Using JaVers for Data Model Auditing in Spring Data – 在Spring Data中使用JaVers进行数据模型审计

最后修改: 2019年 9月 29日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll see how to set up and use JaVers in a simple Spring Boot application to track changes of entities.

在本教程中,我们将看到如何在一个简单的Spring Boot应用程序中设置和使用JaVers来跟踪实体的变化。

2. JaVers


When dealing with mutable data we usually have only the last state of an entity stored in a database. As developers, we spend a lot of time debugging an application, searching through log files for an event that changed a state. This gets even trickier in the production environment when lots of different users are using the system.


Fortunately, we have great tools like JaVers. JaVers is an audit log framework that helps to track changes of entities in the application.


The usage of this tool is not limited to debugging and auditing only. It can be successfully applied to perform analysis, force security policies and maintaining the event log, too.


3. Project Set-up


First of all, to start using JaVers we need to configure the audit repository for persisting snapshots of entities. Secondly, we need to adjust some configurable properties of JaVers. Finally, we’ll also cover how to configure our domain models properly.


But, it worth mentioning that JaVers provides default configuration options, so we can start using it with almost no configuration.


3.1. Dependencies

3.1. 依赖性

First, we need to add the JaVers Spring Boot starter dependency to our project. Depending on the type of persistence storage, we have two options: org.javers:javers-spring-boot-starter-sql and org.javers:javers-spring-boot-starter-mongo. In this tutorial, we’ll use the Spring Boot SQL starter.

首先,我们需要将JaVers Spring Boot启动器的依赖性添加到我们的项目中。根据持久性存储的类型,我们有两个选择。org.javers:javers-spring-boot-start-sqlorg.javers:javers-spring-boot-start-mongo。在本教程中,我们将使用Spring Boot的SQL启动器。


As we are going to use the H2 database, let’s also include this dependency:



3.2. JaVers Repository Setup

3.2.JaVers 仓库的设置</b

JaVers uses a repository abstraction for storing commits and serialized entities. All data is stored in the JSON format. Therefore, it might be a good fit to use a NoSQL storage. However, for the sake of simplicity, we’ll use an H2 in-memory instance.


By default, JaVers leverages an in-memory repository implementation, and if we’re using Spring Boot, there is no need for extra configuration. Furthermore, while using Spring Data starters, JaVers reuses the database configuration for the application.

默认情况下,JaVers利用内存中的存储库实现,如果我们使用Spring Boot,就不需要进行额外的配置。此外,在使用Spring Data启动器时,JaVers会重复使用应用程序的数据库配置

JaVers provides two starters for SQL and Mongo persistence stacks.  They are compatible with Spring Data and don’t require extra configuration by default. However, we can always override default configuration beans: and respectively.

JaVers为SQL和Mongo持久化堆栈提供了两个启动器。 它们与Spring Data兼容,默认情况下不需要额外的配置。然而,我们总是可以覆盖默认的配置Bean。JaversSqlAutoConfiguration.javaJaversMongoAutoConfiguration.java分别。

3.3. JaVers Properties

3.3 JaVers属性

JaVers allows configuring several options, though the Spring Boot defaults are sufficient in most use cases.

JaVers允许配置几个选项,尽管Spring Boot的默认值在大多数使用情况下已经足够。

Let’s override just one, newObjectSnapshot, so that we can get snapshots of newly created objects:



3.4. JaVers Domain Configuration


JaVers internally defines the following types: Entities, Value Objects, Values, Containers, and Primitives. Some of these terms come from DDD (Domain Driven Design) terminology.

JaVers内部定义了以下类型。实体、价值对象、价值、容器和基元。其中一些术语来自DDD(Domain Driven Design)术语。

The main purpose of having several types is to provide different diff algorithms depending on the type. Each type has a corresponding diff strategy. As a consequence, if application classes are configured incorrectly we’ll get unpredictable results.


To tell JaVers what type to use for a class, we have several options:


  • Explicitly – the first option is to explicitly use register* methods of the JaversBuilder class – the second way is to use annotations
  • Implicitly – JaVers provides algorithms for detecting types automatically based on class relations
  • Defaults – by default, JaVers will treat all classes as ValueObjects

In this tutorial, we’ll configure JaVers explicitly, using the annotation method.


The great thing is that JaVers is compatible with javax.persistence annotations. As a result, we won’t need to use JaVers-specific annotations on our entities.


4. Sample Project


Now we’re going to create a simple application that will include several domain entities that we’ll be auditing.


4.1. Domain Models


Our domain will include stores with products.


