1. Overview
Naming a Spring bean is quite helpful when we have multiple implementations of the same type. This is because it’ll be ambiguous to Spring to inject a bean if our beans don’t have unique names.
当我们有多个相同类型的实现时,命名Spring Bean是非常有用的。这是因为如果我们的Bean没有唯一的名字,那么Spring在注入Bean时就会产生歧义。
By having control over naming the beans, we can tell Spring which bean we want to inject into the targeted object.
In this article, we’ll discuss Spring bean naming strategies and also explore how we can give multiple names to a single type of bean.
在这篇文章中,我们将讨论Spring Bean的命名策略,同时探讨如何为单一类型的Bean赋予多个名字。
2. Default Bean Naming Strategy
2.默认的 Bean 命名策略
Spring provides multiple annotations for creating beans. We can use these annotations at different levels. For example, we can place some annotations on a bean class and others on a method that creates a bean.
First, let’s see the default naming strategy of Spring in action. How does Spring name our bean when we just specify the annotation without any value?
2.1. Class-Level Annotations
Let’s start with the default naming strategy for an annotation used at the class level. To name a bean, Spring uses the class name and converts the first letter to lowercase.
Let’s take a look at an example:
public class LoggingService {
Here, Spring creates a bean for the class LoggingService and registers it using the name “loggingService“.
This same default naming strategy is applicable for all class-level annotations that are used to create a Spring bean, such as @Component, @Service, and @Controller.
这种默认的命名策略同样适用于所有用于创建Spring Bean的类级注释,例如@Component,@Service,和@Controller。
2.2. Method-Level Annotation
Spring provides annotations like @Bean and @Qualifier to be used on methods for bean creation.
Let’s see an example to understand the default naming strategy for the @Bean annotation:
public class AuditConfiguration {
public AuditService audit() {
return new AuditService();
In this configuration class, Spring registers a bean of type AuditService under the name “audit” because when we use the @Bean annotation on a method, Spring uses the method name as a bean name.
We can also use the @Qualifier annotation on the method, and we’ll see an example of it below.
3. Custom Naming of Beans
When we need to create multiple beans of the same type in the same Spring context, we can give custom names to the beans and refer to them using those names.
So, let’s see how can we give a custom name to our Spring bean:
那么,让我们看看如何给我们的Spring Bean起一个自定义的名字。
public class MyCustomComponent {
This time, Spring will create the bean of type MyCustomComponent with the name “myBean“.
As we’re explicitly giving the name to the bean, Spring will use this name, which can then be used to refer to or access the bean.
Similar to @Component(“myBean”), we can specify the name using other annotations such as @Service(“myService”), @Controller(“myController”), and @Bean(“myCustomBean”), and then Spring will register that bean with the given name.
4. Naming Bean With @Bean and @Qualifier
4.1. @Bean With Value
As we saw earlier, the @Bean annotation is applied at the method level, and by default, Spring uses the method name as a bean name.
This default bean name can be overwritten — we can specify the value using the @Bean annotation:
这个默认的Bean名称可以被覆盖–我们可以使用 @Bean 注解来指定值。
public class MyConfiguration {
public MyCustomComponent myComponent() {
return new MyCustomComponent();
In this case, when we want to get a bean of type MyCustomComponent, we can refer to this bean by using the name “beanComponent“.
The Spring @Bean annotation is usually declared in configuration class methods. It may reference other @Bean methods in the same class by calling them directly.
4.2. @Qualifier With Value
We can also use the @Qualifier annotation to name the bean.
First, let’s create an interface Animal that will be implemented by multiple classes:
public interface Animal {
String name();
Now, let’s define an implementation class Cat and add the @Qualifier annotation to it with value “cat“:
public class Cat implements Animal {
public String name() {
return "Cat";
Let’s add another implementation of Animal and annotate it with @Qualifier and the value “dog“:
public class Dog implements Animal {
public String name() {
return "Dog";
Now, let’s write a class PetShow where we can inject the two different instances of Animal:
public class PetShow {
private final Animal dog;
private final Animal cat;
public PetShow (@Qualifier("dog")Animal dog, @Qualifier("cat")Animal cat) {
this.dog = dog;
this.cat = cat;
public Animal getDog() {
return dog;
public Animal getCat() {
return cat;
In the class PetShow, we’ve injected both the implementations of type Animal by using the @Qualifier annotation on the constructor parameters, with the qualified bean names in value attributes of each annotation. Whenever we use this qualified name, Spring will inject the bean with that qualified name into the targeted bean.
5. Verifying Bean Names
So far, we’ve seen different examples to demonstrate giving names to Spring beans. Now the question is, how we can verify or test this?
到目前为止,我们已经看到了不同的例子来证明给Spring Bean起名。现在的问题是,我们如何验证或测试这一点?
Let’s look at a unit test to verify the behavior:
public class SpringBeanNamingUnitTest {
private AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context;
void setUp() {
context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
void givenMultipleImplementationsOfAnimal_whenFieldIsInjectedWithQualifiedName_thenTheSpecificBeanShouldGetInjected() {
PetShow petShow = (PetShow) context.getBean("petShow");
In this JUnit test, we’re initializing the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext in the setUp method, which is used to get the bean.
Then we simply verify the class of our Spring beans using standard assertions.
然后,我们只需使用标准断言来验证我们的Spring Bean的类别。
6. Conclusion
In this quick article, we’ve examined the default and custom Spring bean naming strategies.
在这篇快速文章中,我们已经研究了默认和自定义Spring Bean的命名策略。
We’ve also learned about how custom Spring bean naming is useful in use cases where we need to manage multiple beans of the same type.
我们还了解了自定义Spring Bean命名在我们需要管理多个相同类型的Bean的情况下是如何发挥作用的。
As usual, the complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.