Spring Null-Safety Annotations – Spring的Null-安全注解

最后修改: 2018年 11月 6日


1. Overview


Starting with Spring 5, we now have access to an interesting feature helping us write safer code. This feature is called null-safety, a group of annotations working like a safeguard that watches out for potential null references.

从Spring 5开始,我们现在可以使用一个有趣的功能来帮助我们编写更安全的代码。这个特性被称为null-safety,一组注解就像一个保障措施,它能注意到潜在的空引用。

Rather than letting us get away with unsafe code, the null-safety feature produces warnings at compile time. Such warnings may prevent catastrophic null pointer exceptions (NPEs) at runtime.


2. The @NonNull Annotation

2.@NonNull 注释

The @NonNull annotation is the most important among all the annotations of the null-safety feature. We can use this annotation t0 declare non-null constraint anywhere an object reference is expected: a field, a method parameter or a method’s return value.

@NonNull 注解是空安全特性的所有注释中最重要的。我们可以在任何预期有对象引用的地方使用该注解来声明非空约束:一个字段、一个方法参数或一个方法的返回值。

Suppose we have a class named Person:


public class Person {
    private String fullName;

    void setFullName(String fullName) {
        if (fullName != null && fullName.isEmpty()) {
            fullName = null;
        this.fullName = fullName;

    // getter

This class definition is valid, but has a defect – the fullName field may be set to null. If this happens, we could end up with an NPE when working with fullName.


The Spring null-safety feature enables tools to report such a danger. For instance, if we write code in IntelliJ IDEA and decorate the fullName field with the @NonNull annotation, we’ll see a warning:

Spring的null-safety特性使工具能够报告这种危险。例如,如果我们在IntelliJ IDEA中编写代码,并且用@NonNull注解来装饰fullName字段,我们会看到一个警告。

nonnul annotation

Thanks to this indication, we’re aware of the problem in advance and able to take appropriate action to avoid a runtime failure.


3. The @NonNullFields Annotation

3.@NonNullFields 注释

The @NonNull annotation is helpful in guaranteeing null-safety. However, we would pollute the whole code base if adorning all non-null fields with this annotation.

@NonNull 注解有助于保证空值的安全性。然而,如果用这个注解来装饰所有非空字段,我们会污染整个代码库。

We can avoid the abuse of @NonNull with another annotation – @NonNullFields. This annotation is applicable at the package level, notifying our development tools that all fields in the annotated package are, by default, non-null.


For the @NonNullFields annotation to kick in, we need to create a file named package-info.java in the root directory of the package and annotate the package with @NonNullFields:


package org.baeldung.nullibility;

Let’s declare another property in the Person class, called nickName:


package org.baeldung.nullibility;

// import statements

public class Person {
    private String nickName;

    void setNickName(@Nullable String nickName) {
        if (nickName != null && nickName.isEmpty()) {
            nickName = null;
        this.nickName = nickName;

    // other declarations

This time, we don’t embellish the nickName field with @NonNull but still see a similar caveat:


nonnullfields annotation 3

The @NonNullFields annotation makes our code less verbose while ensuring the same level of safety that @NonNull provides.


4. The @Nullable Annotation

4.@Nullable 注释

The @NonNullFields annotation is generally preferable to @NonNull as it helps reduce boilerplate. At times we want to exempt some fields from the non-null constraint specified at the package level.


Let’s go back to the nickName field in and decorate it with the @Nullable annotation:


private String nickName;

The warning we saw before is gone now:


nullable annotation

In this situation, we used the @Nullable annotation to override the semantics of @NonNullFields on a field.


5. The @NonNullApi Annotation

5.@NonNullApi 注释

The @NonNullFields annotation only applies to, as its name suggests, fields. If we want to have the same impact on the methods’ parameters and return values, we’ll need @NonNullApi.

@NonNullFields 注解只适用于,如其名称所示,字段。如果我们想对方法的参数和返回值产生同样的影响,我们将需要@NonNullApi

As with @NonNullFields, we must specify the @NonNullApi annotation in the package-info.java file:


package org.baeldung.nullibility;

Let’s define a getter for the nickName field:


package org.baeldung.nullibility;

// import statements

public class Person {
    private String nickName;

    String getNickName() {
        return nickName;

    // other declarations

With the @NonNullApi annotation in effect, a warning is issued about a possible null value produced by the getNickName method:


nonnullapi annotation

Notice that just like the @NonNullFields annotation, we can override the @NonNullApi at the method level with the @Nullable annotation.


6. Conclusion


Spring null-safety is a great feature that helps diminish the possibility of NPEs. However, there are two important points we need to beware of while using this feature:


  • It’s only usable in a supporting development tool, such as IntelliJ IDEA
  • It doesn’t enforce null checks at runtime – we still need to write code ourselves to avert NPEs

The source code for this tutorial can be found over on GitHub.
