1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll cover Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix – the fault tolerance library. We’ll use the library and implement the Circuit Breaker enterprise pattern, which is describing a strategy against failure cascading at different levels in an application.
在本教程中,我们将介绍Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix–容错库。我们将使用该库并实现Circuit Breaker企业模式,该模式描述的是针对应用程序中不同级别的故障级联的策略。
The principle is analogous to electronics: Hystrix is watching methods for failing calls to related services. If there is such a failure, it will open the circuit and forward the call to a fallback method.
The library will tolerate failures up to a threshold. Beyond that, it leaves the circuit open. Which means, it will forward all subsequent calls to the fallback method, to prevent future failures. This creates a time buffer for the related service to recover from its failing state.
2. REST Producer
To create a scenario, which demonstrates the Circuit Breaker pattern, we need a service first. We’ll name it “REST Producer” since it provides data for the Hystrix-enabled “REST Consumer”, which we’ll create in the next step.
为了创建一个演示断路器模式的场景,我们首先需要一个服务。我们将它命名为 “REST生产者”,因为它为支持Hystrix的 “REST消费者 “提供数据,我们将在下一步创建。
Let’s create a new Maven project using the spring-boot-starter-web dependency:
The project itself is intentionally kept simple. It consists of a controller interface with one @RequestMapping annotated GET method returning simply a String, a @RestController implementing this interface and a @SpringBootApplication.
We’ll begin with the interface:
public interface GreetingController {
String greeting(@PathVariable("username") String username);
And the implementation:
public class GreetingControllerImpl implements GreetingController {
public String greeting(@PathVariable("username") String username) {
return String.format("Hello %s!\n", username);
Next, we’ll write down the main application class:
public class RestProducerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(RestProducerApplication.class, args);
To complete this section, the only thing left to do is to configure an application-port on which we’ll be listening. We won’t use the default port 8080 because the port should remain reserved for the application described in the next step.
Furthermore, we’re defining an application name to be able to look-up our producer from the client application that we’ll introduce later.
Let’s then specify a port of 9090 and a name of rest-producer in our application.properties file:
Now we’re able to test our producer using cURL:
$> curl http://localhost:9090/greeting/Cid
Hello Cid!
3. REST Consumer With Hystrix
For our demonstration scenario, we’ll be implementing a web application, which is consuming the REST service from the previous step using RestTemplate and Hystrix. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll call it the “REST Consumer”.
在我们的示范方案中,我们将实现一个Web应用程序,它使用RestTemplate和Hystrix消费上一步的REST服务。为了简单起见,我们将称它为 “REST消费者”。
Consequently, we create a new Maven project with spring-cloud-starter-hystrix, spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf as dependencies:
For the Circuit Breaker to work, Hystix will scan @Component or @Service annotated classes for @HystixCommand annotated methods, implement a proxy for it and monitor its calls.
We’re going to create a @Service class first, which will be injected to a @Controller. Since we’re building a web application using Thymeleaf, we also need an HTML template to serve as a view.
This will be our injectable @Service implementing a @HystrixCommand with an associated fallback method. This fallback has to use the same signature as the original:
public class GreetingService {
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultGreeting")
public String getGreeting(String username) {
return new RestTemplate()
String.class, username);
private String defaultGreeting(String username) {
return "Hello User!";
RestConsumerApplication will be our main application class. The @EnableCircuitBreaker annotation will scan the classpath for any compatible Circuit Breaker implementation.
RestConsumerApplication将是我们的主应用类。@EnableCircuitBreaker注解将扫描classpath以寻找任何兼容的Circuit Breaker实现。
To use Hystrix explicitly, we have to annotate this class with @EnableHystrix:
public class RestConsumerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(RestConsumerApplication.class, args);
We’ll set up the controller using our GreetingService:
public class GreetingController {
private GreetingService greetingService;
public String getGreeting(Model model, @PathVariable("username") String username) {
model.addAttribute("greeting", greetingService.getGreeting(username));
return "greeting-view";
And here’s the HTML template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<title>Greetings from Hystrix</title>
<h2 th:text="${greeting}"/>
To ensure that the application is listening on a defined port, we put the following in an application.properties file:
To see a Hystix circuit breaker in action, we’re starting our consumer and pointing our browser to http://localhost:8080/get-greeting/Cid. Under normal circumstances, the following will be shown:
Hello Cid!
To simulate a failure of our producer, we’ll simply stop it, and after we finished refreshing the browser we should see a generic message, returned from the fallback method in our @Service:
Hello User!
4. REST Consumer With Hystrix and Feign
Now, we’re going to modify the project from the previous step to use Spring Netflix Feign as declarative REST client, instead of Spring RestTemplate.
现在,我们要修改上一步的项目,使用Spring Netflix Feign作为声明式REST客户端,而不是Spring RestTemplate。
The advantage is that we’re later able to easily refactor our Feign Client interface to use Spring Netflix Eureka for service discovery.
这样做的好处是,我们后来能够轻松地重构我们的Feign客户端接口,以使用Spring Netflix Eureka进行服务发现。
To start the new project, we’ll make a copy of our consumer, and add our producer and spring-cloud-starter-feign as dependencies:
Now, we’re able to use our GreetingController to extend a Feign Client. We’ll implement Hystrix fallback as a static inner class annotated with @Component.
现在,我们能够使用我们的GreetingController来扩展一个Feign Client。我们将实现Hystrix回退,作为一个用@Component注释的静态内类。
Alternatively, we could define a @Bean annotated method returning an instance of this fallback class.
The name property of the @FeignClient is mandatory. It is used, to look-up the application either by service discovery via a Eureka Client or by URL, if this property is given:
name = "rest-producer"
url = "http://localhost:9090",
fallback = GreetingClient.GreetingClientFallback.class
public interface GreetingClient extends GreetingController {
public static class GreetingClientFallback implements GreetingController {
public String greeting(@PathVariable("username") String username) {
return "Hello User!";
For more on using Spring Netflix Eureka for service discovery have a look at this article.
有关使用Spring Netflix Eureka进行服务发现的更多信息,请看这篇文章。
In the RestConsumerFeignApplication, we’ll put an additional annotation to enable Feign integration, in fact, @EnableFeignClients, to the main application class:
public class RestConsumerFeignApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(RestConsumerFeignApplication.class, args);
We’re going to modify the controller to use an auto-wired Feign Client, rather than the previously injected @Service, to retrieve our greeting:
public class GreetingController {
private GreetingClient greetingClient;
public String getGreeting(Model model, @PathVariable("username") String username) {
model.addAttribute("greeting", greetingClient.greeting(username));
return "greeting-view";
To distinguish this example from the previous, we’ll alter the application listening port in the application.properties:
Finally, we’ll test this Feign-enabled consumer like the one from the previous section. The expected result should be the same.
5. Cache Fallback With Hystrix
Now, we are going to add Hystrix to our Spring Cloud project. In this cloud project, we have a rating service that talks to the database and gets ratings of books.
现在,我们要将Hystrix添加到我们的Spring Cloud项目。在这个云项目中,我们有一个评级服务,它与数据库对话并获得书籍的评级。
Let’s assume that our database is a resource under demand, and its response latency might vary in time or might not be available in times. We’ll handle this scenario with the Hystrix Circuit Breaker falling back to a cache for the data.
让我们假设我们的数据库是一个有需求的资源,它的响应延迟可能在时间上有所不同,或者可能在时间上不可用。我们将用Hystrix Circuit Breaker回落到缓存中的数据来处理这种情况。
5.1. Setup and Configuration
Let us add the spring-cloud-starter-hystrix dependency to our rating module:
When ratings are inserted/updated/deleted in the database, we’ll replicate the same to the Redis cache with a Repository. To learn more about Redis, check this article.
Let’s update the RatingService to wrap the database querying methods in a Hystrix command with @HystrixCommand and configure it with a fallback to reading from Redis:
commandKey = "ratingsByIdFromDB",
fallbackMethod = "findCachedRatingById",
ignoreExceptions = { RatingNotFoundException.class })
public Rating findRatingById(Long ratingId) {
return Optional.ofNullable(ratingRepository.findOne(ratingId))
.orElseThrow(() ->
new RatingNotFoundException("Rating not found. ID: " + ratingId));
public Rating findCachedRatingById(Long ratingId) {
return cacheRepository.findCachedRatingById(ratingId);
Note that the fallback method should have the same signature of a wrapped method and must reside in the same class. Now when the findRatingById fails or gets delayed more than a given threshold, Hystrix fallbacks to findCachedRatingById.
