1. Introduction
Choosing the right tool for the job can be daunting. In this tutorial, we’ll simplify this by comparing three web application load testing tools – Apache JMeter, Gatling, and The Grinder–against a simple REST API.
为工作选择正确的工具可能是令人生畏的。在本教程中,我们将通过比较三种网络应用程序负载测试工具–Apache JMeter、Gatling和The Grinder–与一个简单的REST API进行比较来简化这一问题。
2. Load Testing Tools
First, let’s quickly review some background on each.
2.1. Gatling
2.1. 加特林
Gatling is a load testing tool that creates test scripts in Scala. Gatling’s recorder generates the Scala test scripts, a key feature for Gatling. Check out our Intro to Gatling tutorial for more information.
Gatling是一个负载测试工具,可在Scala中创建测试脚本。Gatling 的记录器可生成 Scala 测试脚本,这是 Gatling 的一项关键功能。请查看我们的 Intro to Gatling 教程以了解更多信息。
2.2. JMeter
2.2 JMeter
JMeter is a load testing tool by Apache. It provides a nice GUI that we use can for configuration. A unique feature called logic controllers gives great flexibility to set up tests in the GUI.
Visit our Intro to JMeter tutorial for screenshots and more explanation.
请访问我们的Intro to JMeter教程,了解屏幕截图和更多解释。
2.3. The Grinder
And our final tool, The Grinder, provides a more programming-based scripting engine than the other two and uses Jython. However, The Grinder 3 does have functionality for recording scripts.
而我们的最后一个工具,Grinder,提供了一个比其他两个更基于编程的脚本引擎,并使用Jython。然而,The Grinder 3确实具有记录脚本的功能。
The Grinder also differs from the other two tools by allowing for console and agent processes. This functionality provides the ability for an agent process so that the load tests can scale up across multiple servers. It’s specifically advertised as a load test tool built for developers to find deadlocks and slowdowns.
Grinder还与其他两个工具不同,允许控制台和代理进程。该功能提供了代理进程的能力,从而使负载测试可以在多个服务器上进行扩展。 它被特别宣传为一个为开发人员建立的负载测试工具,以发现死锁和减速。
3. Test Case Setup
Next, for our test, we need an API. Our API functionality includes:
- add/update a rewards record
- view one/all rewards record
- link a transaction to a customer rewards record
- view transactions for a customer rewards record
Our Scenario:
A store is having a nationwide sale with new and returning customers who need customer rewards accounts to get savings. The rewards API checks for customer rewards account by the customer id. If no rewards account exists, add it, then link to the transaction.
After this, we query the transactions.
3.1. Our REST API
3.1.我们的REST API
Let’s get a quick highlight of the API by viewing some of the method stubs:
public @ResponseBody RewardsAccount addRewardsAcount(@RequestBody RewardsAccount body)
public @ResponseBody Optional<RewardsAccount> findCustomer(@PathVariable Integer customerId)
public @ResponseBody Transaction addTransaction(@RequestBody Transaction transaction)
public @ResponseBody Iterable<Transaction> findTransactions(@PathVariable Integer rewardId)
Note some of the relationships such as querying for transactions by the reward id and getting the rewards account by customer id. These relationships force some logic and some response parsing for our test scenario creation.
The application under test also uses an H2 in-memory database for persistence.
Luckily, our tools all handle it fairly well, some better than others.
3.2. Our Testing Plan
Next, we need test scripts.
To get a fair comparison, we’ll perform the same automation steps for each tool:
- Generate random customer account ids
- Post a transaction
- Parse the response for the random customer id and transaction id
- Query for a customer rewards account id with the customer id
- Parse the response for the rewards account id
- If no rewards account id exists then add one with a post
- Post the same initial transaction with updated rewards id using the transaction id
- Query for all transactions by rewards account id
Let’s take a closer look at Step 4 for each tool. And, make sure to check out the sample for all three completed scripts.
3.3. Gatling
3.3. 加特林
For Gatling, familiarity with Scala adds a boon for developers since the Gatling API is robust and contains a lot of features.
Gatling’s API takes a builder DSL approach, as we can see in its step 4:
Of particular note is Gatling’s support for JSON Path when we need to read and verify an HTTP response. Here, we’ll pick up the reward id and save it to Gatling’s internal state.
Also, Gatling’s expression language makes for easier dynamic request body Strings:
Lastly our configuration for this comparison. The 1000 runs set as a repeat of the entire scenario, atOnceUsers method sets the threads/users:
val scn = scenario("RewardsScenario")
.repeat(1000) {
The entire Scala script is viewable at our Github repo.
整个Scala脚本可在我们的Github repo中查看。。
3.4. JMeter
3.4 JMeter
JMeter generates an XML file after the GUI configuration. The file contains JMeter specific objects with set properties and their values, for example:
<HTTPSamplerProxy guiclass="HttpTestSampleGui" testclass="HTTPSamplerProxy" testname="Add Transaction" enabled="true">
<JSONPostProcessor guiclass="JSONPostProcessorGui" testclass="JSONPostProcessor" testname="Transaction Id Extractor" enabled="true">
Check out the testname attributes, they can be labeled as we recognize them matching the logical steps above. The ability to add children, variables and dependency steps gives JMeter flexibility as scripting provides. Furthermore, we even set the scope for our variables!
