Geolocation by IP in Java – 在Java中通过IP进行地理定位

最后修改: 2016年 11月 24日


1. Introduction


In this article, we will explore how to get geographic location data from an IP address using the MaxMind GeoIP2 Java API with the free GeoLite2 database.

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨如何使用MaxMind GeoIP2 Java API与免费的GeoLite2数据库从IP地址获取地理位置数据。

We will also see this in action using a simple Spring MVC Web demo application.

我们还将使用一个简单的Spring MVC Web演示应用程序来观察其操作。

2. Getting Started


To get started, you’ll need to download the GeoIP2 API and GeoLite2 database from MaxMind.

要开始使用,您需要从MaxMind下载GeoIP2 API和GeoLite2数据库。

2.1. Maven Dependency


To include the MaxMind GeoIP2 API in your Maven project, add the following to the pom.xml file:

要将MaxMind GeoIP2 API纳入您的Maven项目,请在pom.xml文件中添加以下内容。


To get the latest version of the API, you can find it on Maven Central.

要获得最新版本的API,您可以在Maven Central上找到它。

2.2. Downloading the Database


Next, you’ll need to download the GeoLite2 database. For this tutorial, we are using the binary gzipped version of the GeoLite2 City database.


After you unpack the archive, you’ll have a file named GeoLite2-City.mmdb. This is a database of IP-to-location mappings in the proprietary MaxMind binary format.


3. Using the GeoIP2 Java API

3.使用GeoIP2 Java API

Let’s use the GeoIP2 Java API to fetch location data for a given IP address from the database. First, let’s create a DatabaseReader to query the database:

让我们使用GeoIP2 Java API从数据库中获取一个给定IP地址的位置数据。首先,让我们创建一个DatabaseReader来查询数据库。

File database = new File(dbLocation);
DatabaseReader dbReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(database).build();

Next, let’s use the city() method to obtain the city data for an IP address:


CityResponse response =;

The CityResponse object contains several pieces of information other than just the city name. Here’s a sample JUnit test showing how to open the database, fetch the city information for an IP address, and extract this information from the CityResponse:


public void givenIP_whenFetchingCity_thenReturnsCityData() 
  throws IOException, GeoIp2Exception {
    String ip = "your-ip-address";
    String dbLocation = "your-path-to-mmdb";
    File database = new File(dbLocation);
    DatabaseReader dbReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(database)
    InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(ip);
    CityResponse response =;
    String countryName = response.getCountry().getName();
    String cityName = response.getCity().getName();
    String postal = response.getPostal().getCode();
    String state = response.getLeastSpecificSubdivision().getName();

4. Using GeoIP in a Web Application


Let’s look at a sample web application that fetches geolocation data from a user’s public IP address and displays the location on a map.


We will start with a basic Spring Web MVC Application. Then we’ll write a Controller that accepts an IP address in a POST request and returns a JSON response containing city, latitude, and longitude deduced from the GeoIP2 API.

我们将从一个基本的Spring Web MVC应用程序开始。然后我们将编写一个控制器,该控制器在POST请求中接受一个IP地址,并返回一个包含从GeoIP2 API推导出的城市、纬度和经度的JSON响应。

Finally, we’ll write some HTML and JavaScript that will load the user’s public IP address into the form, submit an Ajax POST request to our Controller, and display the result in Google Maps.

最后,我们将编写一些HTML和JavaScript,将用户的公共IP地址加载到表单中,向我们的Controller提交Ajax POST请求,并在Google Maps中显示结果。

4.1. The Response Entity Class


Let’s start by defining the class which will hold the geolocation response:


public class GeoIP {
    private String ipAddress;
    private String city;
    private String latitude;
    private String longitude;
    // constructors, getters and setters... 

