1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to get all the information about a method’s signature, arguments, and annotations, using a Spring AOP aspect.
在本教程中,我们将向您展示如何使用Spring AOP方面来获取关于方法的签名、参数和注释的所有信息。
2. Maven Dependencies
Let’s start by adding Spring Boot AOP Starter library dependency in the pom.xml:
让我们开始添加Spring Boot AOP Starter库的依赖性,在pom.xml。
3. Creating Our Pointcut Annotation
Let’s create an AccountOperation annotation. To clarify, we’ll use it as the pointcut in our aspect:
public @interface AccountOperation {
String operation();
Note that creating an annotation is not mandatory for defining a pointcut. In other words, we can define other pointcuts types like certain methods in a class, methods starting with some prefix, etc., by using the pointcut definition language provided by Spring AOP.
注意,创建注解并不是定义一个pointcut的必须条件。换句话说,我们可以通过使用Spring AOP提供的pointcut定义语言来定义其他的pointcut类型,如类中的某些方法、以某些前缀开头的方法等等。
4. Creating Our Example Service
4.1. Account Class
Let’s create an Account POJO with accountNumber and balance properties. We’ll use it as the method argument in our service methods:
让我们创建一个带有accountNumber和balance属性的Account POJO。我们将在我们的服务方法中使用它作为方法参数。
public class Account {
private String accountNumber;
private double balance;
// getter / setters / toString
4.2. Service Class
Let’s now create the BankAccountService class with two methods we annotate with @AccountOperation annotation so we can get the information of the methods in our aspect. Note the withdraw method throws a checked exception WithdrawLimitException to demonstrate how we can get the information about the exceptions thrown by a method.
Also, note the getBalance method doesn’t have the AccountOperation annotation, so it won’t be intercepted by the aspect:
public class BankAccountService {
@AccountOperation(operation = "deposit")
public void deposit(Account account, Double amount) {
account.setBalance(account.getBalance() + amount);
@AccountOperation(operation = "withdraw")
public void withdraw(Account account, Double amount) throws WithdrawLimitException {
if(amount > 500.0) {
throw new WithdrawLimitException("Withdraw limit exceeded.");
account.setBalance(account.getBalance() - amount);
public double getBalance() {
return RandomUtils.nextDouble();
5. Defining Our Aspect
Let’s create a BankAccountAspect to get all the necessary information from the related methods called in our BankAccountService:
public class BankAccountAspect {
@Before(value = "@annotation(com.baeldung.method.info.AccountOperation)")
public void getAccountOperationInfo(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
// Method Information
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
System.out.println("full method description: " + signature.getMethod());
System.out.println("method name: " + signature.getMethod().getName());
System.out.println("declaring type: " + signature.getDeclaringType());
// Method args
System.out.println("Method args names:");
.forEach(s -> System.out.println("arg name: " + s));
System.out.println("Method args types:");
.forEach(s -> System.out.println("arg type: " + s));
System.out.println("Method args values:");
.forEach(o -> System.out.println("arg value: " + o.toString()));
// Additional Information
System.out.println("returning type: " + signature.getReturnType());
System.out.println("method modifier: " + Modifier.toString(signature.getModifiers()));
.forEach(aClass -> System.out.println("exception type: " + aClass));
// Method annotation
Method method = signature.getMethod();
AccountOperation accountOperation = method.getAnnotation(AccountOperation.class);
System.out.println("Account operation annotation: " + accountOperation);
System.out.println("Account operation value: " + accountOperation.operation());
Note we defined our pointcut as an annotation, so as the getBalance method in our BankAccountService is not annotated with AccountOperation, the aspect won’t intercept it.
Let’s now analyze each part of our aspect in detail and look at what we get in the console when calling the BankAccountService methods.
5.1. Getting the Information About Method Signature
To be able to get our method signature information, we need to retrieve the MethodSignature from the JoinPoint object:
为了能够获得我们的方法签名信息,我们需要从MethodSignature 对象中检索到JoinPoint 对象。
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
System.out.println("full method description: " + signature.getMethod());
System.out.println("method name: " + signature.getMethod().getName());
System.out.println("declaring type: " + signature.getDeclaringType());
Let’s now call the withdraw() method of our service:
void withdraw() {
bankAccountService.withdraw(account, 500.0);
assertTrue(account.getBalance() == 1500.0);
After running the withdraw() test, we can now see on the console the following results:
full method description: public void com.baeldung.method.info.BankAccountService.withdraw(com.baeldung.method.info.Account,java.lang.Double) throws com.baeldung.method.info.WithdrawLimitException
method name: withdraw
declaring type: class com.baeldung.method.info.BankAccountService
5.2. Getting the Information About Arguments
To retrieve the information about the method arguments, we can use the MethodSignature object:
System.out.println("Method args names:");
Arrays.stream(signature.getParameterNames()).forEach(s -> System.out.println("arg name: " + s));
System.out.println("Method args types:");
Arrays.stream(signature.getParameterTypes()).forEach(s -> System.out.println("arg type: " + s));
System.out.println("Method args values:");
Arrays.stream(joinPoint.getArgs()).forEach(o -> System.out.println("arg value: " + o.toString()));
Let´s try this by calling the deposit method in BankAccountService:
void deposit() {
bankAccountService.deposit(account, 500.0);
assertTrue(account.getBalance() == 2500.0);
This is what we see on the console:
Method args names:
arg name: account
arg name: amount
Method args types:
arg type: class com.baeldung.method.info.Account
arg type: class java.lang.Double
Method args values:
arg value: Account{accountNumber='12345', balance=2000.0}
arg value: 500.0
5.3. Getting the Information About Method Annotations
We can get the information about an annotation by using the getAnnotation() method of the Method class:
Method method = signature.getMethod();
AccountOperation accountOperation = method.getAnnotation(AccountOperation.class);
System.out.println("Account operation annotation: " + accountOperation);
System.out.println("Account operation value: " + accountOperation.operation());
Let’s now re-run our withdraw() test and check what we get:
Account operation annotation: @com.baeldung.method.info.AccountOperation(operation=withdraw)
Account operation value: withdraw
5.4. Getting the Additional Information
We can get some additional information about our methods, like their returning type, their modifiers, and what exceptions they throw, if any:
System.out.println("returning type: " + signature.getReturnType());
System.out.println("method modifier: " + Modifier.toString(signature.getModifiers()));
.forEach(aClass -> System.out.println("exception type: " + aClass));
Let’s now create a new test withdrawWhenLimitReached that makes the withdraw() method exceed its defined withdraw limit:
void withdrawWhenLimitReached()
.isThrownBy(() -> bankAccountService.withdraw(account, 600.0));
assertTrue(account.getBalance() == 2000.0);
Let´s now check the console output:
returning type: void
method modifier: public
exception type: class com.baeldung.method.info.WithdrawLimitException
Our last test will be useful to demonstrate the getBalance() method. As we previously said, it’s not intercepted by the aspect because there is no AccountOperation annotation in the method declaration:
我们的最后一个测试将有助于演示getBalance() 方法。正如我们之前所说的,它没有被方面拦截,因为在方法声明中没有AccountOperation注释。
void getBalance() {
When running this test, there is no output in the console, as we expected should be the case.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we saw how to get all the available information about a method using a Spring AOP aspect. We did that by defining a pointcut, printing out the information into the console, and checking the results of running the tests.
在这篇文章中,我们看到了如何使用Spring AOP方面来获得关于一个方法的所有可用信息。 我们通过定义一个pointcut,将信息打印到控制台,并检查运行测试的结果来做到这一点。
The source code for our application is available over on GitHub.