Using a Custom Spring MVC’s Handler Interceptor to Manage Sessions – 使用自定义Spring MVC’的处理程序拦截器来管理会话

最后修改: 2016年 9月 26日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we are going to focus on the Spring MVC HandlerInterceptor.

在本教程中,我们将关注Spring MVC HandlerInterceptor。

More specifically, we will show a more advanced use case for using interceptors – we’ll emulate a session timeout logic by setting custom counters and tracking sessions manually.


If you want to read about the HandlerInterceptor’s basics in Spring, check out this article.


2. Maven Dependencies


In order to use Interceptors, you need to include the following section in a dependencies section of your pom.xml file:



The latest version can be found here. This dependency only covers Spring Web so don’t forget to add spring-core and spring-context for a full (minimal) web application.

最新的版本可以在这里找到。该依赖关系仅涵盖Spring Web,因此不要忘记添加spring-corespring-context以获得完整(最小)的Web应用程序。

3. Custom Implementation of Session Timeouts


In this example, we will configure maximum inactive time for the users in our system. After that time, they will be logged out automatically from the application.


This logic is just a proof of concept – we can of course easily achieve the same result using session timeouts – but the result is not the point here, the usage of the interceptor is.


And so, we want to make sure that session will be invalidated if the user is not active. For example, if a user forgot to log out, the inactive time counter will prevent accessing the account by unauthorized users. In order to do that, we need to set constant for the inactive time:


private static final long MAX_INACTIVE_SESSION_TIME = 5 * 10000;

We set it to 50 seconds for testing purposes; don’t forget, it is counted in ms.


Now, we need to keep track of each session in our app, so we need to include this Spring Interface:


private HttpSession session;

Let’s proceed with the preHandle() method.


3.1. preHandle()


In this method we will include following operations:


  • setting timers to check handling time of the requests
  • checking if a user is logged in (using UserInterceptor method from this article)
  • automatic logging out, if the user’s inactive session time exceeds maximum allowed value

Let’s look at the implementation:


public boolean preHandle(
  HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Object handler) throws Exception {"Pre handle method - check handling start time");
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    request.setAttribute("executionTime", startTime);

In this part of the code, we set the startTime of handling execution. From this moment, we will count a number of seconds to finish handling of each request. In the next part, we will provide logic for session time, only if somebody logged in during his HTTP Session:


if (UserInterceptor.isUserLogged()) {
    session = request.getSession();"Time since last request in this session: {} ms",
      System.currentTimeMillis() - request.getSession().getLastAccessedTime());
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - session.getLastAccessedTime()
        log.warn("Logging out, due to inactive session");
return true;

First, we need to get the session from the request.


Next, we do some console logging, about who is logged in, and how long has passed, since the user performs any operation in our application. We may use session.getLastAccessedTime() to obtain this information, subtract it from current time and compare with our MAX_INACTIVE_SESSION_TIME.

接下来,我们做一些控制台记录,关于谁在登录,以及用户在我们的应用程序中执行任何操作后,已经过去了多长时间。我们可以使用session.getLastAccessedTime() 来获取这些信息,从当前时间中减去,并与我们的MAX_INACTIVE_SESSION_TIME进行比较。

If time is longer than we allow, we clear the context, log out the request and then (optionally) send a redirect as a response to default logout view, which is declared in Spring Security configuration file.

如果时间超过我们允许的范围,我们会清除上下文,注销请求,然后(可选择)发送一个重定向作为对默认注销视图的响应,该视图在Spring Security配置文件中声明。

To complete counters for handling time example, we also implement postHandle() method, which is described in the next subsection.


3.2. postHandle()

3.2. postHandle()

This method is implementation just to get information, how long it took to process the current request. As you saw in the previous code snippet, we set executionTime in Spring model. Now it’s time to use it:


public void postHandle(
  HttpServletRequest request, 
  HttpServletResponse response,
  Object handler, 
  ModelAndView model) throws Exception {"Post handle method - check execution time of handling");
    long startTime = (Long) request.getAttribute("executionTime");"Execution time for handling the request was: {} ms",
      System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);

The implementation is simple – we check an execution time and subtract it from a current system time. Just remember to cast the value of the model to long.


Now we can log execution time properly.


4. Config of the Interceptor


To add our newly created Interceptor into Spring configuration, we need to override addInterceptors() method inside WebConfig class that implements WebMvcConfigurer:


public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
    registry.addInterceptor(new SessionTimerInterceptor());

We may achieve the same configuration by editing our XML Spring configuration file:

我们可以通过编辑我们的XML Spring配置文件实现同样的配置。

    <bean id="sessionTimerInterceptor" class="com.baeldung.web.interceptor.SessionTimerInterceptor"/>

Moreover, we need to add listener, in order to automate the creation of the ApplicationContext:


public class ListenerConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
    public void onStartup(ServletContext sc) throws ServletException {
        sc.addListener(new RequestContextListener());

5. Conclusion


This tutorial shows how to intercept web requests using Spring MVC’s HandlerInterceptor in order to manually do session management/timeout.

本教程展示了如何使用Spring MVC的HandlerInterceptor来拦截Web请求,以便手动进行会话管理/超时。

As usual, all examples and configurations are available here on GitHub.


5.1. Articles in the Series


All articles of the series:
