Hibernate Validator Specific Constraints – Hibernate验证器的具体约束条件

最后修改: 2019年 6月 9日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’re going to review Hibernate Validator constraints, which are built into Hibernate Validator but are outside the Bean Validation spec.

在本教程中,我们将回顾Hibernate Validator的约束条件,这些约束条件内置于Hibernate Validator中,但在Bean Validation规范之外。

For a recap of Bean Validation, please refer to our article on Java Bean Validation Basics.

关于Bean Validation的回顾,请参考我们的文章Java Bean Validation Basics

2. Hibernate Validator Setup


At the very least, we should add Hibernate Validator to our dependencies:

至少,我们应该将Hibernate Validator添加到我们的依赖项中:


Note that Hibernate Validator does not depend on Hibernate, the ORM, which we’ve covered in many other articles.


Additionally, some of the annotations that we’ll introduce only apply if our project makes use of certain libraries. So, for each one of those, we’ll indicate the necessary dependencies.


3. Validating Money-related Values


3.1. Validating Credit Card Numbers


Valid credit card numbers must satisfy a checksum, which we compute using Luhn’s Algorithm. The @CreditCardNumber constraint succeeds when a string satisfies the checksum.


@CreditCardNumber does not perform any other check on the input string. In particular, it doesn’t check the length of the input. Therefore, it can only detect numbers that are invalid due to a small typo.


Note that, by default, the constraint fails if the string contains characters which aren’t digits, but we can tell it to ignore them:


@CreditCardNumber(ignoreNonDigitCharacters = true)
private String lenientCreditCardNumber;

Then, we can include characters such as spaces or dashes:


constraintViolations = validator.validateProperty(validations, "lenientCreditCardNumber");

3.2. Validating Monetary Values


The @Currency validator checks whether a given monetary amount is in the specified currency:


private MonetaryAmount balance;

The class MonetaryAmount is part of Java Money. Therefore, @Currency only applies when a Java Money implementation is available.

MonetaryAmount是Java Money的一部分。因此,@Currency 只适用于当有Java Money实现时.

Once we have set Java Money up correctly, we can check the constraint:

一旦我们正确设置了Java Money,我们就可以检查约束。

bean.setBalance(Money.of(new BigDecimal(100.0), Monetary.getCurrency("EUR")));
constraintViolations = validator.validateProperty(bean, "balance");
assertEquals(0, constraintViolations.size());

4. Validating Ranges


4.1. Numeric and Monetary Ranges


The bean validation specification defines several constraints which we can enforce on numeric fields. Besides those, Hibernate Validator provides a handy annotation, @Range, that acts as a combination of @Min and @Max, matching a range inclusively:


@Range(min = 0, max = 100)
private BigDecimal percent;

Like @Min and @Max, @Range is applicable on fields of primitive number types and their wrappers; BigInteger and BigDecimalString representations of the above, and, finally, MonetaryValue fields.


4.2. Duration of Time


In addition to standard JSR 380 annotations for values that represent points in time, Hibernate Validator includes constraints for Durations as well. Make sure to check out the Period and Duration classes of Java Time first.

除了代表时间点的标准JSR380注释外,Hibernate验证器还包括对Durations的约束。请确保首先查看Java Time的Period Duration 类。

So, we can enforce minimum and maximum durations on a property:


@DurationMin(days = 1, hours = 2)
@DurationMax(days = 2, hours = 1)
private Duration duration;

Even if we didn’t show them all here, the annotation has parameters for all units of time from nanoseconds to days.


Please note that, by default, minimum and maximum values are inclusive. That is, a value which is exactly the same as the minimum or the maximum will pass validation.


If we want boundary values to be invalid, instead, we define the inclusive property to be false:


@DurationMax(minutes = 30, inclusive = false)

5. Validating Strings


5.1. String Length


We can use two slightly different constraints to enforce that a string is of a certain length.


