1. Introduction
One of the many great features of Spring Boot is the set of built-in actuators. These actuators provide an easy way to monitor and control just about every aspect of a Spring Boot application.
Spring Boot 的众多优秀功能之一是一组内置的actuators。这些执行器为监视和控制Spring Boot应用程序的几乎所有方面提供了一种简单的方法。
In this tutorial, we’ll look at using the metrics actuator to create a self-hosted monitoring solution for Spring Boot applications.
在本教程中,我们将了解如何使用指标执行器来为Spring Boot应用程序创建一个自我托管的监控解决方案。
2. Metrics Database
The first part of monitoring Spring Boot applications is choosing a metrics database. By default, Spring Boot will configure a Micrometer metrics registry in every application.
监控Spring Boot应用程序的第一部分是选择一个度量数据库。默认情况下,Spring Boot将在每个应用程序中配置一个Micrometer指标注册表。
This default implementation collects a pre-defined set of application metrics such as memory and CPU usage, HTTP requests, and a few others. But these metrics are stored in memory only, meaning they will be lost any time the application is restarted.
To create a self-hosted monitoring solution, we should first choose a metrics database that lives outside the Spring Boot application. The following sections will discuss just a few of the available self-hosted options.
要创建一个自我托管的监控解决方案,我们首先应该选择一个生活在Spring Boot应用程序之外的度量数据库。下面几节将讨论几个可用的自托管选项。
Note that any time Spring Boot detects another metrics database on the classpath, it automatically disables the in-memory registry.
注意,任何时候Spring Boot在classpath上检测到另一个度量衡数据库,它就会自动禁用内存中的注册表。
2.1. InfluxDB
InfluxDB is an open-source time-series database. The quickest way to get started with InfluxDB is to run it locally as a Docker container:
docker run -p 8086:8086 -v /tmp:/var/lib/influxdb influxdb
Note that this will store metrics in the local /tmp partition. This is fine for development and testing, but would not be a good choice for production environments.
Once InfluxDB is running, we can configure our Spring Boot application to publish metrics to it by adding the appropriate Micrometer dependency:
一旦InfluxDB运行,我们可以通过添加适当的Micrometer依赖性来配置我们的Spring Boot应用程序,以便向它发布指标。
Additionally, we need to add a new entry to the application.properties file:
Out of the box, the database name is set to mydb, whereas the username and password remain unset.
However, we can override the default values using dedicated properties:
InfluxDB does not provide a native visualization tool. However, it provides a separate tool called Chronograph that works well for visualizing InfluxDB data.
2.2. Prometheus
2.2. 普罗米修斯
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. It works slightly differently from InfluxDB.
Instead of configuring our application to publish metrics to Prometheus, we configure Prometheus to poll our application periodically.
First, we configure our Spring Boot application to expose a new Prometheus actuator endpoint. We do this by including the micrometer-registry-prometheus dependency:
首先,我们要配置我们的Spring Boot应用程序,以暴露一个新的Prometheus执行器端点。我们通过包括micrometer-registry-prometheus依赖关系来做到这一点。
This will create a new actuator endpoint that produces metrics data in a special format that Prometheus understands.
Next, we have to configure Prometheus to poll our application by adding our desired configuration into a prometheus.yml file.
The following configuration instructs Prometheus to poll our application every 5 seconds, using the new actuator endpoint:
- job_name: 'spring-actuator'
metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus'
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['']
Finally, we can start a local Prometheus server using Docker. This assumes our custom config file is located in the local file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:
docker run -d \
--name=prometheus \
-p 9090:9090 \
-v /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
prom/prometheus \
Prometheus provides its own visualization tool for viewing metrics that is has collected. It can be accessed at the URL http://localhost:9090/.
2.3. Graphite
2.3 石墨
Graphite is another open-source time-series database. Its architecture is slightly more complicated than the other databases we’ve looked at, but with Docker, it’s straightforward to run an instance locally:
docker run -d \
--name graphite \
--restart=always \
-p 80:80 \
-p 2003-2004:2003-2004 \
-p 2023-2024:2023-2024 \
-p 8125:8125/udp \
-p 8126:8126 \
Then we can configure Spring Boot to publish metrics to our instance by adding the micrometer-registry-graphite dependency:
然后,我们可以通过添加micrometer-registry-graphite依赖项来配置Spring Boot,以便将指标发布到我们的实例。
As well as adding the configuration properties to application.properties:
Like Prometheus, Graphite includes its own visualization dashboard. It is available at the URL http://localhost/.
3. Visualization Tools
Once we have a solution for storing metrics outside of our Spring Boot application, the next decision is how we want to visualize the data.
一旦我们有了在Spring Boot应用程序之外存储指标的解决方案,下一个决定是我们要如何将数据可视化。
Some of the metrics databases mentioned previously include their own visualization tools. There is a stand-alone visualization tool that is worth looking at for our self-hosted monitoring solution.
3.1. Grafana
3.1. Grafana
Grafana is an open-source analytics and monitoring tool. It can connect to all of the previously mentioned databases, as well as many others.
Grafana generally provides better configuration and superior alerting than most built-in visualization tools. It can easily be extended using plugins, and there are lots of pre-built dashboards that can be imported to quickly create our own visualizations.
To run Grafana locally, we can start it using Docker:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
We can now access the Grafana home page at the URL http://localhost:3000/.
At this point, we would need to configure one or more data sources. This can be any of the metrics databases discussed previously or a variety of other supported tools.
Once a data source is configured, we can build a new dashboard or import one that does what we want.
4. Conclusion
In this article, we have looked at creating a self-hosted monitoring solution for Spring Boot applications.
在这篇文章中,我们研究了为Spring Boot应用程序创建一个自我托管的监控解决方案。
We looked at three metrics databases that Spring Boot readily supports and saw how to run them locally.
我们看了Spring Boot随时支持的三个度量衡数据库,并看了如何在本地运行它们。
We also looked briefly at Grafana, a powerful visualization tool that can display metrics data from a variety of sources.