Finding the Spring Version – 寻找Spring的版本

最后修改: 2020年 3月 6日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to programmatically find out which version of Spring, JDK, and Java our application is using.


2. How to Get Spring Version


We’ll start by learning how to obtain the version of Spring that our application is using.


In order to do this, we’ll use the getVersion method of the SpringVersion class:

为了做到这一点,我们将使用SpringVersion 类的getVersion方法

assertEquals("5.1.10.RELEASE", SpringVersion.getVersion());

3. Getting JDK Version


Next, we’ll get the JDK version that we’re currently using in our project. It’s important to note that Java and the JDK aren’t the same thing, so they’ll have different version numbers.


If we’re using Spring 4.x, there’s a class called JdkVersion, which we can use to get this information. However, this class was removed from Spring 5.x, so we’ll have to take that into account and work around it.

如果我们使用的是Spring 4.x,有一个名为JdkVersion的类,我们可以用它来获取这些信息。然而,这个类在Spring 5.x中被删除了,所以我们必须考虑到这一点并绕过它。

Internally, the Spring 4.x JdkVersion class was getting the version from the SystemProperties class, so we can do the same. Making use of the class SystemProperties, we’ll access the property java.version:

在内部,Spring 4.x的JdkVersion 类是从SystemProperties类中获取版本,因此我们也可以这样做。利用SystemProperties类,我们将访问属性java.version

assertEquals("1.8.0_191", SystemProperties.get("java.version"));

Alternatively, we can access the property directly without using that Spring class:


assertEquals("1.8.0_191", System.getProperty("java.version"));

4. Obtaining Java Version


Finally, we’ll see how to get the version of Java that our application is running on. For this purpose, we’ll use the class JavaVersion:


assertEquals("1.8", JavaVersion.getJavaVersion().toString());

Above, we call the JavaVersion#getJavaVersion method. By default, this returns an enum with the specific Java version, such as EIGHT. To keep the formatting consistent with the above methods, we parse it using its toString method.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we learned that it’s quite simple to obtain the versions of Spring, JDK, and Java that our application is using.


As always, the complete code is available over on GitHub.