Generally, we’ll want to ensure a string’s length in characters – the one we measure with the length method – is between a minimum and a maximum. In that case, we use @Length on a String property or field:

一般来说,我们要确保一个字符串的长度(即我们用length 方法测量的长度)在最小和最大之间。在这种情况下,我们在一个字符串属性或字段上使用@Length

@Length(min = 1, max = 3)
private String someString;

However, due to the intricacies of Unicode, sometimes the length in characters and the length in code points differ. When we want to check the latter, we use @CodePointLength:


@CodePointLength(min = 1, max = 3)
private String someString;

For example, the string “aa\uD835\uDD0A” is 4 characters long, but it contains only 3 code points, so it’ll fail the first constraint and pass the second one.

例如,字符串 “aa\uD835\uDD0A “有4个字符长,但它只包含3个代码点,所以它将无法通过第一个约束,而通过第二个约束。

Also, with both annotations, we can omit the minimum or the maximum value.


5.2. Checks on Strings of Digits


We’ve already seen how to check that a string is a valid credit card number. However, Hibernate Validator includes several other constraints for strings of digits.


The first one we’re reviewing is @LuhnCheck. This is the generalized version of @CreditCardNumber, in that it performs the same check, but allows for additional parameters:


@LuhnCheck(startIndex = 0, endIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE, checkDigitIndex = -1)
private String someString;

Here, we’ve shown the default values of the parameters, so the above is equivalent to a simple @LuhnCheck annotation.


But, as we can see, we can perform the check on a substring (startIndex and endIndex) and tell the constraint which digit is the checksum digit, with -1 meaning the last one in the checked substring.


Other interesting constraints include the modulo 10 check (@Mod10Check) and the modulo 11 check (@Mod11Check), which are typically used for barcodes and other codes such as ISBN.


However, for those specific cases, Hibernate Validator happens to provide a constraint to validate ISBN codes, @ISBN, as well as an @EAN constraint for EAN barcodes.


5.3. URL and HTML Validation


The @Url constraint verifies that a string is a valid representation of a URL. Additionally, we can check that specific component of the URL has a certain value:


@URL(protocol = "https")
private String url;

We can thus check the protocol, the host and the port. If that’s not sufficient, there’s a regexp property that we can use to match the URL against a regular expression.


We can also verify that a property contains “safe” HTML code (for example, without script tags):

我们还可以验证一个属性是否包含 “安全 “的HTML代码(例如,没有脚本标签)。

private String html;

@SafeHtml uses the JSoup library, which must be included in our dependencies.

@SafeHtml 使用JSoup库,它必须被包含在我们的依赖中。

We can tailor the HTML sanitization to our needs using built-in tag whitelists (the whitelist property of the annotation) and including additional tags and attributes (the additionalTags and additionalTagsWithAttributes parameters).


6. Other Constraints


Let’s mention briefly that Hibernate Validator includes some country and locale-specific constraints, in particular for some Brazilian and Polish identification numbers, taxpayer codes and similar. Please refer to the relevant section of the documentation for a full list.


Also, we can check that a collection does not contain duplicates with @UniqueElements.


Finally, for complex cases not covered by existing annotations, we can invoke a script written in a JSR-223 compatible scripting engine. We’ve, of course, touched on JSR-223 in our article about Nashorn, the JavaScript implementation included in modern JVMs.


In this case, the annotation is at the class level, and the script is invoked on the entire instance, passed as the variable _this:


@ScriptAssert(lang = "nashorn", script = "_this.valid")
public class AdditionalValidations {
    private boolean valid = true;
    // standard getters and setters

Then, we can check the constraint on the whole instance:


constraintViolations = validator.validate(bean);
assertEquals(1, constraintViolations.size());

7. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve listed the constraints in Hibernate Validator that go beyond the minimal set defined in the Bean Validation specification.

在这篇文章中,我们列出了Hibernate验证器中的约束,这些约束超出了Bean Validation规范中定义的最小集合。

The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found over on GitHub.
