1. Overview
Spring Data makes the process of working with entities a lot easier by merely defining repository interfaces. These come with a set of pre-defined methods and allow the possibility of adding custom methods in each interface.
Spring Data仅仅通过定义存储库接口,就使与实体打交道的过程变得简单了许多。这些接口带有一组预定义的方法,并允许在每个接口中添加自定义方法。
However, if we want to add a custom method that’s available in all the repositories, the process is a bit more complex. So, that’s what we’ll explore here with Spring Data JPA.
然而,如果我们想添加一个在所有存储库中都可用的自定义方法,这个过程就有点复杂了。所以,这就是我们在这里要探讨的Spring Data JPA。
For more information on configuring and using Spring Data JPA, check out our previous articles: Guide to Hibernate with Spring 4 and Introduction to Spring Data JPA.
有关配置和使用Spring Data JPA的更多信息,请查看我们以前的文章。Guide to Hibernate with Spring 4 和 Introduction to Spring Data JPA。
2. Defining a Base Repository Interface
First, we have to create a new interface that declares our custom method:
public interface ExtendedRepository<T, ID extends Serializable>
extends JpaRepository<T, ID> {
public List<T> findByAttributeContainsText(String attributeName, String text);
Our interface extends the JpaRepository interface so that we’ll benefit from all the standard behavior.
You’ll also notice we added the @NoRepositoryBean annotation. This is necessary because otherwise, the default Spring behavior is to create an implementation for all subinterfaces of Repository.
Here, we’ll want to provide our implementation that should be used, as this is only an interface meant to be extended by the actual entity-specific DAO interfaces.
3. Implementing a Base Class
Next, we’ll provide our implementation of the ExtendedRepository interface:
public class ExtendedRepositoryImpl<T, ID extends Serializable>
extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID> implements ExtendedRepository<T, ID> {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public ExtendedRepositoryImpl(JpaEntityInformation<T, ?>
entityInformation, EntityManager entityManager) {
super(entityInformation, entityManager);
this.entityManager = entityManager;
// ...
This class extends the SimpleJpaRepository class, which is the default class that Spring uses to provide implementations for repository interfaces.
This requires that we create a constructor with the JpaEntityInformation and EntityManager parameters that calls the constructor from the parent class.
We also need the EntityManager property to use in our custom method.
Also, we have to implement the custom method inherited from the ExtendedRepository interface:
public List<T> findByAttributeContainsText(String attributeName, String text) {
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<T> cQuery = builder.createQuery(getDomainClass());
Root<T> root = cQuery.from(getDomainClass());
.like(root.<String>get(attributeName), "%" + text + "%"));
TypedQuery<T> query = entityManager.createQuery(cQuery);
return query.getResultList();
Here, the findByAttributeContainsText() method searches for all the objects of type T that have a particular attribute which contains the String value given as parameter.
4. JPA Configuration
To tell Spring to use our custom class instead of the default one for building repository implementations, we can use the repositoryBaseClass attribute:
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "org.baeldung.persistence.dao",
repositoryBaseClass = ExtendedRepositoryImpl.class)
public class StudentJPAH2Config {
// additional JPA Configuration
5. Creating an Entity Repository
Next, let’s see how we can use our new interface.
First, let’s add a simple Student entity:
public class Student {
private long id;
private String name;
// standard constructor, getters, setters
Then, we can create a DAO for the Student entity which extends the ExtendedRepository interface:
public interface ExtendedStudentRepository extends ExtendedRepository<Student, Long> {
And that’s it! Now our implementation will have the custom findByAttributeContainsText() method.
Similarly, any interface we define by extending the ExtendedRepository interface will have the same method.
6. Testing the Repository
Let’s create a JUnit test that shows the custom method in action:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { StudentJPAH2Config.class })
public class ExtendedStudentRepositoryIntegrationTest {
private ExtendedStudentRepository extendedStudentRepository;
public void setup() {
Student student = new Student(1, "john");
Student student2 = new Student(2, "johnson");
Student student3 = new Student(3, "tom");
public void givenStudents_whenFindByName_thenOk(){
List<Student> students
= extendedStudentRepository.findByAttributeContainsText("name", "john");
assertEquals("size incorrect", 2, students.size());
The test uses the extendedStudentRepository bean first to create 3 Student records. Then, the findByAttributeContains() method is called to find all students whose name contains the text “john”.
该测试首先使用extendedStudentRepositorybean来创建3条学生记录。然后,调用findByAttributeContains()方法来查找所有名字中包含 “john “的学生。
The ExtendedStudentRepository class can use both standard methods like save() and the custom method we added.
7. Conclusion
In this quick article, we’ve shown how we can add a custom method to all repositories in Spring Data JPA.
在这篇快速文章中,我们展示了如何在Spring Data JPA的所有存储库中添加一个自定义方法。
The full source code for the examples can be found over on GitHub.