Injecting Spring Beans into Unmanaged Objects – 将Spring Bean注入到非托管对象中

最后修改: 2020年 6月 18日


1. Driving Forces


In a Spring application, injecting one bean into another bean is very common. However, sometimes it’s desirable to inject a bean into an ordinary object. For instance, we may want to obtain references to services from within an entity object.


Fortunately, achieving that isn’t as hard as it might look. The following sections will present how to do so using the @Configurable annotation and an AspectJ weaver.


2. The @Configurable Annotation


This annotation allows instances of the decorated class to hold references to Spring beans.

这个注解允许被装饰类的实例持有对Spring Bean的引用。

2.1. Defining and Registering a Spring Bean

2.1.定义和注册一个Spring Bean

Before covering the @Configurable annotation, let’s set up a Spring bean definition:

在介绍@Configurable注解之前,让我们先建立一个Spring Bean定义。

public class IdService {
    private static int count;

    int generateId() {
        return ++count;

This class is decorated with the @Service annotation; hence it can be registered with a Spring context via component scanning.


Here’s a simple configuration class enabling that mechanism:


public class AspectJConfig {

2.2. Using @Configurable


In its simplest form, we can use @Configurable without any element:


public class PersonObject {
    private int id;
    private String name;

    public PersonObject(String name) { = name;

    // getters and other code shown in the next subsection

The @Configurable annotation, in this case, marks the PersonObject class as being eligible for Spring-driven configuration.


2.3. Injecting a Spring Bean into an Unmanaged Object

2.3.将Spring Bean注入到非托管对象中

We can inject IdService into PersonObject, just as we would in any Spring bean:

我们可以将IdService注入PersonObject,就像我们在任何Spring Bean中一样。

public class PersonObject {
    private IdService idService;

    // fields, constructor and getters - shown in the previous subsection

    void generateId() { = idService.generateId();

However, an annotation is only useful if recognized and processed by a handler. This is where AspectJ weaver comes into play. Specifically, the AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect will act on the presence of @Configurable and does necessary processing.

然而,注解只有在被处理程序识别和处理时才有用。这就是AspectJ weaver发挥作用的地方。具体来说,AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect将对@Configurable的存在采取行动并进行必要的处理。

3. Enabling AspectJ Weaving


3.1. Plugin Declaration


To enable AspectJ weaving, we need the AspectJ Maven plugin first:

要启用AspectJ编织,我们首先需要AspectJ Maven插件

    <!-- configuration and executions -->

And it requires some additional configuration:



The first required element is complianceLevel. A value of 1.8 sets both the source and target JDK versions to 1.8. If not set explicitly, the source version would be 1.3 and the target would be 1.1. These values are obviously outdated and not enough for a modern Java application.


To inject a bean into an unmanaged object, we must rely on the AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect class provided in the spring-aspects.jar. Since this is a pre-compiled aspect, we would need to add the containing artifact to the plugin configuration.

要将 Bean 注入非托管对象,我们必须依靠 AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect 类,该类提供于 spring-aspects.jar。由于这是一个预编译的方面,我们需要将包含工件添加到插件配置中。

Note that such a referenced artifact must exist as a dependency in the project:



We can find the latest version of spring-aspects on Maven Central.


3.2. Plugin Execution


To instruct the plugin to weave all relevant classes, we need this executions configuration:



Notice the plugin’s compile goal binds to the compile lifecycle phase by default.


3.2. Bean Configuration


The last step to enable AspectJ weaving is to add @EnableSpringConfigured to the configuration class:


public class AspectJConfig {

The extra annotation configures AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect, which in turn registers PersonObject instances with a Spring IoC container.

额外的注解配置了AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect,它又将PersonObject实例与Spring IoC容器注册。

4. Testing

Now, let’s verify that the IdService bean has been successfully injected into a PersonObject:

现在,让我们验证一下,IdService Bean已经成功注入到PersonObject中。

@ContextConfiguration(classes = AspectJConfig.class)
public class PersonUnitTest {
    public void givenUnmanagedObjects_whenInjectingIdService_thenIdValueIsCorrectlySet() {
        PersonObject personObject = new PersonObject("Baeldung");
        assertEquals(1, personObject.getId());
        assertEquals("Baeldung", personObject.getName());

5. Injecting a Bean Into a JPA Entity


From the Spring container’s point of view, an entity is nothing but an ordinary object. As such, there’s nothing special about injecting a Spring bean into a JPA entity.

从Spring容器的角度来看,实体只不过是一个普通的对象。因此,将Spring Bean注入到JPA实体中并没有什么特别。

However, since injecting into JPA entities is a typical use case, let’s cover it in more detail.


5.1. Entity Class


Let’s start with the entity class’s skeleton:


@Configurable(preConstruction = true)
public class PersonEntity {
    private int id;
    private String name;

    public PersonEntity() {

    // other code - shown in the next subsection

Notice the preConstruction element in the @Configurable annotation: it enables us to inject a dependency into the object before it’s fully constructed.

请注意 @Configurable 注解中的 preConstruction 元素。它使我们能够在对象完全构建之前将一个依赖关系注入其中。

5.2. Service Injection


Now we can inject IdService into PersonEntity, similar to what we did with PersonObject:


// annotations
public class PersonEntity {
    private IdService idService;

    // fields and no-arg constructor

    public PersonEntity(String name) {
        id = idService.generateId(); = name;

    // getters

The @Transient annotation is used to tell JPA that idService is a field not to be persisted.


5.3. Test Method Update


Finally, we can update the test method to indicate that the service can be injected into the entity:


public void givenUnmanagedObjects_whenInjectingIdService_thenIdValueIsCorrectlySet() {
    // existing statements

    PersonEntity personEntity = new PersonEntity("Baeldung");
    assertEquals(2, personEntity.getId());
    assertEquals("Baeldung", personEntity.getName());

6. Caveats


Although it’s convenient to access Spring components from an unmanaged object, it’s often not a good practice to do so.


The problem is that unmanaged objects, including entities, are usually part of the domain model. These objects should carry data only to be reusable across different services.


Injecting beans into such objects could tie components and objects together, making it harder to maintain and enhance the application.


7. Conclusion


This tutorial has walked through the process of injecting a Spring bean into an unmanaged object. It also mentioned a design issue associated with dependency injection into objects.

本教程介绍了将Spring Bean注入到非托管对象的过程。它还提到了一个与向对象注入依赖关系相关的设计问题。

The implementation code can be found over on GitHub.