Our configuration for runs and users in JMeter uses ThreadGroups:
<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">100</stringProp>
View the entire jmx file as a reference. While possible, writing tests in XML as .jmx files do not make sense with a full-featured GUI.
3.5. The Grinder
Without the functional programming of Scala and GUI, our Jython script for The Grinder looks pretty basic. Add some system Java classes, and we have a lot fewer lines of code.
customerId = str(random.nextInt());
result = request1.POST("http://localhost:8080/transactions/add",
"{"'"customerRewardsId"'":null,"'"customerId"'":"+ customerId + ","'"transactionDate"'":null}")
txnId = parseJsonString(result.getText(), "id")
However, fewer lines of test setup code are balanced by the need for more string maintenance code such as parsing JSON strings. Also, the HTTPRequest API is slim on functionality.
然而,由于需要更多的字符串维护代码(如解析JSON字符串),测试设置代码的行数减少了,这也是一种平衡。另外,HTTPRequest API的功能也很有限。
With The Grinder, we define threads, processes, and runs values in an external properties file:
通过The Grinder,我们在一个外部属性文件中定义线程、进程和运行值。
grinder.threads = 100
grinder.processes = 1
grinder.runs = 1000
Our full Jython script for The Grinder will look like this.
4. Test Runs
4.1. Test Execution
All three tools recommend using the command line for large load tests.
To run the tests, we’ll use Gatling open-source version 3.4.0 as a standalone tool, JMeter 5.3 and The Grinder version 3.
为了运行测试,我们将使用Gatling 开源版作为独立工具,JMeter 5.3和The Grinder version 3.
Gatling requires only that we have JAVA_HOME and GATLING_HOME set. To execute Gatling we use:
in the GATLING_HOME/bin directory.
JMeter needs a parameter to disable the GUI for the test as prompted when starting the GUI for configuration:
./jmeter.sh -n -t TestPlan.jmx -l log.jtl
Like Gatling, The Grinder requires that we set JAVA_HOME and GRINDERPATH. However, it needs a couple more properties, too:
export CLASSPATH=/home/lore/Documents/grinder-3/lib/grinder.jar:$CLASSPATH
export GRINDERPROPERTIES=/home/lore/Documents/grinder-3/examples/grinder.properties
As mentioned above, we provide a grinder.properties file for additional configuration such as threads, runs, processes, and console hosts.
Finally, we bootstrap the console and agents with:
java -classpath $CLASSPATH net.grinder.Console
java -classpath $CLASSPATH net.grinder.Grinder $GRINDERPROPERTIES
4.2. Test Results
Each of the tests ran 1000 runs with 100 users/threads. Let’s unpack some of the highlights:
Successful Requests | Errors | Total Test Time (s) | Average Response Time (ms) | Mean Throughput | |
Gatling | 500000 Requests | 0 | 218s | 42 | 2283 req/s |
JMeter | 499997 Requests | 0 | 237s | 46 | 2101 req/s |
The Grinder | 499997 Requests | 0 | 221s | 43 | 2280 req/s |
The results show the 3 tools have similar speed, with Gatling slightly edging out the other 2, based on the mean throughput.
Each tool also provides additional information in a friendlier user interface.
Gatling will generate an HTML report at the end of the run, which contains multiple graphs and statistics, for the total run as well as for each request. Here’s a snippet of the test result report:
When using JMeter, we can open the GUI after the test run and generate an HTML report based on the log file where we saved the results:
The JMeter HTML report also contains a breakdown of the statistics per request.
Finally, The Grinder Console records statistics for each agent and run:
最后,Grinder Console记录了每个代理和运行的统计数据:。
While The Grinder is high-speed, it comes at the cost of additional development time and less diversity of output data.
5. Summary
Now it’s time to take an overall look at each of the load testing tools.
Gatling | JMeter | The Grinder | |
Project and Community | 9 | 9 | 6 |
Performance | 9 | 8 | 9 |
Scriptability/API | 7 | 9 | 8 |
UI | 9 | 8 | 6 |
Reports | 9 | 7 | 6 |
Integration | 7 | 9 | 7 |
Summary | 8.3 | 8.3 | 7 |
- Solid, polished load testing tool that outputs beautiful reports with Scala scripting
- Open Source and Enterprise support levels for the product
- Robust API (through GUI) for test script development with no coding required
- Apache Foundation Support and great integration with Maven
The Grinder:
- Fast performance load testing tool for developers using Jython
- Cross-server scalability provides even more potential for large tests
Simply put, if speed and scalability is a need, then use The Grinder.
If great looking interactive graphs help show a performance gain to argue for a change, then use Gatling.
JMeter is the tool for complicated business logic or an integration layer with many message types. As part of the Apache Software Foundation, JMeter provides a mature product and a large community.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, we see that the tools have comparable functionalities in some areas while shining in others. The right tool for the right job is colloquial wisdom that works in software development.
Finally, the API and scripts can be found on Github.