Java String Conversions – Java字符串转换

最后修改: 2016年 11月 16日


1. Overview


In this quick article, we’ll explore some simple conversions of String objects to different data types supported in Java.


2. Converting String to int or Integer


If we need to convert a String to primitive int or Integer wrapper type, we can use either the parseInt() or valueOf() APIs to get the corresponding int or Integer return value:

如果我们需要将String转换为原始的intInteger封装类型,我们可以使用parseInt()valueOf() API来获取相应的intInteger返回值。

public void whenConvertedToInt_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "1";
    int afterConvInt = 1;

    assertEquals(Integer.parseInt(beforeConvStr), afterConvInt);

public void whenConvertedToInteger_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "12";
    Integer afterConvInteger = 12;

    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(beforeConvStr).equals(afterConvInteger), true);

3. Converting String to long or Long


If we need to convert a String to primitive long or Long wrapper type, we can use parseLong() or valueOf() respectively:


public void whenConvertedTolong_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "12345";
    long afterConvLongPrimitive = 12345;

    assertEquals(Long.parseLong(beforeConvStr), afterConvLongPrimitive);

public void whenConvertedToLong_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "14567";
    Long afterConvLong = 14567l;

    assertEquals(Long.valueOf(beforeConvStr).equals(afterConvLong), true);

4. Converting String to double or Double


If we need to convert a String to primitive double or Double wrapper type, we can use parseDouble() or valueOf() respectively:


public void whenConvertedTodouble_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "1.4";
    double afterConvDoublePrimitive = 1.4;

    assertEquals(Double.parseDouble(beforeConvStr), afterConvDoublePrimitive, 0.0);

public void whenConvertedToDouble_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "145.67";
    double afterConvDouble = 145.67d;

    assertEquals(Double.valueOf(beforeConvStr).equals(afterConvDouble), true);

5. Converting String to ByteArray


In order to convert a String to a byte array, getBytes() encodes the String into a sequence of bytes using the platform’s default charset, storing the result into a new byte array.


The behavior of getBytes() is unspecified when the passed String cannot be encoded using the default charset. As per the java documentation, the java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder class should be used when more control over the encoding process is required:

当传递的String无法使用默认的字符集进行编码时,getBytes()的行为没有被指定。根据java 文档,当需要对编码过程进行更多控制时,应该使用java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder类。

public void whenConvertedToByteArr_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "abc";
    byte[] afterConvByteArr = new byte[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' };

    assertEquals(Arrays.equals(beforeConvStr.getBytes(), afterConvByteArr), true);

6. Converting String to CharArray


In order to convert a String to a CharArray instance, we can simply use toCharArray():


public void whenConvertedToCharArr_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "hello";
    char[] afterConvCharArr = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };

    assertEquals(Arrays.equals(beforeConvStr.toCharArray(), afterConvCharArr), true);

7. Converting String to boolean or Boolean


To convert a String instance to primitive boolean or Boolean wrapper type, we can use parseBoolean() or valueOf() APIs respectively:

要将String实例转换为原始的booleanBoolean封装类型,我们可以分别使用parseBoolean()valueOf() API。

public void whenConvertedToboolean_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "true";
    boolean afterConvBooleanPrimitive = true;

    assertEquals(Boolean.parseBoolean(beforeConvStr), afterConvBooleanPrimitive);

public void whenConvertedToBoolean_thenCorrect() {
    String beforeConvStr = "true";
    Boolean afterConvBoolean = true;

    assertEquals(Boolean.valueOf(beforeConvStr), afterConvBoolean);

8. Converting String to Date or LocalDateTime


Java 6 provides the java.util.Date datatype for representing dates. Java 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.

Java 6提供了用于表示日期的java.util.Date数据类型。Java 8为DateTime引入了新的API,以解决旧的java.util.Datejava.util.Calendar的不足之处。

You can read this article for more details.


8.1. Converting String to java.util.Date


In order to convert String objects to Date objects, we need to first construct a SimpleDateFormat object by passing the pattern describing the date and time format.


For example, a possible value for pattern could be “MM-dd-yyyy” or “yyyy-MM-dd”. Next, we need to invoke parse method passing the String.

例如,模式的可能值是 “MM-dd-yyy “或 “yyyy-MM-dd”。接下来,我们需要调用parse方法,传递String

The String passed as an argument should be in the same format as the pattern. Otherwise, a ParseException will be thrown at runtime:


public void whenConvertedToDate_thenCorrect() throws ParseException {
    String beforeConvStr = "15/10/2013";
    int afterConvCalendarDay = 15;
    int afterConvCalendarMonth = 9;
    int afterConvCalendarYear = 2013;
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/M/yyyy");
    Date afterConvDate = formatter.parse(beforeConvStr);
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();

    assertEquals(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), afterConvCalendarDay);
    assertEquals(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), afterConvCalendarMonth);
    assertEquals(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), afterConvCalendarYear);

8.2. Converting String to java.time.LocalDateTime


LocalDateTime is an immutable date-time object that represents a time, often viewed as year-month-day-hour-minute-second.


In order to convert String objects to LocalDateTime objects, we can simply use the parse API:

为了将字符串对象转换为LocalDateTime对象,我们可以简单地使用parse API。

public void whenConvertedToLocalDateTime_thenCorrect() {
    String str = "2007-12-03T10:15:30";
    int afterConvCalendarDay = 03;
    Month afterConvCalendarMonth = Month.DECEMBER;
    int afterConvCalendarYear = 2007;
    LocalDateTime afterConvDate 
      = new UseLocalDateTime().getLocalDateTimeUsingParseMethod(str);

    assertEquals(afterConvDate.getDayOfMonth(), afterConvCalendarDay);
    assertEquals(afterConvDate.getMonth(), afterConvCalendarMonth);
    assertEquals(afterConvDate.getYear(), afterConvCalendarYear);

The String must represent a valid time according to java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME. Otherwise, a ParseException will be thrown at runtime.


For example ‘2011-12-03‘ represents a valid string format having 4 digits for the year, 2 digits for the month for a year and 2 digits for the day of the month.


9. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we have covered different utility methods for converting String objects to different data types supported in java.


The complete source code and all code snippets for this article are available over on GitHub.
