Guide to Spring Handler Mappings – Spring处理程序映射指南

最后修改: 2017年 1月 20日


1. Introduction


In Spring MVC, the DispatcherServlet acts as front controller – receiving all incoming HTTP requests and processing them.

在Spring MVC中,DispatcherServlet充当前置控制器–接收所有传入的HTTP请求并处理它们。

Simply put, the processing occurs by passing the requests to the relevant component with the help of handler mappings.


HandlerMapping is an interface that defines a mapping between requests and handler objects. While Spring MVC framework provides some ready-made implementations, the interface can be implemented by developers to provide customized mapping strategy.

HandlerMapping是一个接口,它定义了请求和处理程序对象之间的映射。虽然Spring MVC框架提供了一些现成的实现,但该接口可由开发人员实现,以提供自定义的映射策略。

This article discusses some of the implementations provided by Spring MVC namely BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping, SimpleUrlHandlerMapping, ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping, their configuration, and the differences between them.

本文讨论了Spring MVC提供的一些实现,即BeanNameUrlHandlerMappingSimpleUrlHandlerMappingControllerClassNameHandlerMapping,以及它们的配置和区别。

2. BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping


BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping is the default HandlerMapping implementation. BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping maps request URLs to beans with the same name.


This particular mapping has support for direct name matching and also for pattern matching using the “*” pattern.

这个特殊的映射支持直接的名称匹配,也支持使用 “*”模式进行模式匹配。

For example, an incoming URL “/foo” maps to a bean called “/foo”. An example of pattern mapping is mapping requests to “/foo*” to beans with names starting with “/foo” like “/foo2/” or “/fooOne/”.

例如,一个传入的URL “/foo” 映射到一个叫做“/foo”的bean。模式映射的一个例子是将对“/foo*”/em>的请求映射到名称以“/foo”/em>开头的bean,如“/foo2/”/em>或“/fooOne/”/em>。

Let’s configure this example here and register a bean controller that handles requests to “/beanNameUrl”:


public class BeanNameUrlHandlerMappingConfig {
    BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping beanNameUrlHandlerMapping() {
        return new BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping();

    public WelcomeController welcome() {
        return new WelcomeController();

This is the XML equivalent of the above Java based config:


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping" />
<bean name="/beanNameUrl" class="com.baeldung.WelcomeController" />

It’s important to note that in both of these configurations, defining a bean for BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping is not required as it is provided by Spring MVC. Removing this bean definition will cause no problems and requests will still be mapped to their registered handler beans.

需要注意的是,在这两种配置中,BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping定义一个bean是不需要的,因为它是由Spring MVC提供。删除这个Bean定义不会导致任何问题,请求仍然会被映射到他们注册的处理程序Bean。

Now all requests to “/beanNameUrl” will be forwarded by DispatcherServlet to “WelcomeController“. WelcomeController returns a view name called “welcome“.


The following code tests this configuration and makes sure that the correct view name is returned:


public class BeanNameMappingConfigTest {
    // ...

    public void whenBeanNameMapping_thenMappedOK() {

3. SimpleUrlHandlerMapping


Next, the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping is the most flexible HandlerMapping implementation. It allows for direct and declarative mapping between either bean instances and URLs or between bean names and URLs.


Let’s map requests “/simpleUrlWelcome” and “/*/simpleUrlWelcome” to the “welcome” bean:


public class SimpleUrlHandlerMappingConfig {

    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping simpleUrlHandlerMapping() {
        SimpleUrlHandlerMapping simpleUrlHandlerMapping
          = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
        Map<String, Object> urlMap = new HashMap<>();
        urlMap.put("/simpleUrlWelcome", welcome());
        return simpleUrlHandlerMapping;

    public WelcomeController welcome() {
        return new WelcomeController();

Alternatively, here’s the equivalent XML configuration:


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="mappings">
<bean id="welcome" class="com.baeldung.WelcomeController" />

It’s important to note that in the XML configuration, a mapping between “<value>” tag must be done in a form accepted by java.util.Properties class and it should follow the syntax: path= Handler_Bean_Name.

需要注意的是,在XML配置中,“<value>”标签之间的映射必须以java.util.Properties类接受的形式进行,它应该遵循以下语法。path= Handler_Bean_Name

The URL should normally be with a leading slash, however, if the path doesn’t begin with one, Spring MVC adds it automatically.

URL通常应该有一个前导斜杠,然而,如果路径不是以斜杠开头,Spring MVC会自动添加它。

A different way to configure the above example in XML is to use the “props” property instead of “value”. Props have a list of “prop” tag where each defines a mapping where “key” referred to the mapped URL and the value of the tag is the name of the bean.


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="mappings">
            <prop key="/simpleUrlWelcome">welcome</prop>
            <prop key="/*/simpleUrlWelcome">welcome</prop>

The following test case makes sure that requests to “/simpleUrlWelcome” is handled by “WelcomeController” which returns a view name called “welcome” :


public class SimpleUrlMappingConfigTest {
    // ...

    public void whenSimpleUrlMapping_thenMappedOK() {

4. ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping (removed in Spring 5)

4.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping(在Spring 5中删除)

The ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping maps URL to a registered controller bean (or a controller annotated with the @Controller annotation) that has, or starts with, the same name.


It can be more convenient in many scenarios especially for simple controller implementations that handle a single request type. The convention used by Spring MVC is to use the name of the class and remove the “Controller” suffix, then change the name to a lower case and return it as the mapping with a leading “/”.

