1. Overview
With only a short while until the release of Spring Boot 3, now seems like a good time to check out what’s new.
距离Spring Boot 3的发布只有很短的时间了,现在似乎是查看新内容的好时机。
2. Java 17
2.爪哇 17
While there was already support for Java 17 before, this LTS version now gets the baseline.
虽然之前已经有对Java 17的支持,但这个LTS版本现在得到了基线。
When migrating from LTS version 11, Java developers will benefit from new language features. Since Java itself isn’t the topic of this article, we’ll only name the most important new features for Spring Boot developers. We can find additional details in the separate articles for Java 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, and 12.
从LTS版本11迁移时,Java开发者将从新的语言特性中受益。由于Java本身并不是本文的主题,我们只列举对Spring Boot开发人员来说最重要的新功能。我们可以在针对Java的单独文章中找到更多细节17、16、15、14、13以及12。
2.1. Records
Java records (JEP 395, see Java 14 Record Keyword) were intended to be used as a quick way to create data carrier classes, i.e. the classes whose objective is to simply contain data and carry it between modules, also known as POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and DTOs (Data Transfer Objects).
Java记录(JEP 395,见Java 14 Record Keyword)旨在被用作创建数据载体类的快速方法,即其目标是简单地包含数据并在模块之间携带数据的类,也被称为POJOs(Plain Old Java Objects)和DTO(Data Transfer Objects)。
We can easily create immutable DTOs:
public record Person (String name, String address) {}
Currently, we need to be careful when combining them with Bean Validation because validation constraints aren’t supported on constructor arguments, such as when the instance is created on JSON deserialization (Jackson) and put into a controller’s method as a parameter.
目前,我们在将其与Bean Validation相结合时需要谨慎,因为构造函数参数不支持验证约束,例如在JSON反序列化(Jackson)时创建实例,并将其作为参数放入控制器的方法。
2.2. Text Blocks
2.2 文本块
With JEP 378, it’s now possible to create multi-line text blocks without the need to concatenate strings on line breaks:
通过JEP 378,现在可以创建多行文本块,而不需要在换行时连接字符串。
String textBlock = """
Hello, this is a
text block.
2.3. Switch Expressions
Java 12 introduced switch expressions (JEP 361), which (like all expressions) evaluate a single value, and can be used in statements. Instead of combining nested if–else-operators (?:), we can now use a switch–case-construct:
Java 12 引入了开关表达式(JEP 361),它(像所有表达式一样)评估一个单一的值,并且可以在语句中使用。我们现在可以使用switch–case-结构,而不是将嵌套的if–else-操作符(?
DayOfWeek day = DayOfWeek.FRIDAY;
int numOfLetters = switch (day) {
case TUESDAY -> 7;
case WEDNESDAY -> 9;
2.4. Pattern Matching
Pattern Matchings were elaborated in Project Amber and found their way to the Java Language. In the Java Language, they can help to simplify the code for instanceof evaluations.
模式匹配是在Project Amber中阐述的,并在Java语言中找到了它们的方法。在Java语言中,它们可以帮助简化instanceof评估的代码。
We can use them directly with instanceof:
if (obj instanceof String s) {
We can also use it within a switch–case statement:
static double getDoubleUsingSwitch(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case Integer i -> i.doubleValue();
case Float f -> f.doubleValue();
case String s -> Double.parseDouble(s);
default -> 0d;
2.5. Sealed Classes and Interfaces
Sealed classes can limit inheritance by specifying allowed subclasses:
public abstract sealed class Pet permits Dog, Cat {}
We can find more details in Sealed Classes and Interfaces in Java.
3. Jakarta EE 9
3.雅加达EE 9
The most important change might be the jump from Java EE to Jakarta EE9, where the package namespace changed from javax.* to jakarta.*. As a result, we need to adjust all imports in our code whenever we use classes from Java EE directly.
最重要的变化可能是从Java EE跳到Jakarta EE9,包的命名空间从javax.*变为jakarta.*。因此,只要我们直接使用来自Java EE的类,就需要调整我们代码中的所有导入。
For example, when we access the HttpServletRequest object within our Spring MVC Controller, we need to replace:
例如,当我们在Spring MVC控制器中访问HttpServletRequest对象时,我们需要替换。
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
Of course, we don’t have to use the types of the Servlet API very often, but this is unavoidable if we use bean validation and JPA.