As the Hystrix capabilities are transparently injected as AOP advice, we have to adjust the order in which the advice is stacked, in case if we have other advice like Spring’s transactional advice. Here we have adjusted the Spring’s transaction AOP advice to have lower precedence than Hystrix AOP advice:
由于Hystrix的能力是作为AOP建议透明地注入的,我们必须调整建议的堆叠顺序,如果我们有其他建议,如Spring的事务建议。在这里,我们将Spring的交易AOP建议调整为比Hystrix AOP建议的优先级低。
public class RatingServiceApplication {
public HystrixCommandAspect hystrixAspect() {
return new HystrixCommandAspect();
// other beans, configurations
Here, we have adjusted the Spring’s transaction AOP advice to have lower precedence than Hystrix AOP advice.
在这里,我们将Spring的交易AOP建议调整为比Hystrix AOP建议的优先级低。
5.2. Testing Hystrix Fallback
5.2.测试Hystrix Fallback
Now that we have configured the circuit, we can test it by bringing down the H2 database our repository interacts with. But first, let’s run the H2 instance as an external process instead of running it as an embedded database.
Let’s copy the H2 library (h2-1.4.193.jar) to a known directory and start the H2 server:
>java -cp h2-1.4.193.jar org.h2.tools.Server -tcp
TCP server running at tcp:// (only local connections)
Let’s now update our module’s data source URL in rating-service.properties to point to this H2 server:
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/ratings
We can start our services as given in our previous article from the Spring Cloud series, and test ratings of each book by bringing down the external H2 instance we are running.
我们可以按照之前Spring Cloud系列文章中给出的方法启动我们的服务,并通过关闭我们正在运行的外部H2实例来测试每本书的评分。
We could see that when the H2 database is not reachable, Hystrix automatically falls back to Redis to read the ratings for each book. The source code demonstrating this use case can be found here.
6. Using Scopes
Normally a @HytrixCommand annotated method is executed in a thread pool context. But sometimes it needs to be running in a local scope, for example, a @SessionScope or a @RequestScope. This can be done via giving arguments to the command annotation:
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getSomeDefault", commandProperties = {
@HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.strategy", value = "SEMAPHORE")
7. The Hystrix Dashboard
A nice optional feature of Hystrix is the ability to monitor its status on a dashboard.
To enable it, we’ll put spring-cloud-starter-hystrix-dashboard and spring-boot-starter-actuator in the pom.xml of our consumer:
为了启用它,我们将把spring-cloud-starter-hystrix-dashboard 和spring-boot-starter-actuator 放入我们消费者的pom.xml。
The former needs to be enabled via annotating a @Configuration with @EnableHystrixDashboard and the latter automatically enables the required metrics within our web application.
After we’ve done restarting the application, we’ll point a browser at http://localhost:8080/hystrix, input the metrics URL of a Hystrix stream and begin monitoring.
Finally, we should see something like this:
Monitoring a Hystrix stream is something fine, but if we have to watch multiple Hystrix-enabled applications, it will become inconvenient. For this purpose, Spring Cloud provides a tool called Turbine, which can aggregate streams to present in one Hystrix dashboard.
监控一个Hystrix流是很好的事情,但如果我们必须观看多个支持Hystrix的应用程序,就会变得很不方便。为此,Spring Cloud提供了一个名为Turbine的工具,它可以将数据流聚合到一个Hystrix仪表盘中。
Configuring Turbine is beyond the scope of this write-up, but the possibility should be mentioned here. So it’s also possible to collect these streams via messaging, using Turbine stream.
8. Conclusion
As we’ve seen so far, we’re now able to implement the Circuit Breaker pattern using Spring Netflix Hystrix together with either Spring RestTemplate or Spring Netflix Feign.
正如我们到目前为止所看到的,我们现在能够使用Spring Netflix Hystrix与Spring RestTemplate或Spring Netflix Feign一起实现断路器模式。
This means that we’re able to consume services with included fallback using default data, and we’re able to monitor the usage of this data.
As usual, we can find the sources on GitHub.