4.2. The Service Class


Now let’s write the service class which fetches the geolocation data using the GeoIP2 Java API and GeoLite2 database:

现在让我们来写一个服务类,使用GeoIP2 Java API和GeoLite2数据库来获取地理位置数据。

public class RawDBDemoGeoIPLocationService {
    private DatabaseReader dbReader;
    public RawDBDemoGeoIPLocationService() throws IOException {
        File database = new File("your-mmdb-location");
        dbReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(database).build();
    public GeoIP getLocation(String ip) 
      throws IOException, GeoIp2Exception {
        InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(ip);
        CityResponse response =;
        String cityName = response.getCity().getName();
        String latitude = 
        String longitude = 
        return new GeoIP(ip, cityName, latitude, longitude);

4.3. The Spring Controller


Let’s have a look at the Controller for Spring MVC which sends the “ipAddress” request parameter to our service class to get the geolocation response data:

让我们看看Spring MVC的Controller,它向我们的服务类发送 “ipAddress “请求参数以获得地理位置响应数据。

public class GeoIPTestController {
    private RawDBDemoGeoIPLocationService locationService;
    public GeoIPTestController() throws IOException {
        locationService = new RawDBDemoGeoIPLocationService();
    public GeoIP getLocation(
      @RequestParam(value="ipAddress", required=true) String ipAddress
    ) throws Exception {
        GeoIPLocationService<String, GeoIP> locationService 
          = new RawDBDemoGeoIPLocationService();
        return locationService.getLocation(ipAddress);

4.4. The HTML Form


Let’s add the front-end code to call our Spring Controller, beginning with an HTML form containing the IP address:

让我们添加前端代码来调用我们的Spring Controller,以一个包含IP地址的HTML表单开始。

    <form id="ipForm" action="GeoIPTest" method="POST">
        <input type="text" name = "ipAddress" id = "ip"/>
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> 

4.5. Loading the Public IP Address on the Client


Now let’s pre-populate the “ipAddress” text field with the user’s public IP address, using jQuery and the JavaScript API:

现在让我们使用jQuery和ipify.orgJavaScript API,用用户的公共IP地址预先填充 “ipAddress “文本域。

<script src
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready (function () {
        $.get( "", 
          function( data ) {
             $("#ip").val(data.ip) ;

4.6. Submitting the Ajax POST Request

4.6.提交Ajax POST请求

When the form is submitted, we will make an Ajax POST request to the Spring Controller to retrieve the JSON Response with geolocation data:

当表单提交后,我们将向Spring Controller发出Ajax POST请求,以检索包含地理位置数据的JSON Response。

$( "#ipForm" ).submit(function( event ) {
        url: "GeoIPTest",
        type: "POST",
         "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", 
        data: $.param( {ipAddress : $("#ip").val()} ),
        complete: function(data) {},
        success: function(data) {
            if (data.ipAddress !=null) {
        error: function(err) {

4.7. Sample JSON Response


The JSON response from our Spring Controller will have the following format:

来自我们Spring Controller的JSON响应将有以下格式。


4.8. Displaying the Location on Google Maps


To display the location on Google Maps, you’ll need to include the Google Maps API in your HTML code:


<script src="" 
async defer></script>

You can obtain an API Key for Google Maps using the Google Developer Console.


You’ll also need to define an HTML <div> tag to contain the map image:


<div id="map" style="height: 500px; width:100%; position:absolute"></div>

You can use the following JavaScript function to display the coordinates on Google Maps:


function showLocationOnMap (location) {
    var map;
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
      center: {
        lat: Number(location.latitude), 
        lng: Number(location.longitude)},
        zoom: 15
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: {
        lat: Number(location.latitude), 
        lng: Number(location.longitude)},
        map: map,
          "Public IP:"+location.ipAddress
            +" @ "

After starting the web application, open the URL for the map page:



You will see the current public IP address for your connection loaded into the text box:



Note that both GeoIP2 and ipify support IPv4 addresses as well as IPv6 addresses.


When you submit the form, you’ll see the JSON response text, including the city, latitude, and longitude corresponding to your public IP Address, and below that, you’ll see a Google Map pointing to your location:



5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we reviewed the usage of the MaxMind GeoIP2 Java API and free MaxMind GeoLite2 City database using a JUnit test.

在本教程中,我们使用JUnit测试回顾了MaxMind GeoIP2 Java API和免费的MaxMind GeoLite2城市数据库的用法。

Then we built a Spring MVC Controller and service to obtain the geolocation data (city, latitude, longitude) from an IP address.

然后我们建立了一个Spring MVCController和服务,从IP地址获取地理位置数据(城市,纬度,经度)。

Finally, we built an HTML/JavaScript front end to demonstrate how this feature can be used to display a user’s location on Google Maps.


This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from


The code for this tutorial can be found on the Github site.
