Simple Morse Code Translation in Java – Java 中的简单莫尔斯电码翻译

最后修改: 2024年 1月 22日


1. Overview


Morse code encodes text characters using sequences of dots and dashes to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation. Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail developed it in the early 1830s for telegraphy use.

摩尔斯电码使用点和破折号的序列对文本字符进行编码,以表示字母、数字和标点符号。塞缪尔-摩尔斯和阿尔弗雷德-维尔于 19 世纪 30 年代初开发了摩尔斯电码,用于电报。

In this tutorial, we’ll write a method that translates from English to Morse code. Then, we’ll write the method which does the opposite.


2. Writing Morse Code


Let’s understand Morse code and its alphabet.


2.1. What Is the Morse Code?


In Morse code, each letter is represented by a unique combination of short signals (dots) and long signals (dashes), allowing for communication through a series of on-off signals. According to the common usage, we’ll represent dots with “.” and dashes with ““. Those two characters are enough to write the whole Morse alphabet.


However, we’ll need something more to write sentences. As Morse indeed targeted non-written communication, the flow is essential to decrypt a Morse message. For this reason, the operator responsible for transmitting a Morse message would leave a short pause between each letter. Additionally, he would leave a longer pause between each word. As a result, a representation that wouldn’t take those pauses into account wouldn’t allow for decoding.


A common choice is to leave a blank space ” ” to represent the pause between each word. We’ll also use a “/” to codify the space character between two words. As the slash is also a character, blank spaces will surround it like the others.


2.2. Bidirectional Mapping Between English and Morse


To translate easily from English to Morse and reversely, we’d like to have a bidirectional mapping between both alphabets. Thus, we’ll use Apache Commons Collection’s BidiMap data structure. It’s a Map that allows access by key or by value. This way, we’ll use it for both translating methods. However, if we’re interested in translating only one way, we’d directly use a Map.

为了方便地从英语翻译成摩尔斯语,以及进行反向翻译,我们希望在两种字母之间建立双向映射。因此,我们将使用 Apache Commons Collection 的 BidiMap 数据结构。这是一个 Map 结构,允许通过键或值进行访问。这样,我们将在两种翻译方法中使用它。但是,如果我们只对一种翻译方式感兴趣,我们可以直接使用 Map

First, let’s include the latest version of the library in our pom.xml:

首先,让我们在 pom.xml 中包含 库的最新版本


We can now create our mapping and initialize it in a static block:

现在,我们可以创建映射,并在 static 块中对其进行初始化:

public class MorseTranslator {
    private static final BidiMap<String, String> morseAlphabet = new DualHashBidiMap<>();
    static {
        morseAlphabet.put("A", ".-");
        morseAlphabet.put("B", "-...");
        morseAlphabet.put("C", "-.-.");
        morseAlphabet.put("D", "-..");
        morseAlphabet.put("E", ".");
        morseAlphabet.put("F", "..-.");
        morseAlphabet.put("G", "--.");
        morseAlphabet.put("H", "....");
        morseAlphabet.put("I", "..");
        // etc
        morseAlphabet.put(" ", "/");

Let’s note that we added the translation for the blank character. Furthermore, we restrict ourselves to letters, numbers, and punctuation characters. If we want to use also accented characters, we’d need to use another data structure or make choices because various accented characters can match the same Morse code. For instance, “à” and “å” both correspond to “.–.-” in Morse.


3. Translating English Into Morse


First, let’s write a method to translate an English sentence into Morse code.


3.1. General Algorithm


Our BidiMap contains only capital letters because capitalization doesn’t change the translation. Thus, we’ll start with capitalizing the word. Then, we’ll iterate over the letters and translate them one by one:

我们的 BidiMap 只包含大写字母,因为大写不会改变翻译。因此,我们先将单词大写。然后,我们将遍历字母并逐个翻译

static String englishToMorse(String english) {
    String upperCaseEnglish = english.toUpperCase();
    String[] morse = new String[upperCaseEnglish.length()];
    for (int index = 0; index < upperCaseEnglish.length(); index++) {
        String morseCharacter = morseAlphabet.get(String.valueOf(upperCaseEnglish.charAt(index)));
        morse[index] = morseCharacter;
    return String.join(" ", morse);

It’s convenient to store the translations into an array of Morse Strings. This intermediate array has as many values as the number of characters in the input. In the end, we use the String.join() method to concatenate all entries, using a blank space as a delimiter.

将翻译存储到摩尔斯字符串数组中非常方便。这个中间数组的值与输入字符数相同。最后,我们使用 String.join() 方法连接所有条目,并使用空格作为分隔符。

We can now test our method. Since we’d like to check that capitalization doesn’t matter, we’ll write a parameterized test with various inputs expecting the same output:

现在我们可以测试我们的方法了。由于我们想检查大写是否无关紧要,因此我们将编写一个 参数化测试,使用不同的输入,期望相同的输出:

@ValueSource(strings = {"MORSE CODE!", "morse code!", "mOrSe cOdE!"})
void givenAValidEnglishWordWhateverTheCapitalization_whenEnglishToMorse_thenTranslatedToMorse(String english) {
    assertEquals("-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . -.-.-----.", MorseTranslator.englishToMorse(english));

In addition, we can note that the space between the two words translates to “ / ” as expected.

