When Does Java Throw UndeclaredThrowableException? – Java什么时候会抛出未声明的可抛出异常?

最后修改: 2020年 7月 3日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’re going to see what causes Java to throw an instance of the UndeclaredThrowableException exception.


First, we’ll start with a bit of theory. Then, we’ll try to better understand the nature of this exception with two real-world examples.


2. The UndeclaredThrowableException


Theoretically speaking, Java will throw an instance of UndeclaredThrowableException when we try to throw an undeclared checked exception. That is, we didn’t declare the checked exception in the throws clause but we throw that exception in the method body.

从理论上讲,当我们试图抛出一个未声明的检查的异常时,Java将抛出一个UndeclaredThrowableException实例。也就是说,我们没有在throws clause中声明检查过的异常,但是我们在方法体中抛出了该异常。

One might argue that this is impossible as the Java compiler prevents this with a compilation error. For instance, if we try to compile:


public void undeclared() {
    throw new IOException();

The Java compiler fails with the message:


java: unreported exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

Even though throwing undeclared checked exceptions may not happen at compile-time, it’s still a possibility at runtime. For example, let’s consider a runtime proxy intercepting a method that doesn’t throw any exceptions:


public void save(Object data) {
    // omitted

If the proxy itself throws a checked exception, from the caller’s perspective, the save method throws that checked exception. The caller probably doesn’t know anything about that proxy and will blame the save for this exception.

如果代理本身抛出了一个被检查的异常,从调用者的角度来看,save 方法抛出了这个被检查的异常。调用者可能对该代理一无所知,并将这一异常归咎于save

In such circumstances, Java will wrap the actual checked exception inside an UndeclaredThrowableException and throw the UndeclaredThrowableException instead. It’s worth mentioning that the UndeclaredThrowableException itself is an unchecked exception.


Now that we know enough about the theory, let’s see a few real-world examples.


3. Java Dynamic Proxy


As our first example, let’s create a runtime proxy for java.util.List interface and intercept its method calls. First, we should implement the InvocationHandler interface and put the extra logic there:

作为我们的第一个例子,让我们为java.util.List 接口创建一个运行时代理并拦截其方法调用。首先,我们应该实现InvocationHandler接口,并将额外的逻辑放在那里。

public class ExceptionalInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        if ("size".equals(method.getName())) {
            throw new SomeCheckedException("Always fails");
        throw new RuntimeException();

public class SomeCheckedException extends Exception {

    public SomeCheckedException(String message) {

This proxy throws a checked exception if the proxied method is size. Otherwise, it’ll throw an unchecked exception.


Let’s see how Java handles both situations. First, we’ll call the List.size() method:

让我们看看Java如何处理这两种情况。首先,我们将调用List.size() 方法。

ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
InvocationHandler invocationHandler = new ExceptionalInvocationHandler();
List<String> proxy = (List<String>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, 
  new Class[] { List.class }, invocationHandler);


As shown above, we create a proxy for the List interface and call the size method on it. The proxy, in turn, intercepts the call and throws a checked exception. Then, Java wraps this checked exception inside an instance of UndeclaredThrowableException. This is happening because we somehow throw a checked exception without declaring it in the method declaration.


If we call any other method on the List interface:

如果我们在List 界面上调用任何其他方法。


Since the proxy throws an unchecked exception, Java lets the exception to propagate as-is.


4. Spring Aspect


The same thing happens when we throw a checked exception in a Spring Aspect while the advised methods didn’t declare them. Let’s start with an annotation:

当我们在Spring Aspect中抛出一个检查过的异常,而建议的方法没有声明它们时,同样的事情发生了。让我们从一个注解开始。

public @interface ThrowUndeclared {}

Now we’re going to advise all methods annotated with this annotation:


public class UndeclaredAspect {

    public Object advise(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, ThrowUndeclared undeclared) throws Throwable {
        throw new SomeCheckedException("AOP Checked Exception");

Basically, this advice will make all annotated methods to throw a checked exception, even if they didn’t declare such an exception. Now, let’s create a service:


public class UndeclaredService {

    public void doSomething() {}

If we call the annotated method, Java will throw an instance of UndeclaredThrowableException exception:


@SpringBootTest(classes = UndeclaredApplication.class)
public class UndeclaredThrowableExceptionIntegrationTest {

    @Autowired private UndeclaredService service;

    public void givenAnAspect_whenCallingAdvisedMethod_thenShouldWrapTheException() {

As shown above, Java encapsulates the actual exception as a cause and throws the UndeclaredThrowableException exception instead.


5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we saw what causes Java to throw an instance of the UndeclaredThrowableException exception.


As usual, all the examples are available over on GitHub.
