it operates, and explore some of Redisson’s objects and services.
2. Maven Dependencies
Let’s get started by importing Redisson to our project by adding the section below to our pom.xml:
The latest version of this dependency can be found here.
3. Configuration
Before we get started, we must ensure we have the latest version of Redis setup and running. If you don’t have Redis and you use Linux or Macintosh, you can follow the information here to get it setup. If you’re a Windows user, you can setup Redis using this unofficial port.
在我们开始之前,我们必须确保我们有最新版本的Redis的设置和运行。如果您没有 Redis,并且使用 Linux 或 Macintosh,您可以按照这里的信息来设置它。如果您是Windows用户,您可以使用这个非官方的端口设置Redis。
We need to configure Redisson to connect to Redis. Redisson supports connections to the following Redis configurations:
- Single node
- Master with slave nodes
- Sentinel nodes
- Clustered nodes
- Replicated nodes
Redisson supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) ElastiCache Cluster and Azure Redis Cache for Clustered and Replicated Nodes.
Redisson支持亚马逊网络服务(AWS)ElastiCache集群和Azure Redis Cache,用于集群和复制节点。
Let’s connect to a single node instance of Redis. This instance is running locally on the default port, 6379:
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create();
You can pass different configurations to the Redisson object’s create method. This could be configurations to have it connect to a different port, or maybe, to connect to a Redis cluster. This configuration could be in Java code or loaded from an external configuration file.
你可以向Redisson对象的create方法传递不同的配置。这可以是让它连接到不同的端口的配置,或者是连接到 Redis 集群的配置。这种配置可以在Java代码中,也可以从外部配置文件中加载。
3.1. Java Configuration
3.1. Java配置
Let’s configure Redisson in Java code:
Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create(config);
We specify Redisson configurations in an instance of a Config object and then pass it to the create method. Above, we specified to Redisson that we want to connect to a single node instance of Redis. To do this we used the Config object’s useSingleServer method. This returns a reference to a SingleServerConfig object.
我们在Config对象的实例中指定Redisson的配置,然后将其传递给create方法。上面,我们向 Redisson 指定我们要连接到 Redis 的单节点实例。为了做到这一点,我们使用了Config对象的useSingleServer方法。这将返回一个指向SingleServerConfig对象的引用。
The SingleServerConfig object has settings that Redisson uses to connect to a single node instance of Redis. Here, we use its setAddress method to configure the address setting. This sets the address of the node we’re connecting to. Some other settings include retryAttempts, connectionTimeout and clientName. These settings are configured using their corresponding setter methods.
SingleServerConfig对象拥有 Redisson 用来连接到 Redis 单个节点实例的设置。在这里,我们使用其 setAddress 方法来配置 address 设置。这设置了我们要连接的节点的地址。其他一些设置包括retryAttempts、connectionTimeout和clientName。这些设置是用它们相应的setter方法配置的。
We can configure Redisson for different Redis configurations in a similar way using the Config object’s following methods:
- useSingleServer – for single node instance. Get single node settings here
- useMasterSlaveServers – for master with slave nodes. Get master-slave node settings here
- useSentinelServers – for sentinel nodes. Get sentinel node settings here
- useClusterServers – for clustered nodes. Get clustered node settings here
- useReplicatedServers – for replicated nodes. Get replicated node settings here
3.2. File Configuration
Redisson can load configurations from external JSON or YAML files:
Config config = Config.fromJSON(new File("singleNodeConfig.json"));
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create(config);
The Config object’s fromJSON method can load configurations from a string, file, input stream or URL.