在很多情况下,特别是对于处理单一请求类型的简单控制器实现来说,它可能更方便。Spring MVC使用的惯例是使用类的名称,去掉“Controller”后缀,然后将名称改为小写,并将其作为映射返回,前面加一个“/”

For example “WelcomeController” would return as mapping to “/welcome*”, i.e. to any URL that starts with “welcome”.


Let’s configure ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping:


public class ControllerClassNameHandlerMappingConfig {

    public ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping controllerClassNameHandlerMapping() {
        return new ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping();

    public WelcomeController welcome() {
        return new WelcomeController();

Note that ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping is deprecated from Spring 4.3 in favor of annotation driven handler methods.

请注意,ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping已从Spring 4.3中废弃,转而采用注解驱动的处理方法。

Another important note is that controller names will always be returned in lowercase (minus the “Controller” suffix). So if we have a controller called “WelcomeBaeldungController“, it will only handle requests to “/welcomebaeldung” and not to “/welcomeBaeldung”.

另一个重要的注意点是,控制器名称将总是以小写返回(减去 “Controller “后缀)。因此,如果我们有一个名为”WelcomeBaeldungController“的控制器,它将只处理对“/welcomebaeldung”的请求,而不是对“/welcomeBaeldung”

In both Java config and XML config below, we define ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping bean and register beans for the controllers that we will use to handle requests. We also register a bean of type “WelcomeController” and that bean will handle all requests that start with “/welcome”.

在下面的Java config和XML config中,我们定义了ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping Bean,并为我们将用来处理请求的控制器注册了bean。我们还注册了一个“WelcomeController”类型的bean,该bean将处理所有以“/welcome”开头的请求。

Here’s the equivalent XML configuration:


<bean class="" />
<bean class="com.baeldung.WelcomeController" />

When using the above configuration, requests to “/welcome” will be handled by the “WelcomeController“.


The following code will make sure that requests to “/welcome*” such as “/welcometest” is handled by “WelcomeController” which returns a view name called “welcome“:

下面的代码将确保对”/welcome*”的请求,如”/welcometest“被 “WelcomeController “处理,它返回一个名为”welcome“的视图名称。

public class ControllerClassNameHandlerMappingTest {
    // ...

    public void whenControllerClassNameMapping_thenMappedOK() {

5. Configuring Priorities


Spring MVC framework allows more than one implementation of HandlerMapping interface at the same time.

Spring MVC框架允许同时实现一个以上的HandlerMapping接口。

Let us create a configuration and register two controllers, both mapped to URL “/welcome”, only using different mapping and returning different view names:


public class HandlerMappingDefaultConfig {

    public BeanNameHandlerMappingController beanNameHandlerMapping() {
        return new BeanNameHandlerMappingController();

    public WelcomeController welcome() {
        return new WelcomeController();

With no explicit handler mapper registered, a default BeanNameHandlerMapping will be used. Let us assert this behaviour with the test:


public void whenConfiguringPriorities_thenMappedOK() {

If we explicitly register a different handler mapper, the default mapper will be overridden. However, it is interesting to see what happens when two mappers are explicitly registered:


public class HandlerMappingPrioritiesConfig {

    BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping beanNameUrlHandlerMapping() {
        BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping beanNameUrlHandlerMapping 
          = new BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping();
        return beanNameUrlHandlerMapping;

    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping simpleUrlHandlerMapping() {
        SimpleUrlHandlerMapping simpleUrlHandlerMapping
          = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
        Map<String, Object> urlMap = new HashMap<>();
        urlMap.put("/welcome", simpleUrlMapping());
        return simpleUrlHandlerMapping;

    public SimpleUrlMappingController simpleUrlMapping() {
        return new SimpleUrlMappingController();

    public BeanNameHandlerMappingController beanNameHandlerMapping() {
        return new BeanNameHandlerMappingController();

To get the control over which mapping is used, the priorities are set using setOrder(int order) method. This method takes one int parameter where lower value mean higher priority.

为了获得对使用哪种映射的控制,使用 setOrder(int order)方法设置优先级。这个方法需要一个int参数,数值越低意味着优先级越高。

In XML configuration you can configure priorities by using a property called “order”:


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="order" value="2" />

Let us add order properties to handler mapping beans, via following beanNameUrlHandlerMapping.setOrder(1) and simpleUrlHandlerMapping.setOrder(0). The lower value of the order property reflects higher precedence. Let us assert new behaviour with the test:


public void whenConfiguringPriorities_thenMappedOK() {

When testing the above configuration, you see that requests to “/welcome” will be handled by SimpleUrlHandlerMapping bean which calls a SimpleUrlHandlerController and returns simple-url-handler-mapping view. We can easily configure the BeanNameHandlerMapping to take precedence by adjusting accordingly the values of order property.

在测试上述配置时,你会看到对“/welcome”的请求将由SimpleUrlHandlerMapping bean处理,它调用SimpleUrlHandlerController并返回simple-url-handler-mapping视图。我们可以通过相应地调整order属性的值,轻松地配置BeanNameHandlerMapping以获得优先权。

6. Conclusion


In this article we discussed how URL mapping are handled in Spring MVC framework by exploring the different implementations in the framework.

在这篇文章中,我们通过探索Spring MVC框架中的不同实现来讨论URL映射是如何处理的。

The code accompanying this article can be found over on GitHub.