Let’s define the Store entity:


public class Store {

    private int id;
    private String name;

    private Address address;

      mappedBy = "store",
      cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
      orphanRemoval = true
    private List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();
    // constructors, getters, setters

Please note that we are using default JPA annotations. JaVers maps them in the following way:


  • @javax.persistence.Entity is mapped to @org.javers.core.metamodel.annotation.Entity
  • @javax.persistence.Embeddable is mapped to @org.javers.core.metamodel.annotation.ValueObject.

Embeddable classes are defined in the usual manner:


public class Address {
    private String address;
    private Integer zipCode;

4.2. Data Repositories


In order to audit JPA repositories, JaVers provides the @JaversSpringDataAuditable annotation.


Let’s define the StoreRepository with that annotation:


public interface StoreRepository extends CrudRepository<Store, Integer> {

Furthermore, we’ll have the ProductRepository, but not annotated:


public interface ProductRepository extends CrudRepository<Product, Integer> {

Now consider a case when we are not using Spring Data repositories. JaVers has another method level annotation for that purpose: @JaversAuditable.

现在考虑一下我们不使用Spring Data存储库的情况。JaVers有另一个方法级别的注解来实现这个目的。@JaversAuditable.

For example, we may define a method for persisting a product as follows:


public void saveProduct(Product product) {
    // save object

Alternatively, we can even add this annotation directly above a method in the repository interface:


public interface ProductRepository extends CrudRepository<Product, Integer> {
    <S extends Product> S save(S s);

4.3. Author Provider


Each committed change in JaVers should have its author. Moreover, JaVers supports Spring Security out of the box.

在JaVers中,每个提交的变更都应该有其作者。此外,JaVers支持Spring Security out of the box。

As a result, each commit is made by a specific authenticated user. However, for this tutorial we’ll create a really simple custom implementation of the AuthorProvider Interface:


private static class SimpleAuthorProvider implements AuthorProvider {
    public String provide() {
        return "Baeldung Author";

And as the last step, to make JaVers use our custom implementation, we need to override the default configuration bean:


public AuthorProvider provideJaversAuthor() {
    return new SimpleAuthorProvider();

5. JaVers Audit

5 JaVers审计

Finally, we are ready to audit our application. We’ll use a simple controller for dispatching changes into our application and retrieving the JaVers commit log. Alternatively, we can also access the H2 console to see the internal structure of our database:


H2 Console Google Chrome








To have some initial sample data, let’s use an EventListener to populate our database with some products:


public void appReady(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
    Store store = new Store("Baeldung store", new Address("Some street", 22222));
    for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
        Product product = new Product("Product #" + i, 100 * i);

5.1. Initial Commit


When an object is created, JaVers first makes a commit of the INITIAL type.

当一个对象被创建时,JaVers 首先做一个INITIAL类型的提交

Let’s check the snapshots after the application startup:


public String getStoresSnapshots() {
    QueryBuilder jqlQuery = QueryBuilder.byClass(Store.class);
    List<CdoSnapshot> snapshots = javers.findSnapshots(;
    return javers.getJsonConverter().toJson(snapshots);

In the code above, we’re querying JaVers for snapshots for the Store class. If we make a request to this endpoint we’ll get a result like the one below:


    "commitMetadata": {
      "author": "Baeldung Author",
      "properties": [],
      "commitDate": "2019-08-26T07:04:06.776",
      "commitDateInstant": "2019-08-26T04:04:06.776Z",
      "id": 1.00
    "globalId": {
      "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Store",
      "cdoId": 1
    "state": {
      "address": {
        "valueObject": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Address",
        "ownerId": {
          "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Store",
          "cdoId": 1
        "fragment": "address"
      "name": "Baeldung store",
      "id": 1,
      "products": [
          "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Product",
          "cdoId": 2
          "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Product",
          "cdoId": 3
    "changedProperties": [
    "type": "INITIAL",
    "version": 1

Note that the snapshot above includes all products added to the store despite the missing annotation for the ProductRepository interface.


By default, JaVers will audit all related models of an aggregate root if they are persisted along with the parent.

默认情况下,如果聚合根的所有相关模型与父模型一起被持久化,JaVers 将审核这些模型。

We can tell JaVers to ignore specific classes by using the DiffIgnore annotation.


For instance, we may annotate the products field with the annotation in the Store entity:


private List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();

Consequently, JaVers won’t track changes of products originated from the Store entity.


5.2. Update Commit


The next type of commit is the UPDATE commit. This is the most valuable commit type as it represents changes of an object’s state.


