Calculate Months Between Two Dates in Java – 用 Java 计算两个日期之间的月份

最后修改: 2023年 12月 28日


1. Overview


Calculating month intervals between dates is a common programming task. The Java standard library and third-party libraries provide classes and methods to calculate months between two dates.

计算日期之间的月份间隔是一项常见的编程任务。Java 标准库和第三方库提供了计算两个日期之间月份的类和方法。

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into details of how to use the legacy Date API, Date Time API, and Joda-Time library to calculate month intervals between two dates in Java.

在本教程中,我们将详细介绍如何使用传统的 Date API、Date Time APIJoda-Time 库来计算 Java 中两个日期之间的月份间隔。

2. Impact of Day Value


When calculating the month interval between two dates, the day value of the dates impacts the result.


By default, the Java standard library and Joda-Time library consider the day value. If the day value of the end date is less than the day value of the start day, the final month isn’t counted as a full month and is excluded from the month interval:

默认情况下,Java 标准库和 Joda-Time 库会考虑日值。如果结束日期的日值小于开始日期的日值,则最后一个月不计入整月,并从月份间隔中排除

LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.parse("2023-05-31");
LocalDate endDate = LocalDate.parse("2023-11-28");

In the code above, the day value of the end date is less than the day value of the start date. Therefore, the final month won’t count as a full month.


However, if the day value of the end date is equal to or greater than the day value of the day value of the start date, the final month is considered a full month and included in the interval:


LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.parse("2023-05-15");
LocalDate endDate = LocalDate.parse("2023-11-20");

In some cases, we may decide to ignore the day value completely and only consider the month value difference between the two dates.


In the subsequent sections, we’ll see how to calculate month intervals between two dates with or without considering the day value.


3. Using Legacy Date API


When using the legacy Date API, we need to create a custom method to calculate month intervals between two dates. With the Calendar class, we can calculate the month interval between two dates using the Date class.

在使用传统的日期 API 时,我们需要创建一个自定义方法来计算两个日期之间的月份间隔。通过 Calendar 类,我们可以使用 Date 类计算两个日期之间的月份间隔

3.1. Without the Day Value


Let’s write a method that uses the Calendar and Date classes to calculate the month interval between two Date objects without considering the day value:

让我们编写一个方法,使用 CalendarDate 类计算两个 Date 对象之间的月份间隔,而不考虑日值:

int monthsBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
    if (startDate == null || endDate == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both startDate and endDate must be provided");

    Calendar startCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int startDateTotalMonths = 12 * startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) 
      + startCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);

    Calendar endCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int endDateTotalMonths = 12 * endCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) 
      + endCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);

    return endDateTotalMonths - startDateTotalMonths;

This method takes the start date and end date as arguments. First, we create a Calendar instance and pass the Date object to it. Next, we calculate the total months of each date by converting the year to month and adding it to the current month value.

此方法将开始日期和结束日期作为参数。首先,我们创建一个 Calendar 实例,并将 Date 对象传递给它。接下来,我们将年份转换为月份,并将其与当前月份值相加,从而计算出每个日期的总月份数

Finally, we find the difference between the two dates.


Let’s write a unit test for the method:


void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingLegacyDateApi_thenReturnMonthsDifference() throws ParseException {
    MonthInterval monthDifference = new MonthInterval();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date startDate = sdf.parse("2016-05-31");
    Date endDate = sdf.parse("2016-11-30");
    int monthsBetween = monthDifference.monthsBetween(startDate, endDate);
    assertEquals(6, monthsBetween);

In the code above, we create a SimpleDateFormat object to format the date. Next, we pass the Date object to the monthsBetween() to calculate the month interval.

在上面的代码中,我们创建了一个 SimpleDateFormat 对象来格式化日期。接下来,我们将 Date 对象传递给 monthsBetween() 以计算月份间隔。

Finally, we assert that the output is equal to the expected result.


3.2. With the Day Value


Also, let’s see an example code that puts the day value into consideration:


int monthsBetweenWithDayValue(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
    if (startDate == null || endDate == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both startDate and endDate must be provided");
    Calendar startCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int startDateDayOfMonth = startCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int startDateTotalMonths = 12 * startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) 
      + startCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    Calendar endCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int endDateDayOfMonth = endCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int endDateTotalMonths = 12 * endCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) 
      + endCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);

    return (startDateDayOfMonth > endDateDayOfMonth) 
      ? (endDateTotalMonths - startDateTotalMonths) - 1 
      : (endDateTotalMonths - startDateTotalMonths);

Here, we add a condition to check if the start date day value is greater than the end date day value. Then, we adjust the month interval based on the condition.


Here’s a unit test for the method:


void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingLegacyDateApiDayValueConsidered_thenReturnMonthsDifference() throws ParseException {
    MonthInterval monthDifference = new MonthInterval();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date startDate = sdf.parse("2016-05-31");
    Date endDate = sdf.parse("2016-11-28");
    int monthsBetween = monthDifference.monthsBetweenWithDayValue(startDate, endDate);
    assertEquals(5, monthsBetween);

Since the end date day value is less than the start date day value, the final month doesn’t count as a full month.


4. Using the Date Time API


Since Java 8, the Date Time API provides options to get the month interval between two dates. We can use the Period class and ChronoUnit enum to compute the month interval between two dates.

