The Baeldung Weekly Review 40 – Baeldung周报》40

最后修改: 2014年 10月 10日


At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to start to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung.


Curating my reading has made it more purposeful and diverse – and I’m hopefully providing value to you as well by allowing the best content of the week to raise to the top.


Here we go…


1. Java and Spring


>> Reduce Boilerplate Code in your Java applications with Project Lombok

Quick and useful introduction to project Lombok and the ways you remove some of the boilerplate in your system by using it.


Personally I think Lombok is bit of a “treating the symptom not the cause” kind of approach – moderately useful but also a bit of an roadblock for a new developer picking up the project.

我个人认为Lombok是一种 “治标不治本 “的方法–适度有用,但对于一个新的开发者来说也是一个路障。

>> Your code coverage metric is not meaningful

I think this is a well known fact by now – code coverage doesn’t guarantee anything and should definitely not be a metric the business looks at, but at most something internal that the developer tracks and uses as a tool.


>> Java 8 Lambdas – A Peek Under the Hood

There are many intros to Java Lambdas – this is one of the better ones.

有很多Java Lambdas介绍–这是其中一个比较好的介绍。

>> Spring Boot and Spring Data REST – exposing repositories over REST

A cursory look at Spring Data REST and how it can be set up with Spring Boot to implement a simple API. Quite useful to hit the ground running quickly.

粗略了解一下Spring Data REST以及如何将其与Spring Boot设置在一起以实现简单的API。这对快速入门相当有用。

>> Streaming JSON Patch from Spring to a React UI

It’s a good sign when a framework explores the fringes of the web and looks forward. This quick article is a early look at how you would stream data with JSON Patch over the STOMP protocol.

当一个框架探索网络的边缘并向前看时,这是一个好兆头。这篇快速的文章是对你如何通过STOMP协议用JSON Patch进行数据流的早期研究。

Might not jump in and use this one right away, but, regardless, it’s a very cool exercise.


My Weekly Review on Baeldung

2. Technical and Musings


>> Clean Up Those Nasty Junk Drawers

In-depth advice on getting to a better structure and grouping for tests – lot’s of great food for thought in here.


>> ChessTDD 18: RemovePiece and Housekeeping

The new installment in the Chess TDD Series after a bit of a break. It going to be interesting to see what being in a new codebase (and a Java one at that) will mean for the series – perhaps conventions leaning towards the BDD style.


>> move fast & break nothing

You’re evolving a system while that system is in the hands of real users. If you’re not – you will be (that’s the whole point of what we do isn’t it?).


Now that we established that – jump on over and read this piece – it’s not bullshit.


>> Faith in eventually

An interesting way to look at technical depth (among other things) – from Jason Fried.

一个有趣的方法来查看技术深度(除其他外)–来自Jason Fried。

It’s definitely a learned skill – to know what to solve right now, what to push for later and to be able to be OK with that continuously imperfect state of things.


>> How I Curate the IndyHackers’ Newsletter

This is both meta and also very appropriate to include in a Newsletter style article such as this weekly review. It’s a very interesting read about techniques and practices in curating a newsletter.


I’ve been writing this here weekly review since the very start of this year, and along the way I’ve streamlines my process and learned a lot of best practices, but I haven’t automated anything yet. Maybe in 2015.


3. Comics


And of course, the weeks XKCD comics – these 3 are funny but also a little bit sad:


>> Spirit

>> Listen to Yourself

>> Tones

4. Exclusive


Last week I introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. The interesting part is that it’s entirely exclusive to my email list subscribers.

上周,我在 “每周回顾 “中推出了 “每周精选 “栏目。有趣的是,它是完全为我的电子邮件列表订阅者所专有的

So – if you came to this article from my email list, you have the pick already – hope you enjoyed it.
