1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll see different ways of limiting the number of requests per second with Spring 5 WebClient.
在本教程中,我们将看到用Spring 5 WebClient限制每秒请求数的不同方法。
While we usually want to take advantage of its non-blocking nature, some scenarios might force us to add delays. We’ll learn about some of these scenarios while using a few Project Reactor features to control a stream of requests to a server.
虽然我们通常希望利用其非阻塞的特性,但有些场景可能会迫使我们增加延迟。我们将在使用一些Project Reactor功能来控制流向服务器的请求时,了解其中的一些情况。
2. Initial Setup
A typical case where we’d need to limit our requests per second is to avoid overwhelming the server. Also, some web services have a maximum number of requests allowed per hour. Likewise, some control the number of concurrent requests per client.
2.1. Writing a Simple Web Service
To explore this scenario, we’ll start with a simple @RestController that serves random numbers from a fixed range:
public class RandomController {
Integer getRandom() {
return new Random().nextInt(50));
Next, we’ll simulate an expensive operation and limit the number of concurrent requests.
2.2. Rate Limiting Our Server
Before seeing solutions, let’s change our service to simulate a more realistic scenario.
Firstly, we’ll limit the number of concurrent requests our server can take, throwing an exception when the limit is reached.
Secondly, we’ll add a delay to process our response, simulating an expensive operation. While there are more robust solutions available, we’ll do this just for illustration purposes:
public class Concurrency {
public static final int MAX_CONCURRENT = 5;
static final AtomicInteger CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = new HashMap<>();
public static int protect(IntSupplier supplier) {
try {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("max concurrent requests reached");
return supplier.getAsInt();
} finally {
Finally, let’s change our endpoint to use it:
Integer getRandom() {
return Concurrency.protect(() -> new Random().nextInt(50));
Now, our endpoint refuses to process requests when we’re over MAX_CONCURRENT requests, returning an error to the client.
2.3. Writing a Simple Client
All examples will follow this pattern to generate a Flux of n requests and make a GET request to our service:
Flux.range(1, n)
.flatMap(i -> {
// GET request
To reduce the boilerplate, let’s implement the request part in a method we can reuse in all examples. We’ll receive a WebClient, call get(), and retrieve() the response body with generics using ParameterizedTypeReference:
public interface RandomConsumer {
static <T> Mono<T> get(WebClient client) {
return client.get()
.bodyToMono(new ParameterizedTypeReference<T>() {});
Now we’re ready to see some approaches.
3. Delaying With zipWith(Flux.Interval())
Our first example combines our requests with a fixed delay using zipWith():
public class ZipWithInterval {
public static Flux<Integer> fetch(
WebClient client, int requests, int delay) {
return Flux.range(1, requests)
.flatMap(i -> RandomConsumer.get(client));
As a result, this delays each request by delay milliseconds. We should note that this delay applies before sending the request.
4. Delaying With Flux.delayElements()
Flux has a more straightforward way to delay its elements:
public class DelayElements {
public static Flux<Integer> fetch(
WebClient client, int requests, int delay) {
return Flux.range(1, requests)
.flatMap(i -> RandomConsumer.get(client));
With delayElements(), the delay applies directly to Subscriber.onNext() signals. In other words, it delays each element from Flux.range(). Therefore, the function passed into flatMap() will be affected, taking longer to start. For instance, if the delay value is 1000, there will be a one second delay before our request starts.
4.1. Adapting Our Solution
Consequently, if we don’t provide a long enough delay, we’ll get an error:
void givenSmallDelay_whenDelayElements_thenExceptionThrown() {
int delay = 100;
int requests = 10;
assertThrows(InternalServerError.class, () -> {
DelayElements.fetch(client, requests, delay)
That’s because we’re waiting 100 milliseconds per request, but each request takes two seconds to complete on the server side. So, rapidly, our concurrent requests limit is reached, and we get a 500 error.
We can get away with the request limit if we add enough delay. But then, we’d have another problem – we’d wait for more time than necessary.
Depending on our use case, waiting too much might significantly impact performance. So, next, let’s check a more appropriate way to handle this since we know the limitations of our server.
5. Concurrency Control With flatMap()
Given the limitations of our service, our best option is to send at most Concurrency.MAX_CONCURRENT requests in parallel. To do this, we can add one more argument to flatMap() for the maximum number of parallel processing:
public class LimitConcurrency {
public static Flux<Integer> fetch(
WebClient client, int requests, int concurrency) {
return Flux.range(1, requests)
.flatMap(i -> RandomConsumer.get(client), concurrency);
This parameter guarantees the maximum number of concurrent requests doesn’t exceed concurrency and that our processing won’t be delayed more than necessary:
void givenLimitInsideServerRange_whenLimitedConcurrency_thenNoExceptionThrown() {
int limit = Concurrency.MAX_CONCURRENT;
int requests = 10;
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> {
LimitConcurrency.fetch(client, TOTAL_REQUESTS, limit)
Still, a few other options are worth discussing, depending on our scenario and preference. Let’s go over some of them.
6. Using Resilience4j RateLimiter
Resilience4j is a versatile library designed for dealing with fault tolerance in applications. We’ll use it to limit the number of concurrent requests within an interval and include a timeout.
Let’s start by adding the resilience4j-reactor and resilience4j-ratelimiter dependencies:
Then we build our rate limiter with RateLimiter.of(), providing a name, an interval for sending new requests, a concurrency limit, and a timeout:
public class Resilience4jRateLimit {
public static Flux<Integer> fetch(
WebClient client, int requests, int concurrency, int interval) {
RateLimiter limiter = RateLimiter.of("my-rate-limiter", RateLimiterConfig.custom()
.timeoutDuration(Duration.ofMillis(interval * concurrency))
// ...
Now we include it in our Flux with transformDeferred(), so it controls our GET requests rate:
return Flux.range(1, requests)
.flatMap(i -> RandomConsumer.get(client)
We should notice we can still have a problem if we define our interval as too low. But, this approach is helpful if we need to share a rate limiter specification with other operations.
7. Precise Throttling With Guava
Guava has a general-purpose rate limiter that works well for our scenario. Furthermore, since it uses the token bucket algorithm, it’ll only block when necessary instead of every time, unlike Flux.delayElements().
First, we need to add guava to our pom.xml:
To use it, we call RateLimiter.create() and pass it the maximum number of requests per second we want to send. Then, we call acquire() on the limiter before sending our request to throttle execution when necessary:
public class GuavaRateLimit {
public static Flux<Integer> fetch(
WebClient client, int requests, int requestsPerSecond) {
RateLimiter limiter = RateLimiter.create(requestsPerSecond);
return Flux.range(1, requests)
.flatMap(i -> {
return RandomConsumer.get(client);
This solution works excellently due to its simplicity – it doesn’t make our code block longer than necessary. For instance, if, for some reason, a request takes longer than expected, the next won’t wait to execute. But, this is the case only if we’re inside the range set for requestsPerSecond.
8. Conclusion
In this article, we saw a few available approaches to rate limit our WebClient. After that, we simulated a controlled web service to see how it affected our code and tests. Moreover, we used Project Reactor and a few libraries to help us achieve the same goal differently.
在这篇文章中,我们看到了一些可用的方法来限制我们的WebClient的速率。之后,我们模拟了一个受控的Web服务,看看它是如何影响我们的代码和测试的。此外,我们使用Project Reactor和一些库来帮助我们以不同的方式实现相同的目标。
And as always, the source code is available over on GitHub.