自 Java 8 起,日期时间 API 提供了获取两个日期之间月份间隔的选项。我们可以使用 Period 类和 ChronoUnit 枚举计算两个日期之间的月份间隔。

4.1. The Period Class


The Period class provides a static method named between() to calculate month intervals between two dates. It accepts two arguments representing the start date and the end date. The day value of the date impacts the month interval when using the Period class:

Period 类提供了一个名为 between() 的静态方法,用于计算两个日期之间的月份间隔。该方法接受两个参数,分别代表开始日期和结束日期。使用 Period 类时,日期的日值会影响月份间隔:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingPeriodClass_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    Period diff = Period.between(LocalDate.parse("2023-05-25"), LocalDate.parse("2023-11-23"));
    assertEquals(5, diff.getMonths());

Considering the day’s value in the dates, between() returns a difference of five months. The day value of the end date is less than the day value of the start date. Hence, the final month doesn’t count as a full month.

考虑到日期中的日值,between() 返回五个月的差值。结束日期的日值小于开始日期的日值。因此,最后一个月不算整月。

However, if we intend to ignore the day value of the dates, we can set the LocalDate objects to the first day of the month:

但是,如果我们打算忽略日期的日值,我们可以将 LocalDate 对象设置为每月的第一天:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingPeriodClassAndAdjsutingDatesToFirstDayOfTheMonth_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    Period diff = Period.between(LocalDate.parse("2023-05-25")
      .withDayOfMonth(1), LocalDate.parse("2023-11-23")
    assertEquals(6, diff.getMonths());

Here, we invoke the withDayOfMonth() method on the LocalDate object to set the dates to the beginning of the month.

在此,我们调用 LocalDate 对象上的 withDayOfMonth() 方法,将日期设置为月初。

4.2. The ChronoUnit Enum

4.2.ChronoUnit 枚举

The ChronoUnit enum provides a constant named MONTHS and a static method named between() to compute the month interval between two dates.

ChronoUnit 枚举提供了一个名为 MONTHS 的常量和一个名为 between() 的静态方法,用于计算两个日期之间的月份间隔。

Similar to the Period class, the ChronoUnit enum also considers the day value in the two dates:

Period 类类似,ChronoUnit 枚举也考虑了两个日期中的日值:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingChronoUnitEnum_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    long monthsBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(
    assertEquals(5, monthsBetween);

Also, if we intend to ignore the day value, we can set the date objects to the first day of the month using the withDayOfMonth() method:

此外,如果我们打算忽略日期值,可以使用 withDayOfMonth() 方法将日期对象设置为每月的第一天:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingChronoUnitEnumdSetTimeToFirstDayOfMonth_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    long monthsBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(LocalDate.parse("2023-05-25")
      .withDayOfMonth(1), LocalDate.parse("2023-11-23")
    assertEquals(6, monthsBetween);

Finally, we can also use YearMonth.from() method with ChronoUnit enum to ignore the day value:

最后,我们还可以使用 YearMonth.from() 方法和 ChronoUnit 枚举来忽略日值:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingChronoUnitAndYearMonth_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    long diff = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(
    assertEquals(6, diff);

In the code above, we use the YearMonth.from() method to consider only the year and month values while computing the month between the two dates.

在上面的代码中,我们使用 YearMonth.from() 方法在计算两个日期之间的月份时,只考虑年和月值。

5. Using the Joda Time Library

5.使用 Joda 时间库

The Joda-Time library provides the Months.monthsBetween() method to find month intervals between two dates. To use the Joda-Time library, let’s add its dependency to the pom.xml:

Joda-Time 库提供了 Months.monthsBetween() 方法来查找两个日期之间的月份间隔。要使用 Joda-Time 库,让我们将其 依赖关系添加到 pom.xml 中:


Just like the Date Time API, it considers the day value of the dates objects by default:

就像日期时间 API 一样,默认情况下它也会考虑日期对象的日值:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingJodaTime_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 25, 0, 0);
    DateTime secondDate = new DateTime(2023, 11, 23, 0, 0);
    int monthsBetween = Months.monthsBetween(firstDate, secondDate).getMonths();
    assertEquals(5, monthsBetween);

In the code above, we create two date objects with a set date. Next, we pass the date objects to the monthsBetween() method and invoke getMonths() on it.

在上面的代码中,我们创建了两个日期对象,并设定了日期。然后,我们将日期对象传递给 monthsBetween() 方法,并调用 getMonths() 方法。

Finally, we assert that the return month interval is equal to the expected value.


If we intend not to consider the day value, we can invoke the withDayOfMonth() method on the DateTime objects and set the day to the first day of the month:

如果我们不打算考虑日值,可以调用 DateTime 对象上的 withDayOfMonth() 方法,将日设置为每月的第一天:

void whenCalculatingMonthsBetweenUsingJodaTimeSetTimeToFirstDayOfMonth_thenReturnMonthsDifference() {
    DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 25, 0, 0).withDayOfMonth(1);
    DateTime secondDate = new DateTime(2023, 11, 23, 0, 0).withDayOfMonth(1);
    int monthsBetween = Months.monthsBetween(firstDate, secondDate).getMonths();
    assertEquals(6, monthsBetween);

Here, we set the day of the two date objects to the first day of the month to avoid the day value impacting the expected result.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we learned ways of calculating the month interval between two date objects using the standard library and a third-party library. Also, we saw how to calculate month intervals between dates with and without considering the day value of the dates.


The choice to include or ignore the day value depends on our goal and specific requirements. Also, the Date Time API provides different options, and it’s recommended because it’s easier to use and doesn’t require external dependency.


As usual, the complete source code for the examples is available over on GitHub.

与往常一样,这些示例的完整源代码可在 GitHub 上获取。