Spring Cloud – Disable Discovery Clients with Profiles – Spring Cloud – 禁用带有配置文件的发现客户端

最后修改: 2022年 4月 15日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to disable Spring Cloud’s Discovery Clients using profiles. This can be useful in situations where we want to enable/disable service discovery without making any changes to the code.

在本教程中,我们将了解如何使用配置文件禁用Spring Cloud的发现客户端。这在我们想要启用/禁用服务发现而不对代码进行任何修改的情况下很有用。

2. Set up Eureka Server and Eureka Client


Let’s start by creating a Eureka Server and a Discovery Client.


First, we can set up our Eureka Server using Section 2 of the Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka tutorial.

首先,我们可以使用Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka教程的第2节设置我们的Eureka服务器。

2.1. Discovery Client Setup


The next part is to create another application that will register itself on the server. Let’s set up this application as a Discovery Client.


Let’s add the Web and Eureka Client starter dependencies to our pom.xml:

让我们把WebEureka Client启动器的依赖项添加到我们的pom.xml中。


We also need to make sure that our cloud starter is present in the dependency management section and that the Spring Cloud version is set.

我们还需要确保我们的云启动器存在于依赖性管理部分,并且Spring Cloud的版本已经设定。

When creating the project using Spring Initializr, these will already be set. If not, we can add them to our pom.xml file:

在使用Spring Initializr创建项目时,这些将已经被设置。如果没有,我们可以将它们添加到我们的pom.xml文件中。



2.2. Adding Configuration Properties


Once we have the dependencies in place, all we need to do is add our new client application’s configuration properties to the application.properties file:



This will ensure that when the application is started, it’ll register itself on the Eureka server, which is at the URL specified above. It will be called spring-cloud-eureka-client.


We should note that normally, we also use @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation on a configuration class to enable Discovery Clients. However, we don’t need the annotation if we use the Spring Cloud starters. Discovery Client is enabled by default. Plus, when it finds the Netflix Eureka Client on the classpath, it will auto-configure it.

我们应该注意,通常情况下,我们也会在配置类上使用@EnableDiscoveryClient注解来启用发现客户端。然而,如果我们使用Spring Cloud启动器,我们就不需要这个注解了。发现客户端是默认启用的。另外,当它在classpath上找到Netflix Eureka客户端时,它将自动配置它。

2.3. Hello World Controller

2.3.Hello World控制器

To test our application, we’ll need a sample URL we can hit. Let’s create a simple controller that will return a greeting message:


public class HelloWorldController {

    public String hello() {
        return "Hello World!";

Now, it’s time to run the Eureka Server and the Discovery Client. When we run the application, the Discovery Client will register with the Eureka Server. We can see the same on the Eureka Server dashboard:


Discovery Client instance is present on Eureka dashboard

3. Profile-Based Configuration


There can be situations where we may want to disable service registration. One reason might be the environment.


For example, we may want to disable Discovery Clients in local development environments because running a Eureka server every time we want to test locally can be unnecessary. Let’s see how we can achieve this.


We’ll change properties in the application.properties file to enable and disable Discovery Clients per profile.


3.1. Using Separate Properties Files


One easy and popular way is to use separate properties files per environment.


So, let’s create another property file named application-dev.properties:



We can enable/disable Discovery Clients using the spring.cloud.discovery.enabled property. We’ve set it to false to disable Discovery Clients.


When the dev profile is active, this file will be used instead of the original properties file.


3.2. Using Multi-Document Files


If we don’t want to use separate files per environment, another option is to use Multi-document properties files.


We’re going to add two properties to do this:



For this technique, we use ‘#—‘ to divide our properties file into two parts. Further, we’ll use the spring.config.activate.on-profile property. These two lines, used in conjunction, instruct the application to read the properties defined in the current part only if a profile is active. In our case, we’re going to use the dev profile.

对于这个技术,我们使用‘#-‘ 将我们的属性文件分为两部分。此外,我们将使用spring.config.activated.on-profile属性。这两行连在一起使用,指示应用程序只有在配置文件处于激活状态时才会读取当前部分定义的属性。在我们的例子中,我们将使用dev配置文件。

In the same way, as previously, we’ve set the spring.cloud.discovery.enabled property to false.


This will disable Discovery Clients in the dev profile but keep them enabled when the profile isn’t active.


4. Testing


Now, it’s time to run the Eureka Server and the Discovery Client and test if everything works as expected. We haven’t added the profile yet. When we run the application, the Discovery Client will register with the Eureka Server. We can see the same on the Eureka Server dashboard:


Discovery Client instance is present on Eureka dashboard

4.1. Testing with Profile


Next, we’ll add the profile while running the application. We can add the command-line argument -Dspring.profiles.active=dev to enable the dev profile. When we run the application, we can see the client does not register with the Eureka Server this time:Discovery Client instances are not present on Eureka Dashboard


5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we learned how to use properties to add configurations based on profiles. We used the same method to disable Discovery Clients based on active profiles.


As always, the code for this tutorial is available over on GitHub.
