1. Introduction
The rising popularity of cloud-native applications and micro-services generate an increased demand for embedded servlet containers. Spring Boot allows developers to easily build applications or services using the 3 most mature containers available: Tomcat, Undertow, and Jetty.
云原生应用和微服务的不断普及,产生了对嵌入式Servlet容器的更多需求。Spring Boot允许开发人员使用现有的3个最成熟的容器,轻松构建应用程序或服务。Tomcat、Undertow和Jetty。
In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate a way to quickly compare container implementations using metrics obtained at startup and under some load.
2. Dependencies
Our setup for each available container implementation will always require that we declare a dependency on spring-boot-starter-web in our pom.xml.
In general, we want to specify our parent as spring-boot-starter-parent, and then include the starters we want:
2.1. Tomcat
2.1. Tomcat
No further dependencies are required when using Tomcat because it is included by default when using spring-boot-starter-web.
2.2. Jetty
In order to use Jetty, we first need to exclude spring-boot-starter-tomcat from spring-boot-starter-web.
Then, we simply declare a dependency on spring-boot-starter-jetty:
2.3. Undertow
Setting up for Undertow is identical to Jetty, except that we use spring-boot-starter-undertow as our dependency:
2.4. Actuator
2.4. 执行器
We’ll use Spring Boot’s Actuator as a convenient way to both stress the system and query for metrics.
我们将使用Spring Boot的Actuator作为一种方便的方式,既能给系统施加压力,又能查询指标。
Check out this article for details on Actuator. We simply add a dependency in our pom to make it available:
2.5. Apache Bench
Apache Bench is an open source load testing utility that comes bundled with the Apache web server.
Apache Bench是一个开源的负载测试工具,与Apache网络服务器捆绑在一起。
Windows users can download Apache from one of the 3rd party vendors linked here. If Apache is already installed on your Windows machine, you should be able to find ab.exe in your apache/bin directory.
If you are on a Linux machine, ab can be installed using apt-get with:
$ apt-get install apache2-utils
3. Startup Metrics
3.1. Collection
In order to collect our startup metrics, we’ll register an event handler to fire on Spring Boot’s ApplicationReadyEvent.
为了收集我们的启动指标,我们将注册一个事件处理程序,在Spring Boot的ApplicationReadyEvent上启动。
We’ll programmatically extract the metrics we’re interested in by directly working with the MeterRegistry used by the Actuator component:
public class StartupEventHandler {
// logger, constructor
private String[] METRICS = {
private String METRIC_MSG_FORMAT = "Startup Metric >> {}={}";
private MeterRegistry meterRegistry;
public void getAndLogStartupMetrics(
ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
private void processMetric(String metric) {
Meter meter = meterRegistry.find(metric).meter();
Map<Statistic, Double> stats = getSamples(meter);
logger.info(METRIC_MSG_FORMAT, metric, stats.get(Statistic.VALUE).longValue());
// other methods
We avoid the need to manually query Actuator REST endpoints or to run a standalone JMX console by logging interesting metrics on startup within our event handler.
我们通过在事件处理程序中记录启动时的有趣指标,避免了手动查询Actuator REST端点或运行一个独立的JMX控制台。
3.2. Selection
There are a large number of metrics that Actuator provides out of the box. We selected 3 metrics that help to get a high-level overview of key runtime characteristics once the server is up:
- jvm.memory.used – the total memory used by the JVM since startup
- jvm.classes.loaded – the total number of classes loaded
- jvm.threads.live – the total number of active threads. In our test, this value can be viewed as the thread count “at rest”
4. Runtime Metrics
4.1. Collection
In addition to providing startup metrics, we’ll use the /metrics endpoint exposed by the Actuator as the target URL when we run Apache Bench in order to put the application under load.
除了提供启动指标外,当我们运行Apache Bench时,我们将使用Actuator暴露的/metrics端点作为目标URL,以使应用程序处于负载状态。
In order to test a real application under load, we might instead use endpoints provided by our application.
Once the server has started, we’ll get a command prompt and execute ab:
ab -n 10000 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics
In the command above, we’ve specified a total of 10,000 requests using 10 concurrent threads.
4.2. Selection
Apache Bench is able to very quickly give us some useful information including connection times and the percentage of requests that are served within a certain time.
Apache Bench能够非常迅速地给我们提供一些有用的信息,包括连接时间和在一定时间内得到服务的请求的百分比。
For our purposes, we focused on requests-per-second and time-per-request (mean).
5. Results
On startup, we found that the memory footprint of Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow was comparable with Undertow requiring slightly more memory than the other two and Jetty requiring the smallest amount.
For our benchmark, we found that the performance of Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow was comparable but that Undertow was clearly the fastest and Jetty only slightly less fast.
Metric | Tomcat | Jetty | Undertow |
jvm.memory.used (MB) | 168 | 155 | 164 |
jvm.classes.loaded | 9869 | 9784 | 9787 |
jvm.threads.live | 25 | 17 | 19 |
Requests per second | 1542 | 1627 | 1650 |
Average time per request (ms) | 6.483 | 6.148 | 6.059 |
Note that the metrics are, naturally, representative of the bare-bones project; the metrics of your own application will most certainly be different.
6. Benchmark Discussion
Developing appropriate benchmark tests to perform thorough comparisons of server implementations can get complicated. In order to extract the most relevant information, it’s critical to have a clear understanding of what’s important for the use case in question.
It’s important to note that the benchmark measurements collected in this example were taken using a very specific workload consisting of HTTP GET requests to an Actuator endpoint.
值得注意的是,在这个例子中收集的基准测量值是使用一个非常具体的工作负载,包括对一个执行器端点的HTTP GET请求。
It’s expected that different workloads would likely result in different relative measurements across container implementations. If more robust or precise measurements were required, it would be a very good idea to set up a test plan that more closely matched the production use case.
In addition, a more sophisticated benchmarking solution such as JMeter or Gatling would likely yield more valuable insights.
7. Choosing a Container
Selecting the right container implementation should likely be based on many factors that can’t be neatly summarized with a handful of metrics alone. Comfort level, features, available configuration options, and policy are often equally important, if not more so.
8. Conclusion
In this article, we looked at the Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow embedded servlet container implementations. We examined the runtime characteristics of each container at startup with the default configurations by looking at metrics exposed by the Actuator component.
We executed a contrived workload against the running system and then measured performance using Apache Bench.
我们对运行中的系统执行了一个假想的工作负载,然后用Apache Bench测量性能。
Lastly, we discussed the merits of this strategy and mentioned a few things to keep in mind when comparing implementation benchmarks. As always, all source code can be found over on GitHub.