此外,我们还可以注意到,两个单词之间的空格被翻译成” / “。

3.2. Edge Cases


For the moment, our program doesn’t take into account potentially malformed inputs. However, we’d like to refuse sentences that contain invalid characters. In such cases, we’ll throw an IllegalArgumentException:

目前,我们的程序并不考虑潜在的畸形输入。但是,我们希望拒绝包含无效字符的句子。在这种情况下,我们将抛出 IllegalArgumentException 异常:

String morseCharacter = morseAlphabet.get(String.valueOf(upperCaseEnglish.charAt(index)));
if (morseCharacter == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character " + upperCaseEnglish.charAt(index) + " can't be translated to morse");
morse[index] = morseCharacter;

The modification is pretty straightforward because if a character is invalid, it isn’t present as a key of the bidirectional map. Hence, the get() method returns null. We can also add a null safety check on top of our method. In a nutshell, our final method reads:

修改非常简单,因为如果一个字符无效,它就不会作为双向映射的键出现。因此,get() 方法会返回 null。我们还可以在方法的顶部添加 null 安全检查。简而言之,我们的最终方法如下

static String englishToMorse(String english) {
    if (english == null) {
        return null;
    String upperCaseEnglish = english.toUpperCase();
    String[] morse = new String[upperCaseEnglish.length()];
    for (int index = 0; index < upperCaseEnglish.length(); index++) {
        String morseCharacter = morseAlphabet.get(String.valueOf(upperCaseEnglish.charAt(index)));
        if (morseCharacter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character " + upperCaseEnglish.charAt(index) + " can't be translated to morse");
        morse[index] = morseCharacter;
    return String.join(" ", morse);

Lastly, we can add a unit test with a non-translatable sentence:


void givenAnEnglishWordWithAnIllegalCharacter_whenEnglishToMorse_thenThrows() {
    String english = "~This sentence starts with an illegal character";
    assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> MorseTranslator.englishToMorse(english));

4. Translating Morse Into English


Let’s now write the reverse method. Once again, we’ll focus on the big picture before diving into edge cases.


4.1. General Algorithm


The concept is the same: for each Morse character, we find the English translation in the BidiMap. The getKey() method allows us to do that. Then, we need to iterate over every Morse character:

概念是一样的:对于每个摩尔斯字符,我们都要在 BidiMap 中找到英文翻译。getKey() 方法允许我们这样做。然后,我们需要遍历每个摩尔斯字符:

static String morseToEnglish(String morse) {
    String[] morseUnitCharacters = morse.split(" ");
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int index = 0; index < morseUnitCharacters.length; index ++) {
        String englishCharacter = morseAlphabet.getKey(morseUnitCharacters[index]);
    return stringBuilder.toString();

We isolated every Morse character thanks to the String.split() method. Appending every English translation to a StringBuilder is the most efficient way to concatenate the result.

由于使用了String.split()方法,我们分离了每个莫尔斯字符。将每个英文翻译附加到 StringBuilder 是连接结果的最有效方法。

Let’s now verify that our method returns the correct result:


void givenAValidMorseWord_whenMorseToEnglish_thenTranslatedToUpperCaseEnglish() {
    assertEquals("MORSE CODE!", MorseTranslator.morseToEnglish("-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . -.-.-----."));

Finally, we can recall that the output will always be in capital letters.


4.2. Edge Cases


Additionally, we want to refuse inputs containing invalid Morse characters. Like in englishToMorse(), we’ll throw an IllegalArgumentException in this case. Moreover, we can also handle the specific case of a null input. Here, we also have to deal with an empty input separately because of the internal functioning of the split() method.

此外,我们希望拒绝包含无效莫尔斯字符的输入。就像在 englishToMorse() 中一样,在这种情况下我们将抛出 IllegalArgumentException 异常。此外,我们还可以处理 null 输入的特殊情况。在这里,由于 split() 方法的内部功能,我们还必须单独处理空输入。

To recap, let’s write our final method:


static String morseToEnglish(String morse) {
    if (morse == null) {
        return null;
    if (morse.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    String[] morseUnitCharacters = morse.split(" ");
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int index = 0; index < morseUnitCharacters.length; index ++) {
        String englishCharacter = morseAlphabet.getKey(morseUnitCharacters[index]);
        if (englishCharacter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character " + morseUnitCharacters[index] + " is not a valid morse character");
    return stringBuilder.toString();

Dealing with invalid characters was as straightforward as in the previous case because if a Morse code doesn’t match any of the BidiMap‘s values, the getKey() method returns null.

处理无效字符与前一种情况一样简单,因为如果莫尔斯码与 BidiMap 的任何值不匹配,getKey() 方法就会返回 null

Lastly, we can also test the error case:


void givenAMorseWordWithAnIllegalCharacter_whenMorseToEnglish_thenThrows() {
    assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> MorseTranslator.morseToEnglish(".!!!!!!!"));

5. Conclusion


In this article, we learned about the Morse code and wrote a simple two-way translator between Morse and English. Most considerations aren’t specific to Morse, so we could probably make our code more generic to deal with any language that can define a bidirectional mapping with English.


As always, the code is available over on GitHub.

与往常一样,代码可在 GitHub 上获取。