Spring PostConstruct and PreDestroy Annotations – Spring的PostConstruct和PreDestroy注解

最后修改: 2019年 1月 18日


1. Introduction


Spring allows us to attach custom actions to bean creation and destruction. We can, for example, do it by implementing the InitializingBean and DisposableBean interfaces.


In this quick tutorial, we’ll look at a second possibility, the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations.


2. @PostConstruct


Spring calls the methods annotated with @PostConstruct only once, just after the initialization of bean properties. Keep in mind that these methods will run even if there’s nothing to initialize.


The method annotated with @PostConstruct can have any access level, but it can’t be static.


One possible use of @PostConstruct is populating a database. For instance, during development, we might want to create some default users:


public class DbInit {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    private void postConstruct() {
        User admin = new User("admin", "admin password");
        User normalUser = new User("user", "user password");
        userRepository.save(admin, normalUser);

The above example will first initialize UserRepository and then run the @PostConstruct method.


3. @PreDestroy


A method annotated with @PreDestroy runs only once, just before Spring removes our bean from the application context.


Same as with @PostConstruct, the methods annotated with @PreDestroy can have any access level, but can’t be static.


public class UserRepository {

    private DbConnection dbConnection;
    public void preDestroy() {

The purpose of this method should be to release resources or perform other cleanup tasks, such as closing a database connection, before the bean gets destroyed.


4. Java 9+

4.JAVA 9+

Note that both the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations are part of Java EE. Since Java EE was deprecated in Java 9, and removed in Java 11, we have to add an additional dependency to use these annotations:

请注意,@PostConstruct@PreDestroy注解都是Java EE的一部分。由于Java EE在Java 9中被废弃,并在Java 11中被删除,因此我们必须添加一个额外的依赖来使用这些注释。


5. Conclusion


In this brief article, we learned how to use the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations.


As always, all the source code is available on GitHub.