Here is the sample configuration in the singleNodeConfig.json file:
"singleServerConfig": {
"idleConnectionTimeout": 10000,
"connectTimeout": 10000,
"timeout": 3000,
"retryAttempts": 3,
"retryInterval": 1500,
"password": null,
"subscriptionsPerConnection": 5,
"clientName": null,
"address": "redis://",
"subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize": 1,
"subscriptionConnectionPoolSize": 50,
"connectionMinimumIdleSize": 10,
"connectionPoolSize": 64,
"database": 0,
"dnsMonitoringInterval": 5000
"threads": 0,
"nettyThreads": 0,
"codec": null
Here is a corresponding YAML configuration file:
idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
connectTimeout: 10000
timeout: 3000
retryAttempts: 3
retryInterval: 1500
password: null
subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
clientName: null
address: "redis://"
subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
connectionMinimumIdleSize: 10
connectionPoolSize: 64
database: 0
dnsMonitoringInterval: 5000
threads: 0
nettyThreads: 0
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.JsonJacksonCodec> {}
We can configure other Redis configurations from a file in a similar manner using settings peculiar to that configuration. For your reference, here are their JSON and YAML file formats:
- Single node – format
- Master with slave nodes – format
- Sentinel nodes – format
- Clustered nodes – format
- Replicated nodes – format
To save a Java configuration to JSON or YAML format, we can use the toJSON or toYAML methods of the Config object:
Config config = new Config();
// ... we configure multiple settings here in Java
String jsonFormat = config.toJSON();
String yamlFormat = config.toYAML();
Now that we know how to configure Redisson, let’s look at how Redisson executes operations.
4. Operation
Redisson supports synchronous, asynchronous and reactive interfaces. Operations over these interfaces are thread-safe.
All entities (objects, collections, locks and services) generated by a RedissonClient have synchronous and asynchronous methods. Synchronous methods bear asynchronous variants. These methods normally bear the same method name of their synchronous variants appended with “Async”. Let’s look at a synchronous method of the RAtomicLong object:
由RedissonClient生成的所有实体(对象、集合、锁和服务)都有同步和异步方法。同步方法带有异步变体。这些方法的名称通常与同步变体的方法名称相同,并附加 “Async”。让我们看看RAtomicLong对象的一个同步方法。
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create();
RAtomicLong myLong = client.getAtomicLong('myLong');
The asynchronous variant of the synchronous compareAndSet method would be:
RFuture<Boolean> isSet = myLong.compareAndSetAsync(6, 27);
The asynchronous variant of the method returns an RFuture object. We can set listeners on this object to get back the result when it becomes available:
isSet.handle((result, exception) -> {
// handle the result or exception here.
To generate reactive objects, we would need to use the RedissonReactiveClient:
RedissonReactiveClient client = Redisson.createReactive();
RAtomicLongReactive myLong = client.getAtomicLong("myLong");
Publisher<Boolean> isSetPublisher = myLong.compareAndSet(5, 28);
This method returns reactive objects based on the Reactive Streams Standard for Java 9.
该方法基于反应式流标准为Java 9返回反应式对象。
Let’s explore some of the distributed objects provided by Redisson.
5. Objects
An individual instance of a Redisson object is serialized and stored in any of the available Redis nodes backing Redisson. These objects could be distributed in a cluster across multiple nodes and can be accessed by a single application or multiple applications/servers.
These distributed objects follow specifications from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package. They support lock-free, thread-safe and atomic operations on objects stored in Redis. Data consistency between applications/servers is ensured as values are not updated while another application is reading the object.
这些分布式对象遵循java.util.concurrent.atomic 包的规范。它们支持对存储在 Redis 中的对象进行无锁、线程安全和原子操作。应用程序/服务器之间的数据一致性得到了保证,因为当另一个应用程序正在读取该对象时,值不会被更新。
Redisson objects are bound to Redis keys. We can manage these keys through the RKeys interface. And then, we access our Redisson objects using these keys.
There are several options we may use to get the Redis keys.
We can simple get all the keys:
RKeys keys = client.getKeys();
Alternatively, we can extract only the names:
Iterable<String> allKeys = keys.getKeys();
And finally, we’re able to get the keys conforming to a pattern:
Iterable<String> keysByPattern = keys.getKeysByPattern('key*')
The RKeys interface also allows deleting keys, deleting keys by pattern and other useful key-based operations that we could use to manage our keys and objects.
Distributed objects provided by Redisson include:
- ObjectHolder
- BinaryStreamHolder
- GeospatialHolder
- BitSet
- AtomicLong
- AtomicDouble
- Topic
- BloomFilter
- HyperLogLog
Let’s take a look at three of these objects: ObjectHolder, AtomicLong, and Topic.
让我们看一下其中的三个对象。ObjectHolder, AtomicLong,和Topic.。
5.1. Object Holder
Represented by the RBucket class, this object can hold any type of object. This object has a maximum size of 512MB:
RBucket<Ledger> bucket = client.getBucket("ledger");
bucket.set(new Ledger());
Ledger ledger = bucket.get();
The RBucket object can perform atomic operations such as compareAndSet and getAndSet on objects it holds.
5.2. AtomicLong
Represented by the RAtomicLong class, this object closely resembles the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong class and represents a long value that can be updated atomically:
RAtomicLong atomicLong = client.getAtomicLong("myAtomicLong");
5.3. Topic
The Topic object supports the Redis’ “publish and subscribe” mechanism. To listen for published messages:
Topic对象支持Redis的 “发布和订阅 “机制。要监听发布的消息。
RTopic subscribeTopic = client.getTopic("baeldung");
(channel, customMessage) -> future.complete(customMessage.getMessage()));
Above, the Topic is registered to listen to messages from the “baeldung” channel. We then add a listener to the topic to handle incoming messages from that channel. We can add multiple listeners to a channel.
上面,Topic被注册为监听来自 “baeldung “频道的消息。然后我们给主题添加一个监听器,以处理来自该通道的传入消息。我们可以为一个频道添加多个监听器。
Let’s publish messages to the “baeldung” channel:
让我们把信息发布到 “baeldung “频道。
RTopic publishTopic = client.getTopic("baeldung");
long clientsReceivedMessage
= publishTopic.publish(new CustomMessage("This is a message"));
This could be published from another application or server. The CustomMessage object will be received by the listener and processed as defined in the onMessage method.
We can learn more about other Redisson objects here.
6. Collections
We handle Redisson collections in the same fashion we handle objects.
Distributed collections provided by Redisson include:
- Map
- Multimap
- Set
- SortedSet
- ScoredSortedSet
- LexSortedSet
- List
- Queue
- Deque
- BlockingQueue
- BoundedBlockingQueue
- BlockingDeque
- BlockingFairQueue
- DelayedQueue
- PriorityQueue
- PriorityDeque
Let’s take a look at three of these collections: Map, Set, and List.
让我们来看看这些集合中的三个。Map, Set,和List.。
6.1. Map
Redisson based maps implement the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap and java.util.Map interfaces. Redisson has four map implementations. These are RMap, RMapCache, RLocalCachedMap and RClusteredMap.
基于Redisson的地图实现了java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap和java.util.Map接口。Redisson 有四个地图实现。它们是RMap、RMapCache、RLocalCachedMap和RClusteredMap。
Let’s create a map with Redisson:
RMap<String, Ledger> map = client.getMap("ledger");
Ledger newLedger = map.put("123", new Ledger());map
RMapCache supports map entry eviction. RLocalCachedMap allows local caching of map entries. RClusteredMap allows data from a single map to be split across Redis cluster master nodes.
We can learn more about Redisson maps here.
6.2. Set
Redisson based Set implements the java.util.Set interface.
Redisson has three Set implementations, RSet, RSetCache, and RClusteredSet with similar functionality as their map counterparts.
Let’s create a Set with Redisson:
RSet<Ledger> ledgerSet = client.getSet("ledgerSet");
ledgerSet.add(new Ledger());
We can learn more about Redisson sets here.
6.3. List
Redisson-based Lists implement the java.util.List interface.
Let’s create a List with Redisson:
RList<Ledger> ledgerList = client.getList("ledgerList");
ledgerList.add(new Ledger());
We can learn more about other Redisson collections here.
7. Locks and Synchronizers
Redisson’s distributed locks allow for thread synchronization across applications/servers. Redisson’s list of locks and synchronizers include:
- Lock
- FairLock
- MultiLock
- ReadWriteLock
- Semaphore
- PermitExpirableSemaphore
- CountDownLatch
Let’s take a look at Lock and MultiLock.
7.1. Lock
Redisson’s Lock implements java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock interface.
Let’s implement a lock, represented by the RLock class:
RLock lock = client.getLock("lock");
// perform some long operations...
7.2. MultiLock
Redisson’s RedissonMultiLock groups multiple RLock objects and treats them as a single lock:
RLock lock1 = clientInstance1.getLock("lock1");
RLock lock2 = clientInstance2.getLock("lock2");
RLock lock3 = clientInstance3.getLock("lock3");
RedissonMultiLock lock = new RedissonMultiLock(lock1, lock2, lock3);
// perform long running operation...
We can learn more about other locks here.
8. Services
Redisson exposes 4 types of distributed services. These are: Remote Service, Live Object Service, Executor Service and Scheduled Executor Service. Let’s look at the Remote Service and Live Object Service.