当然,我们不必经常使用Servlet API的类型,但如果我们使用Bean验证和JPA,这就不可避免了。
We should also be aware of this when we use external libraries that depend on Java/Jakarta EE (e.g. we have to use Hibernate Validator 7+, Tomcat 10+, and Jetty 11+).
当我们使用依赖于Java/Jakarta EE的外部库时,我们也应该注意到这一点(例如,我们必须使用Hibernate Validator 7+,Tomcat 10+,和Jetty 11+)。
4. Further Dependencies
Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3 need the following minimum versions:
Spring Framework 6和Spring Boot 3需要以下最低版本。
- Kotlin 1.7+
- Lombok 1.18.22+ (JDK17 support)
- Gradle 7.3+
5. Big Points
Two overarching topics have received particular attention: Native Executables and Observability. Overarching means that:
- the Spring Framework introduces core abstractions
- the portfolio projects consistently integrate with them
- Spring Boot provides auto-configuration
5.1. Native Executables
Building native executables and deploying them to GraalVM gets a higher priority. So the Spring Native initiative is moving into Spring proper.
构建原生可执行文件并将其部署到GraalVM中,会获得更高的优先权。因此,Spring Native计划正在转移到Spring本身。
For AOT generation, there’s no need to include separate plugins, we can just use a new goal of the spring-boot-maven-plugin:
mvn spring-boot:aot-generate
Native Hints will also be part of the Spring core. Testing infrastructure for this will be available with Milestone 5 (v6.0.0-M5).
Native Hints也将成为Spring核心的一部分。用于该的测试基础设施将在里程碑5(v6.0.0-M5)中提供。
5.2. Observability
With Spring 6, there was an Observability initiative that ended up with a new Micrometer Observation API and with the former Spring Cloud Sleuth project migrated to Micrometer Tracing. This is more for efficiently recording application metrics with Micrometer, and implementing tracing through providers, such as OpenZipkin or OpenTelemetry.
随着 Spring 6 的推出,出现了一项可观察性计划,该计划最终产生了新的 Micrometer 观察 API,并且以前的 Spring Cloud Sleuth 项目被迁移到 Micrometer 追踪 。这更多地是为了用Micrometer有效地记录应用程序的指标,并通过供应商实现跟踪,例如OpenZipkin或OpenTelemetry。
There’s auto-configuration for all of these in Spring Boot 3, and the Spring projects are working on instrumenting themselves using the Observation API.
在Spring Boot 3中,所有这些都有自动配置,而且Spring项目正在努力使用Observation API进行自我检测。
6. Smaller Changes in Spring Web MVC
6.Spring Web MVC中较小的变化
One of the most important new features is the support for RFC7807 (Problem Details Standard). Now we won’t need to include separate libraries, like Zalando Problem.
Another smaller change is that HttpMethod is no longer an enum, but a class that allows us to create instances for extended HTTP methods, e.g. those defined by WebDAV :
HttpMethod lock = HttpMethod.valueOf("LOCK");
At least some outdated servlet-based integrations are dropped, like Commons FileUpload (we should use StandardServletMultipartResolver for multipart file uploads), Tiles, and FreeMarker JSP support (we should use FreeMarker template views instead).
至少放弃了一些过时的基于servlet的集成,如Commons FileUpload(我们应该使用StandardServletMultipartResolver 进行多部分文件上传)、Tiles和FreeMarker JSP支持(我们应该使用FreeMarker模板视图代替)。
7. Migrating Projects
There are a few hints for project migration that we should know. The recommended steps are:
- Migrate to Spring Boot 2.7 (when Spring Boot 3 is released, there will be a migration guide based on Spring Boot 2.7)
- Check for deprecated code usage and legacy config file processing; it will be removed with the new major release
- Migrate to Java 17
- Check third-party projects to have Jakarta EE 9 compatible releases
- Since Spring Boot 3 isn’t yet released, we can try the current milestone to test the migration
8. Conclusion
As we’ve learned, migrating to Spring Boot 3 and Spring 6 will be a migration to Java 17 and Jakarta EE 9 too. If we attach great importance to observability and native executables, we’ll benefit the most from the upcoming major release.
正如我们所了解的,迁移到Spring Boot 3和Spring 6也将是向Java 17和Jakarta EE 9的迁移。如果我们高度重视可观察性和原生可执行文件,我们就会从即将到来的主要版本中受益最多。
As always, all the code is available over on GitHub.