EnvironmentPostProcessor in Spring Boot – Spring Boot中的EnvironmentPostProcessor

最后修改: 2019年 4月 8日


1. Overview


As of Spring Boot 1.3, we’re able to use the EnvironmentPostProcessor to customize the application’s Environment before application context is refreshed.

从Spring Boot 1.3开始,我们能够使用EnvironmentPostProcessor 在应用上下文刷新之前定制应用的Environment

In this tutorial, let’s take a look at how to load and transform the custom properties into the Environment, and then access those properties.


2. Spring Environment


The Environment abstraction in Spring represents the environment in which the current application is running.  In the meanwhile, it tends to unify the ways to access properties in a variety of property sources, such as properties files, JVM system properties, system environment variables, and servlet context parameters.

Spring中的Environment抽象代表了当前应用程序所处的环境。 同时,它倾向于统一访问各种属性源的方法,如属性文件、JVM系统属性、系统环境变量和Servlet上下文参数。

So in most cases, customizing the Environment means manipulation of various properties before they’re exposed to our beans. To start, please visit our previous article on manipulating properties with Spring.


3. A Quick Example


Let’s now build a simple price calculation application. It’ll calculate the price in either gross-based or net-based mode. The system environment variables from a third party will determine which calculation mode to choose.


3.1. Implementing EnvironmentPostProcessor


To do this, let’s implement the EnvironmentPostProcessor interface.


We’ll use it to read a couple of environment variables:



And we’ll use the post-processor to expose these in an application-specific way, in this case with a custom prefix:



Then, we can quite simply add our new properties into the Environment:


public class PriceCalculationEnvironmentPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {

    public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, 
      SpringApplication application) {
        PropertySource<?> system = environment.getPropertySources()
        if (!hasOurPriceProperties(system)) {
          // error handling code omitted
        Map<String, Object> prefixed = names.stream()
          .collect(Collectors.toMap(this::rename, system::getProperty));
          .addAfter(SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, new MapPropertySource("prefixer", prefixed));


Let’s see what we’ve done here. First, we asked environment to give us the PropertySource for environment variables. Calling the resulting system.getProperty is similar to calling Java’s System.getenv().get.


Then, so long as those properties exist in the environment, we’ll create a new map, prefixed. For brevity, we’ll skip the contents of rename, but check out the code sample for the complete implementation. The resulting map has the same values as system, but with prefixed keys.


Finally, we’ll add our new PropertySource to the Environment. Now, if a bean asks for com.baeldung.environmentpostprocessor.calculation.mode, the Environment will consult our map.


Note, by the way, that EnvironmentPostProcessor‘s Javadoc encourages us to either implement the Ordered interface or use the @Order annotation.

顺便注意,EnvironmentPostProcessor的Javadoc鼓励我们要么实现Ordered 接口,要么使用@Order annotation

And this is, of course, just a single property source. Spring Boot allows us to cater to numerous sources and formats.

当然,这只是一个单一的财产来源Spring Boot允许我们满足众多来源和格式。

3.2. Registration in the spring.factories


To invoke the implementation in the Spring Boot bootstrap process, we need to register the class in the META-INF/spring.factories:

为了在Spring Boot bootstrap过程中调用该实现,我们需要在META-INF/spring. factories中注册该类。


3.3. Access the Properties Using @Value Annotation


Let’s use these in a couple of classes. In the sample, we’ve got a PriceCalculator interface with two implementations: GrossPriceCalculator and NetPriceCalculator.


In our implementations, we can just use @Value to retrieve our new properties:


public class GrossPriceCalculator implements PriceCalculator {
    double taxRate;

    public double calculate(double singlePrice, int quantity) {
        //calcuation implementation omitted

This is nice as it’s the same way we access any other properties, like those we’ve defined in application.properties.


3.4. Access the Properties in Spring Boot Auto-configuration

3.4.访问Spring Boot自动配置中的属性

Now, let’s see a complex case where we access the preceding properties in Spring Boot autoconfiguration.

现在,让我们看看一个复杂的案例,我们在Spring Boot自动配置中访问前面的属性。

We’ll create the autoconfiguration class to read those properties. This class will initialize and wire the beans in the application context according to the different property values:


public class PriceCalculationAutoConfig {
    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = 
      "com.baeldung.environmentpostprocessor.calculation.mode", havingValue = "NET")
    public PriceCalculator getNetPriceCalculator() {
        return new NetPriceCalculator();

    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = 
      "com.baeldung.environmentpostprocessor.calculation.mode", havingValue = "GROSS")
    public PriceCalculator getGrossPriceCalculator() {
        return new GrossPriceCalculator();

Similar to the EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation, the autoconfiguration class needs to be registered in the META-INF/spring.factories as well:



This works because custom EnvironmentPostProcessor implementations kick in before Spring Boot autoconfiguration does. This combination makes Spring Boot autoconfiguration more powerful.

这是因为定制的EnvironmentPostProcessor实现在Spring Boot自动配置之前启动。这种组合使Spring Boot的自动配置功能更加强大。

And, for more specifics about Spring Boot autoconfiguration, please have a look at the article on Custom Auto-Configuration with Spring Boot.

而且,关于Spring Boot自动配置的更多细节,请看Custom Auto-Configuration with Spring Boot的文章。

4. Test the Custom Implementation


Now it’s time to test our code. We can set the system environment variables in Windows by running:


set calculation_mode=GROSS
set gross_calculation_tax_rate=0.15

Or in Linux/Unix, we can export them instead:


export calculation_mode=GROSS 
export gross_calculation_tax_rate=0.15

After that, we could start the test with the mvn spring-boot:run command:

之后,我们可以用mvn spring-boot:run命令启动测试。

mvn spring-boot:run

5. Conclusion


To sum up, the EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation is able to load arbitrary files in a variety of formats from different locations. In addition, we can do any transformation we need to make the properties readily available in the Environment for later use. This freedom is certainly useful when we integrate Spring Boot-based application with the third-party configurations.

综上所述,EnvironmentPostProcessor实现能够从不同位置加载各种格式的任意文件。此外,我们可以进行任何需要的转换,使属性在Environment中随时可用,以供日后使用。当我们将基于Spring Boot的应用程序与第三方配置集成时,这种自由度当然很有用。

The source code can be found in the GitHub repository.
