Spring Cloud Sleuth in a Monolith Application – 单片机应用中的Spring Cloud Sleuth

最后修改: 2017年 1月 22日


1. Overview


In this article, we’re introducing Spring Cloud Sleuth – a powerful tool for enhancing logs in any application, but especially in a system built up of multiple services.

在这篇文章中,我们将介绍Spring Cloud Sleuth–这是一个强大的工具,用于增强任何应用程序中的日志,但特别是在由多个服务构建的系统中。

And for this writeup we’re going to focus on using Sleuth in a monolith application, not across microservices.


We’ve all had the unfortunate experience of trying to diagnose a problem with a scheduled task, a multi-threaded operation, or a complex web request. Often, even when there is logging, it is hard to tell what actions need to be correlated together to create a single request.


This can make diagnosing a complex action very difficult or even impossible. Often resulting in solutions like passing a unique id to each method in the request to identify the logs.


In comes Sleuth. This library makes it possible to identify logs pertaining to a specific job, thread, or request. Sleuth integrates effortlessly with logging frameworks like Logback and SLF4J to add unique identifiers that help track and diagnose issues using logs.

这就是 Sleuth。这个库使得识别与特定工作、线程或请求有关的日志成为可能。Sleuth毫不费力地与LogbackSLF4J等日志框架集成,以添加独特的标识符,帮助跟踪和诊断使用日志的问题。

Let’s take a look at how it works.


2. Setup


We’ll start by creating a Spring Boot web project in our favorite IDE and adding this dependency to our pom.xml file:

我们将首先在我们最喜欢的IDE中创建一个Spring Boot web项目,并将这个依赖性添加到我们的pom.xml文件中。


Our application runs with Spring Boot and the parent pom provides versions for each entry. The latest version of this dependency can be found here: spring-cloud-starter-sleuth.

我们的应用程序使用Spring Boot运行,父pom为每个条目提供版本。这个依赖关系的最新版本可以在这里找到。spring-cloud-starter-sleuth

Additionally, let’s add an application name to instruct Sleuth to identify this application’s logs.


In our application.properties file add this line:


spring.application.name=Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial

3. Sleuth Configurations


Sleuth is capable of enhancing logs in many situations. Starting with version 2.0.0, Spring Cloud Sleuth uses Brave as the tracing library that adds unique ids to each web request that enters our application. Furthermore, the Spring team has added support for sharing these ids across thread boundaries.

Sleuth能够在许多情况下增强日志。从 2.0.0 版本开始,Spring Cloud Sleuth 使用 Brave 作为跟踪库,为进入我们应用程序的每个 Web 请求添加唯一的 id。此外,Spring团队还增加了对跨线程边界共享这些ID的支持。

Traces can be thought of like a single request or job that is triggered in an application. All the various steps in that request, even across application and thread boundaries, will have the same traceId.


Spans, on the other hand, can be thought of as sections of a job or request. A single trace can be composed of multiple spans each correlating to a specific step or section of the request. Using trace and span ids we can pinpoint exactly when and where our application is as it processes a request. Making reading our logs much easier.


In our examples, we will explore these capabilities in a single application.


3.1. Simple Web Request


First, let’s create a controller class to be an entry point to work with:


public class SleuthController {

    public String helloSleuth() {
        logger.info("Hello Sleuth");
        return "success";

Let’s run our application and navigate to “http://localhost:8080”. Watch the logs for output that looks like:

让我们运行我们的应用程序并导航到 “http://localhost:8080″。观察日志中的输出,看起来像。

2017-01-10 22:36:38.254  INFO 
  [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,4e30f7340b3fb631,4e30f7340b3fb631,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController : Hello Sleuth

This looks like a normal log, except for the part in the beginning between the brackets. This is the core information that Spring Sleuth has added. This data follows the format of:

这看起来像一个正常的日志,除了开头括号之间的部分。这是Spring Sleuth添加的核心信息。这些数据的格式是:。

[application name, traceId, spanId, export]


  • Application name – This is the name we set in the properties file and can be used to aggregate logs from multiple instances of the same application.
  • TraceId – This is an id that is assigned to a single request, job, or action. Something like each unique user initiated web request will have its own traceId.
  • SpanId – Tracks a unit of work. Think of a request that consists of multiple steps. Each step could have its own spanId and be tracked individually. By default, any application flow will start with same TraceId and SpanId.
  • Export – This property is a boolean that indicates whether or not this log was exported to an aggregator like Zipkin. Zipkin is beyond the scope of this article but plays an important role in analyzing logs created by Sleuth.

By now, you should have some idea of the power of this library. Let’s take a look at another example to further demonstrate how integral this library is to logging.