Let’s define a method that will update the store entity and all products in the store:


public void rebrandStore(int storeId, String updatedName) {
    Optional<Store> storeOpt = storeRepository.findById(storeId);
    storeOpt.ifPresent(store -> {
        store.getProducts().forEach(product -> {

If we run this method we’ll get the following line in the debug output (in case of the same products and stores count):


11:29:35.439 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO  org.javers.core.Javers - Commit(id:2.0, snapshots:3, author:Baeldung Author, changes - ValueChange:3), done in 48 millis (diff:43, persist:5)

Since JaVers has persisted changes successfully, let’s query the snapshots for products:


public String getProductSnapshots() {
    QueryBuilder jqlQuery = QueryBuilder.byClass(Product.class);
    List<CdoSnapshot> snapshots = javers.findSnapshots(;
    return javers.getJsonConverter().toJson(snapshots);

We’ll get previous INITIAL commits and new UPDATE commits:


    "commitMetadata": {
      "author": "Baeldung Author",
      "properties": [],
      "commitDate": "2019-08-26T12:55:20.197",
      "commitDateInstant": "2019-08-26T09:55:20.197Z",
      "id": 2.00
    "globalId": {
      "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Product",
      "cdoId": 3
    "state": {
      "price": 200.0,
      "name": "NewProduct #2",
      "id": 3,
      "store": {
        "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Store",
        "cdoId": 1

Here, we can see all the information about the change we made.


It is worth noting that JaVers doesn’t create new connections to the database. Instead, it reuses existing connections. JaVers data is committed or rolled back along with application data in the same transaction.


5.3. Changes


JaVers records changes as atomic differences between versions of an object. As we may see from the JaVers scheme, there is no separate table for storing changes, so JaVers calculates changes dynamically as the difference between snapshots.


Let’s update a product price:


public void updateProductPrice(Integer productId, Double price) {
    Optional<Product> productOpt = productRepository.findById(productId);
    productOpt.ifPresent(product -> {

Then, let’s query JaVers for changes:


public String getProductChanges(@PathVariable int productId) {
    Product product = storeService.findProductById(productId);
    QueryBuilder jqlQuery = QueryBuilder.byInstance(product);
    Changes changes = javers.findChanges(;
    return javers.getJsonConverter().toJson(changes);

The output contains the changed  property and its values before and after:


    "changeType": "ValueChange",
    "globalId": {
      "entity": "com.baeldung.springjavers.domain.Product",
      "cdoId": 2
    "commitMetadata": {
      "author": "Baeldung Author",
      "properties": [],
      "commitDate": "2019-08-26T16:22:33.339",
      "commitDateInstant": "2019-08-26T13:22:33.339Z",
      "id": 2.00
    "property": "price",
    "propertyChangeType": "PROPERTY_VALUE_CHANGED",
    "left": 100.0,
    "right": 3333.0

To detect a type of a change JaVers compares subsequent snapshots of an object’s updates. In the case above as we’ve changed the property of the entity we’ve got the PROPERTY_VALUE_CHANGED change type.


5.4. Shadows


Moreover, JaVers provides another view of audited entities called Shadow. A Shadow represents an object state restored from snapshots. This concept is closely related to Event Sourcing.

此外,JaVers提供了另一种被审计实体的视图,称为Shadow。一个影子代表了从快照中恢复的对象状态。这个概念与Event Sourcing密切相关。

There are four different scopes for Shadows:


  • Shallow — shadows are created from a snapshot selected within a JQL query
  • Child-value-object — shadows contain all child value objects owned by selected entities
  • Commit-deep — shadows are created from all snapshots related to selected entities
  • Deep+ — JaVers tries to restore full object graphs with (possibly) all objects loaded.

Let’s use the Child-value-object scope and get a shadow for a single store:


public String getStoreShadows(@PathVariable int storeId) {
    Store store = storeService.findStoreById(storeId);
    JqlQuery jqlQuery = QueryBuilder.byInstance(store)
    List<Shadow<Store>> shadows = javers.findShadows(jqlQuery);
    return javers.getJsonConverter().toJson(shadows.get(0));

As a result, we’ll get the store entity with the Address value object:


  "commitMetadata": {
    "author": "Baeldung Author",
    "properties": [],
    "commitDate": "2019-08-26T16:09:20.674",
    "commitDateInstant": "2019-08-26T13:09:20.674Z",
    "id": 1.00
  "it": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Baeldung store",
    "address": {
      "address": "Some street",
      "zipCode": 22222
    "products": []

To get products in the result we may apply the Commit-deep scope.


6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve seen how easily JaVers integrates with Spring Boot and Spring Data in particular. All in all, JaVers requires almost zero configuration to set up.

在本教程中,我们已经看到JaVers是如何轻松地与Spring Boot,特别是Spring Data集成的。总而言之,JaVers的设置几乎不需要任何配置。

To conclude, JaVers can have different applications, from debugging to complex analysis.


The full project for this article is available over on GitHub.
