Granted Authority Versus Role in Spring Security – 授予的权力与Spring安全中的作用

最后修改: 2017年 9月 24日


1. Overview


In this quick article, we’ll explain the subtle but significant difference between a Role and a GrantedAuthority in Spring Security. For more detailed information on roles and authorities, see the article here.

在这篇简短的文章中,我们将解释Spring Security中RoleGrantedAuthority之间微妙而重要的区别。有关角色和权限的更多详细信息,请参阅文章这里

2. GrantedAuthority


In Spring Security, we can think of each GrantedAuthority as an individual privilege. Examples could include READ_AUTHORITY, WRITE_PRIVILEGE, or even CAN_EXECUTE_AS_ROOT. The important thing to understand is that the name is arbitrary.

在Spring Security中,我们可以将每个GrantedAuthority视为一个单独的权限。例子包括READ_AUTHORITYWRITE_PRIVILEGE,甚至是CAN_EXECUTE_AS_ROOT。需要理解的是,名称是任意的

When using a GrantedAuthority directly, such as through the use of an expression like hasAuthority(‘READ_AUTHORITY’), we are restricting access in a fine-grained manner.


As you can probably gather, we can refer to the concept of authority by using privilege as well.


3. Role as Authority


Similarly, in Spring Security, we can think of each Role as a coarse-grained GrantedAuthority that is represented as a String and prefixed with “ROLE. When using a Role directly, such as through an expression like hasRole(“ADMIN”), we are restricting access in a coarse-grained manner.

同样,在 Spring Security 中,我们可以将每个Role 视为GrantedAuthority,它被表示为String并以”ROLE“作为前缀。当直接使用Role时,例如通过hasRole(“ADMIN”)这样的表达式,我们是以粗略的方式限制访问。

It is worth noting that the default “ROLE” prefix is configurable, but explaining how to do that is beyond the scope of this article.


The core difference between these two is the semantics we attach to how we use the feature. For the framework, the difference is minimal – and it basically deals with these in exactly the same way.


4. Role as Container


Now that we’ve seen how the framework uses the role concept, let’s also quickly discuss an alternative – and that is using roles as containers of authorities/privileges.


This is a higher level approach to roles – making them a more business-facing concept rather than an implementation-centric one.


The Spring Security framework doesn’t give any guidance in terms of how we should use the concept, so the choice is entirely implementation specific.

在我们应该如何使用这个概念方面,Spring Security框架并没有给出任何指导,所以这个选择完全是具体实施的。

5. Spring Security Configuration


We can demonstrate a fine-grained authorization requirement by restricting access to /protectedbyauthority to users with READ_AUTHORITY.


We can demonstrate a coarse-grained authorization requirement by restricting access to /protectedbyrole to users with ROLE_USER.


Let’s configure such a scenario in our security configuration:


protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    // ...
    // ...

6. Simple Data Init


Now that we understand the core concepts better, let’s talk about creating some setup data when the application starts up.


This is, of course, a very simple way of doing that, to hit the ground running with some preliminary test users during development – not the way you should handle data in production.


We’re going to be listening for the context refresh event:


public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
    MyPrivilege readPrivilege
      = createPrivilegeIfNotFound("READ_PRIVILEGE");
    MyPrivilege writePrivilege
      = createPrivilegeIfNotFound("WRITE_PRIVILEGE"); 

The actual implementation here doesn’t really matter – and generally, depends on the persistence solution you’re using. The main point is – we’re persisting the authorities we’re using in the code.


7. UserDetailsService


Our implementation of UserDetailsService is where the authority mapping takes place. Once the user has authenticated, our getAuthorities() method populates and returns a UserDetails object:


private Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities(
  Collection<Role> roles) {
    List<GrantedAuthority> authorities
      = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Role role: roles) {
        authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getName()));
         .map(p -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(p.getName()))
    return authorities;

8. Running and Testing the Example


We can execute the example RolesAuthoritiesApplication Java application, found in the GitHub project.

我们可以执行例子RolesAuthoritiesApplication Java应用程序,在GitHub项目中找到。

To see the role-based authorization in action, we need to:


  • Access http://localhost:8082/protectedbyrole
  • Authenticate as (password is “user”)
  • Note successful authorization
  • Access http://localhost:8082/protectedbyauthority
  • Note unsuccessful authorization

To see authority-based authorization in action, we need to log out of the application and then:


  • Access http://localhost:8082/protectedbyauthority
  • Authenticate as / admin
  • Note successful authorization
  • Access http://localhsot:8082/protectedbyrole
  • Note unsuccessful authorization

9. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we looked at the subtle but significant difference between a Role and a GrantedAuthority in Spring Security.

在这个快速教程中,我们研究了Spring Security中RoleGrantedAuthority之间微妙但重要的区别。