3.2. Simple Web Request With Service Access


Let’s start by creating a service with a single method:


public class SleuthService {

    public void doSomeWorkSameSpan() {
        logger.info("Doing some work");

Now let’s inject our service into our controller and add a request mapping method that accesses it:


private SleuthService sleuthService;
    public String helloSleuthSameSpan() throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("Same Span");
        return "success";

Finally, restart the application and navigate to “http://localhost:8080/same-span”. Watch for log output that looks like:

最后,重新启动应用程序并导航到 “http://localhost:8080/same-span”。观察日志输出,看起来像。

2017-01-10 22:51:47.664  INFO 
  [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,b77a5ea79036d5b9,b77a5ea79036d5b9,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : Same Span
2017-01-10 22:51:48.664  INFO 
  [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,b77a5ea79036d5b9,b77a5ea79036d5b9,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : Doing some work

Take note that the trace and span ids are the same between the two logs even though the messages originate from two different classes. This makes it trivial to identify each log during a request by searching for the traceId of that request.


This is the default behavior, one request gets a single traceId and spanId. But we can manually add spans as we see fit. Let’s take a look at an example that uses this feature.


3.3. Manually Adding a Span


To start, let’s add a new controller:


public String helloSleuthNewSpan() {
    logger.info("New Span");
    return "success";

And now let’s add the new method inside our service:


private Tracer tracer;
// ...
public void doSomeWorkNewSpan() throws InterruptedException {
    logger.info("I'm in the original span");

    Span newSpan = tracer.nextSpan().name("newSpan").start();
    try (SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(newSpan.start())) {
        logger.info("I'm in the new span doing some cool work that needs its own span");
    } finally {

    logger.info("I'm in the original span");

Note that we also added a new object, Tracer. The tracer instance is created by Spring Sleuth during startup and is made available to our class through dependency injection.

请注意,我们还添加了一个新对象,TracerTracer实例由Spring Sleuth在启动时创建,并通过依赖注入提供给我们的类。

Traces must be manually started and stopped. To accomplish this, code that runs in a manually created span is placed inside a try-finally block to ensure the span is closed regardless of the operation’s success. Also, notice that new span has to be placed in scope.


Restart the application and navigate to “http://localhost:8080/new-span”. Watch for the log output that looks like:

重新启动应用程序并导航到 “http://localhost:8080/new-span”。观察日志输出,看起来像。

2017-01-11 21:07:54.924  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,9cdebbffe8bbbade,9cdebbffe8bbbade,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-6] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : New Span
2017-01-11 21:07:54.924  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,9cdebbffe8bbbade,9cdebbffe8bbbade,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-6] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : 
  I'm in the original span
2017-01-11 21:07:55.924  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,9cdebbffe8bbbade,1e706f252a0ee9c2,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-6] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : 
  I'm in the new span doing some cool work that needs its own span
2017-01-11 21:07:55.924  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,9cdebbffe8bbbade,9cdebbffe8bbbade,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-6] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : 
  I'm in the original span

We can see that the third log shares the traceId with the others, but it has a unique spanId. This can be used to locate different sections in a single request for more fine-grained tracing.


Now let’s take a look at Sleuth’s support for threads.


3.4. Spanning Runnables


To demonstrate the threading capabilities of Sleuth let’s first add a configuration class to set up a thread pool:


public class ThreadConfig {

    private BeanFactory beanFactory;

    public Executor executor() {
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor
         = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();

        return new LazyTraceExecutor(beanFactory, threadPoolTaskExecutor);

It is important to note here the use of LazyTraceExecutor. This class comes from the Sleuth library and is a special kind of executor that will propagate our traceIds to new threads and create new spanIds in the process.


Now let’s wire this executor into our controller and use it in a new request mapping method:


private Executor executor;
    public String helloSleuthNewThread() {
        logger.info("New Thread");
        Runnable runnable = () -> {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.info("I'm inside the new thread - with a new span");

        logger.info("I'm done - with the original span");
        return "success";

With our runnable in place, let’s restart our application and navigate to “http://localhost:8080/new-thread”. Watch for log output that looks like:

有了我们的runnable,让我们重新启动我们的应用程序并导航到 “http://localhost:8080/new-thread”。观察一下日志输出,看起来像。

2017-01-11 21:18:15.949  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,96076a78343c364d,96076a78343c364d,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : New Thread
2017-01-11 21:18:15.950  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,96076a78343c364d,96076a78343c364d,false] 12516 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : 
  I'm done - with the original span
2017-01-11 21:18:16.953  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,96076a78343c364d,e3b6a68013ddfeea,false] 12516 
  --- [lTaskExecutor-1] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : 
  I'm inside the new thread - with a new span

Much like the previous example we can see that all the logs share the same traceId. But the log coming from the runnable has a unique span that will track the work done in that thread. Remember that this happens because of the LazyTraceExecutor, if we were to use a normal executor we would continue to see the same spanId used in the new thread.


