Checking if Two Java Dates are On the Same Day – 检查两个Java日期是否在同一天

最后修改: 2019年 11月 30日


1. Overview


In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn about several different ways to check if two java.util.Date objects have the same day.


We’ll start by considering solutions using core Java – namely, Java 8 features – before looking at a couple of pre-Java 8 alternatives.

我们将首先考虑使用核心Java的解决方案–即Java 8的功能–然后再看看几个Java 8之前的替代品。

To finish, we’ll also look at some external libraries — Apache Commons Lang, Joda-Time, and Date4J.

最后,我们还将看看一些外部库–Apache Commons Lang, Joda-Time, 和 Date4J

2. Core Java


The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision. To find out if two Date objects contain the same day, we need to check if the Year-Month-Day is the same for both objects and discard the time aspect.


2.1. Using LocalDate


With the new Date-Time API of Java 8, we can use the LocalDate object. This is an immutable object representing a date without a time.

通过新的Java 8的日期时间API,我们可以使用LocalDate对象。这是一个不可变的对象,代表一个没有时间的日期。

Let’s see how we can check if two Date objects have the same day using this class:


public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
    LocalDate localDate1 = date1.toInstant()
    LocalDate localDate2 = date2.toInstant()
    return localDate1.isEqual(localDate2);

In this example, we’ve converted both the Date objects to LocalDate using the default timezone. Once converted, we just need to check if the LocalDate objects are equal using the isEqual method.

在这个例子中,我们已经使用默认的时区将两个Date对象转换为LocalDate 。一旦转换完成,我们只需要使用isEqual方法检查LocalDate对象是否相等。

Consequently, using this approach, we’ll be able to determine if the two Date objects contain the same day.


2.2. Using Instant


In the example above, we used Instant as an intermediate object when converting Date objects to LocalDate objects. Instant, introduced in Java 8, represents a specific point in time.

在上面的例子中,我们在将Date对象转换为LocalDate对象时使用了Instant作为中间对象。Instant,在Java 8中引入,代表一个特定的时间点

We can directly truncate the Instant objects to the DAYS unit, which sets the time field values to zero, and then we can compare them:


public static boolean isSameDayUsingInstant(Date date1, Date date2) {
    Instant instant1 = date1.toInstant()
    Instant instant2 = date2.toInstant()
    return instant1.equals(instant2);

2.3. Using SimpleDateFormat


Since early versions of Java, we’ve been able to use the SimpleDateFormat class to convert between Date and String object representations. This class comes with support for conversion using many patterns. In our case, we will use the pattern “yyyyMMdd”.

从Java的早期版本开始,我们就可以使用SimpleDateFormat类来在DateString对象表示之间转换。这个类支持使用许多模式进行转换。在我们的案例中,我们将使用模式 “yyyyMMdd”

Using this, we’ll format the Date, convert it to a String object, and then compare them using the standard equals method:


public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
    SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
    return fmt.format(date1).equals(fmt.format(date2));

2.4. Using Calendar


The Calendar class provides methods to get the values of different date-time units for a particular instant of time.


Firstly, we need to create a Calendar instance and set the Calendar objects’ time using each of the provided dates. Then we can query and compare the Year-Month-Day attributes individually to figure out if the Date objects have the same day:


public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
    Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
    return calendar1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR)
      && calendar1.get(Calendar.MONTH) == calendar2.get(Calendar.MONTH)
      && calendar1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == calendar2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

3. External Libraries


Now that we have a good understanding of how to compare Date objects using the new and old APIs offered by core Java, let’s take a look at some external libraries.


3.1. Apache Commons Lang DateUtils

3.1.Apache Commons Lang DateUtils

The DateUtils class provides many useful utilities that make it easier to work with the legacy Calendar and Date objects.


The Apache Commons Lang artifact is available from Maven Central:

Apache Commons Lang工件可从Maven Central获得。


Then we can simply use the method isSameDay from DateUtils:


DateUtils.isSameDay(date1, date2);

3.2. Joda-Time Library


An alternative to the core Java Date and Time library is Joda-Time. This widely used library serves an excellent substitute when working with Date and Time.

核心Java DateTime库的一个替代方案是Joda-Time这个被广泛使用的在处理日期和时间时起到了很好的替代作用

The artifact can be found on Maven Central:

该工件可以在Maven Central上找到。


In this library, org.joda.time.LocalDate represents a date without time. Hence, we can construct the LocalDate objects from the java.util.Date objects and then compare them:


public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
    org.joda.time.LocalDate localDate1 = new org.joda.time.LocalDate(date1);
    org.joda.time.LocalDate localDate2 = new org.joda.time.LocalDate(date2);
    return localDate1.equals(localDate2);

3.3. Date4J Library


Date4j also provides a straightforward and simple implementation that we can use.


Likewise, it is also available from Maven Central:

同样,也可以从Maven Central获得。


Using this library, we need to construct the DateTime object from a java.util.Date object. Then we can simply use the isSameDayAs method:


public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
    DateTime dateObject1 = DateTime.forInstant(date1.getTime(), TimeZone.getDefault());
    DateTime dateObject2 = DateTime.forInstant(date2.getTime(), TimeZone.getDefault());
    return dateObject1.isSameDayAs(dateObject2);

4. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we’ve explored several ways of checking if two java.util.Date objects contain the same day.


As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.