8.1. Remote Service
This service provides Java remote method invocation facilitated by Redis. A Redisson remote service consists of a server-side (worker instance) and client-side implementation. The server-side implementation executes a remote method invoked by the client. Calls from a remote service can be synchronous or asynchronous.
The server-side registers an interface for remote invocation:
RRemoteService remoteService = client.getRemoteService();
LedgerServiceImpl ledgerServiceImpl = new LedgerServiceImpl();
remoteService.register(LedgerServiceInterface.class, ledgerServiceImpl);
The client-side calls a method of the registered remote interface:
RRemoteService remoteService = client.getRemoteService();
LedgerServiceInterface ledgerService
= remoteService.get(LedgerServiceInterface.class);
List<String> entries = ledgerService.getEntries(10);
We can learn more about remote services here.
8.2. Live Object Service
Redisson Live Objects extend the concept of standard Java objects that could only be accessed from a single JVM to enhanced Java objects that could be shared between different JVMs in different machines. This is accomplished by mapping an object’s fields to a Redis hash. This mapping is made through a runtime-constructed proxy class. Field getters and setters are mapped to Redis hget/hset commands.
Redisson Live Objects将只能从单个JVM访问的标准Java对象的概念扩展为可在不同机器的不同JVM之间共享的增强型Java对象。这是通过将一个对象的字段映射到Redis哈希上实现的。这种映射是通过运行时构建的代理类进行的。字段的获取器和设置器被映射到Redis的hget/hset命令。
Redisson Live Objects support atomic field access as a result of Redis’ single-threaded nature.
由于Redis的单线程特性,Redisson Live Objects支持原子字段访问。
Creating a Live Object is simple:
public class LedgerLiveObject {
private String name;
// getters and setters...
We annotate our class with @REntity and a unique or identifying field with @RId. Once we have done this, we can use our Live Object in our application:
RLiveObjectService service = client.getLiveObjectService();
LedgerLiveObject ledger = new LedgerLiveObject();
ledger = service.persist(ledger);
We create our Live Object like standard Java objects using the new keyword. We then use an instance of RLiveObjectService to save the object to Redis using its persist method.
If the object has previously been persisted to Redis, we can retrieve the object:
LedgerLiveObject returnLedger
= service.get(LedgerLiveObject.class, "ledger1");
We use the RLiveObjectService to get our Live Object using the field annotated with @RId.
Here we can find more about Redisson Live Objects, and other Redisson services are described here.
在这里我们可以找到更多关于Redisson Live Objects的信息,而其他Redisson服务的描述在这里。。
9. Pipelining
Redisson supports pipelining. Multiple operations can be batched as a single atomic operation. This is facilitated by the RBatch class. Multiple commands are aggregated against an RBatch object instance before they are executed:
RBatch batch = client.createBatch();
batch.getMap("ledgerMap").fastPutAsync("1", "2");
batch.getMap("ledgerMap").putAsync("2", "5");
BatchResult<?> batchResult = batch.execute();
10. Scripting
Redisson supports LUA scripting. We can execute LUA scripts against Redis:
String result = client.getScript().eval(Mode.READ_ONLY,
"return redis.call('get', 'foo')", RScript.ReturnType.VALUE);
11. Low-Level Client
It’s possible that we might want to perform Redis operations not yet supported by Redisson. Redisson provides a low-level client that allows execution of native Redis commands:
我们有可能想要执行Redisson尚不支持的Redis操作。Redisson 提供了一个低级别的客户端,允许执行本地 Redis 命令。
RedisClientConfig redisClientConfig = new RedisClientConfig();
redisClientConfig.setAddress("localhost", 6379);
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisClientConfig);
RedisConnection conn = client.connect();
conn.sync(StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.SET, "test", 0);
The low-level client also supports asynchronous operations.
12. Conclusion
12 结论
This article showcased Redisson and some of the features that make it ideal for developing distributed applications. We explored its distributed objects, collections, locks and services. We also explored some of its other features such as pipelining, scripting and its low-level client.
Redisson also provides integration with other frameworks such as the JCache API, Spring Cache, Hibernate Cache and Spring Sessions. We can learn more about its integration with other frameworks here.
Redisson还提供与其他框架的集成,如JCache API、Spring Cache、Hibernate Cache和Spring Sessions。我们可以了解其与其他框架集成的更多信息这里。
You can find code samples in the GitHub project.