Now let’s look into Sleuth’s support for @Async methods.


3.5. @Async Support


To add async support let’s first modify our ThreadConfig class to enable this feature:


public class ThreadConfig extends AsyncConfigurerSupport {
    public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();

        return new LazyTraceExecutor(beanFactory, threadPoolTaskExecutor);

Note that we extend AsyncConfigurerSupport to specify our async executor and use LazyTraceExecutor to ensure traceIds and spanIds are propagated correctly. We have also added @EnableAsync to the top of our class.


Let’s now add an async method to our service:


public void asyncMethod() {
    logger.info("Start Async Method");
    logger.info("End Async Method");

Now let’s call into this method from our controller:


public String helloSleuthAsync() {
    logger.info("Before Async Method Call");
    logger.info("After Async Method Call");
    return "success";

Finally, let’s restart our service and navigate to “http://localhost:8080/async”. Watch for the log output that looks like:

最后,让我们重新启动我们的服务并导航到 “http://localhost:8080/async”。注意看一下日志输出,看起来像。

2017-01-11 21:30:40.621  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,c187f81915377fff,c187f81915377fff,false] 10072 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : 
  Before Async Method Call
2017-01-11 21:30:40.622  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,c187f81915377fff,c187f81915377fff,false] 10072 
  --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.b.spring.session.SleuthController      : 
  After Async Method Call
2017-01-11 21:30:40.622  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,c187f81915377fff,8a9f3f097dca6a9e,false] 10072 
  --- [lTaskExecutor-1] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : 
  Start Async Method
2017-01-11 21:30:41.622  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,c187f81915377fff,8a9f3f097dca6a9e,false] 10072 
  --- [lTaskExecutor-1] c.baeldung.spring.session.SleuthService  : 
  End Async Method

We can see here that much like our runnable example, Sleuth propagates the traceId into the async method and adds a unique spanId.


Let’s now work through an example using spring support for scheduled tasks.


3.6. @Scheduled Support


Finally, let’s look at how Sleuth works with @Scheduled methods. To do this let’s update our ThreadConfig class to enable scheduling:


public class ThreadConfig extends AsyncConfigurerSupport
  implements SchedulingConfigurer {
    public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar scheduledTaskRegistrar) {

    @Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
    public Executor schedulingExecutor() {
        return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

Note that we have implemented the SchedulingConfigurer interface and overridden its configureTasks method. We have also added @EnableScheduling to the top of our class.


Next, let’s add a service for our scheduled tasks:


public class SchedulingService {

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
    private SleuthService sleuthService;

    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 30000)
    public void scheduledWork() throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("Start some work from the scheduled task");
        logger.info("End work from scheduled task");

In this class, we have created a single scheduled task with a fixed delay of 30 seconds.


Let’s now restart our application and wait for our task to be executed. Watch the console for output like this:


2017-01-11 21:30:58.866  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,3605f5deaea28df2,3605f5deaea28df2,false] 10072 
  --- [pool-1-thread-1] c.b.spring.session.SchedulingService     : 
  Start some work from the scheduled task
2017-01-11 21:30:58.866  
  INFO [Baeldung Sleuth Tutorial,3605f5deaea28df2,3605f5deaea28df2,false] 10072 
  --- [pool-1-thread-1] c.b.spring.session.SchedulingService     : 
  End work from scheduled task

We can see here that Sleuth has created new trace and span ids for our task. Each instance of a task will get it’s own trace and span by default.


4. Conclusion


In conclusion, we have seen how Spring Sleuth can be used in a variety of situations inside a single web application. We can use this technology to easily correlate logs from a single request, even when that request spans multiple threads.

总之,我们已经看到了Spring Sleuth如何在单个Web应用内的各种情况下使用。我们可以使用这项技术来轻松地关联来自单个请求的日志,即使该请求跨越了多个线程。

By now we can see how Spring Cloud Sleuth can help us keep our sanity when debugging a multi-threaded environment. By identifying each operation in a traceId and each step in a spanId we can really begin to break down our analysis of complex jobs in our logs.

现在我们可以看到Spring Cloud Sleuth如何帮助我们在调试多线程环境时保持理智。通过在traceId中识别每个操作,在spanId中识别每个步骤,我们可以真正开始分解分析日志中的复杂作业。

Even if we don’t go to the cloud, Spring Sleuth is likely a critical dependency in almost any project; it’s seamless to integrate and is a massive addition of value.

即使我们不去云端,Spring Sleuth也可能是几乎所有项目中的关键依赖因素;它可以无缝集成,是一个巨大的附加值

From here you may want to investigate other features of Sleuth. It can support tracing in distributed systems using RestTemplate, across messaging protocols used by RabbitMQ and Redis, and through a gateway like Zuul.


As always you can find the source code over on Github.
